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Blue & Gold Insights - Adams, Ruff, Duff

Taro T

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4 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

@Taro T

From your comments I get the feeling that Adams is relying on Ruff to clue him in on how to fix the roster.  Was that your impression as well? 

Not exactly.  Got the impression that Adams is going to continue to make adjustments to the roster and Ruff is going to significantly change how who is on the roster will be playing.  While Ruff will have input into what Adams is trying to do (as does Karmanos, Ventura, Forton, etc.), it's Adams job to adjust who the personnel are and it's Lindy's job to adjust what those players are actually doing.  Ruff actually specifically talked about the differences in how he'll be looking to improve the team game to game and it's Adams role to be looking for improvement on a more macro level (my term, not his, don't recall his exact words).

Lindy also specifically said that he sees a Hughes, a Bratt, and a Hischier on this squad already.  So, personally don't believe that Ruff sees the roster needing major overhaul.  

It will be interesting to see if they make a move to change the D makeup as Adams was really happy with the D after the deadline.  If they do make a move there, would expect that Ruff was a major driver of the move.  

But overall, they seemed to be pretty much on the same page and they both were expecting a lot of improvement to come from being tougher to play against.  Ruff specifically talked of actually having a system in their own D-zone, NOT trying to exclusively score on the rush (because they have way too much firepower), and trying to get tip ins / net front goals that they haven't gotten too often.  He's also going to significantly revamp the PP and he'll keep the unit together without much (or any) variance in the personnel but that they'll be moving a lot and moving the puck a lot.  Watch some of the Amerks PPs (particularly when Quinn and Peterka were there) to get an idea of what that'll be looking like.  Seems that for the PP, it'll be Ruff's concepts with Appert's tactics as they'll both be working on it with Appert "taking the lead."

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I’ve seen 2 Peyton Krebs posts on social media in the past month.

The first was him lacing up his skates in the Sabres dressing room, with an emoji indicating “it’s time”

The second was him on the ice, in June, getting after it.

This isn’t really about Krebs. It’s about Lindy saying how he’s talked to every single player, and how it’s his job to set a new standard. And it’s about Lindy in events like yesterday’s reminding me about his charisma, his smarts, his passion and his focus.

I don’t know how much coaching was at fault for last year’s results, but if things aren’t better next season, I dont think I’ll be blaming the coach.

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26 minutes ago, dudacek said:

I’ve seen 2 Peyton Krebs posts on social media in the past month.

The first was him lacing up his skates in the Sabres dressing room, with an emoji indicating “it’s time”

The second was him on the ice, in June, getting after it.

This isn’t really about Krebs. It’s about Lindy saying how he’s talked to every single player, and how it’s his job to set a new standard. And it’s about Lindy in events like yesterday’s reminding me about his charisma, his smarts, his passion and his focus.

I don’t know how much coaching was at fault for last year’s results, but if things aren’t better next season, I dont think I’ll be blaming the coach.

Assuming he is on this roster and not traded out, it's going to be intriguing to see what roster role he earns. Right now, I would project him more as a fourth C than a 3C. I have liked the energy he plays with but have been disappointed with the output. TBD.

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