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Donald J Trump, your thoughts on his Presidency


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1 hour ago, Weave said:

No idea where to put this.  I suppose I could have started a thread about the insanity of the MAGA cult.

Yesterday I had an interesting and disturbing MAGA experience at a very small, local brewery in my small, mostly rural community. Went there for lunch a little before game time.  4 people at the bar, I am guessing mid to late 60s in age.  2 men, 2 women.  They were wearing Bills stuff so assume they were there to watch the game.  They were the only other people in the place.  We sat down 2 empty barstools away from them, I was closest to the men.

1st commercial break had a Harris campaign ad.  During the commercial the Guy closest to me yells "someone should shoot her".  Then yells even louder " Someone needs to just shoot her".  He sounded like he was having a tantrum.  Like it was emotionally painful to even see her on television.

my blood went from chill to irrationally angry in a heartbeat.  I immediately stood, faced him and hoped to make eye contact. I am not even sure what I would have said, but in that moment I was looking for an excuse to have a confrontation. I haven't got that angry in a very long time.

My wife asked " what did he just say?" And loud enough for him to hear me I said "the ***** wants someone to shoot Harris".

He never looked our way the rest of the time we were there.  

Violence is coming.  ***** jackholes are going to make sure of it.  This will be the price we pay for the game Trump is playing.  The orange sociopath doesn’t care that more people are going to get hurt, or worse.


Yeah. This is what concerns me most. It's a group who primarily have a strong love of their guns, listening to rhetoric on Making America Great Again while not realizing that the constitution that was what "Made America Great" is completely neutered by the principles being advocated for by those leading MAGA.

Essentially drones who want to resort to violence under the auspices of their "forefathers" while unwittingly supporting a movement that will strip them of their freedoms.  But, the less educated masses have always been the fodder of those who seek power and authority.

I do fear that if Harris wins that someone(s) will take egregious action leading us down a road that justifies the next level of erosion of our personal freedoms and places the every day citizen at risk.

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4 hours ago, Weave said:

No idea where to put this.  I suppose I could have started a thread about the insanity of the MAGA cult.

Yesterday I had an interesting and disturbing MAGA experience at a very small, local brewery in my small, mostly rural community. Went there for lunch a little before game time.  4 people at the bar, I am guessing mid to late 60s in age.  2 men, 2 women.  They were wearing Bills stuff so assume they were there to watch the game.  They were the only other people in the place.  We sat down 2 empty barstools away from them, I was closest to the men.

1st commercial break had a Harris campaign ad.  During the commercial the Guy closest to me yells "someone should shoot her".  Then yells even louder " Someone needs to just shoot her".  He sounded like he was having a tantrum.  Like it was emotionally painful to even see her on television.

my blood went from chill to irrationally angry in a heartbeat.  I immediately stood, faced him and hoped to make eye contact. I am not even sure what I would have said, but in that moment I was looking for an excuse to have a confrontation. I haven't got that angry in a very long time.

My wife asked " what did he just say?" And loud enough for him to hear me I said "the ***** wants someone to shoot Harris".

He never looked our way the rest of the time we were there.  

Violence is coming.  ***** jackholes are going to make sure of it.  This will be the price we pay for the game Trump is playing.  The orange sociopath doesn’t care that more people are going to get hurt, or worse.

I know a guy just like that. Convinced that the world is out to get them unless they vote for the Orange Messiah. Trump is a man so amoral that he once put out a newspaper story trying to get 5 black kids executed for a crime they didn't commit and who isn't allowed to run a charity in NY because his family stole from children with cancer. A dude that has multiple kids with at least 3 different wives, all of which he has cheated on. Worst part is I haven't said anything untrue or conjecture, those are straight up facts. And yet, he's primed these downtrodden and left out ppl to believe if he doesn't win this election it was "stolen" from them. He's made them believe they are a "silent majority" when anyone with half a brain could tell you the Republican party has been bleeding voters for at least 30 years now. I don't look forward to November, I see no one through that doesn't have at least one flash point and that is sad. 

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8 hours ago, LTS said:

Yeah.. crazy.  Then it doesn't help when Elon Musk weighs in.. resulting in what presumably was a Secret Service response to his tweet.  Had to use a screen shot since it was obviously deleted.


I think everyone should take lots of screen shots in the coming months.

The last election, I remember thinking that there was a lot of really weird ***** going on and websites that I can no longer find. I truly believe that we were under attack last election, by who, I can't say. 

But I plan on taking screenshots of anything that just feels off. I really think everyone should.

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On 9/9/2024 at 9:29 AM, Weave said:

No idea where to put this.  I suppose I could have started a thread about the insanity of the MAGA cult.

Yesterday I had an interesting and disturbing MAGA experience at a very small, local brewery in my small, mostly rural community. Went there for lunch a little before game time.  4 people at the bar, I am guessing mid to late 60s in age.  2 men, 2 women.  They were wearing Bills stuff so assume they were there to watch the game.  They were the only other people in the place.  We sat down 2 empty barstools away from them, I was closest to the men.

1st commercial break had a Harris campaign ad.  During the commercial the Guy closest to me yells "someone should shoot her".  Then yells even louder " Someone needs to just shoot her".  He sounded like he was having a tantrum.  Like it was emotionally painful to even see her on television.

my blood went from chill to irrationally angry in a heartbeat.  I immediately stood, faced him and hoped to make eye contact. I am not even sure what I would have said, but in that moment I was looking for an excuse to have a confrontation. I haven't got that angry in a very long time.

My wife asked " what did he just say?" And loud enough for him to hear me I said "the ***** wants someone to shoot Harris".

He never looked our way the rest of the time we were there.  

Violence is coming.  ***** jackholes are going to make sure of it.  This will be the price we pay for the game Trump is playing.  The orange sociopath doesn’t care that more people are going to get hurt, or worse.

A week ago, when you wrote this, I didn't believe this.

Today, I believe it.

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12 minutes ago, SwampD said:

A week ago, when you wrote this, I didn't believe this.

Today, I believe it.

The irony that there has been two attempts on Trump’s life while we worry about right wing violence is not lost on me.

My concern remains that the post election violence will be more general in nature, and it has not subsided.  

Yet another sign that we are returning to a time of robber barons.

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Holy *****!  And now this.


An Ohio sheriff instructed residents to keep a list of homes displaying campaign signs in support of the Democratic presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, and her running mate, Tim Walz, in remarks on social media that caused alarm.

Bruce D Zuchowski, the Republican sheriff of Portage county, posted the remarks on Friday to his personal and professional Facebook pages, warning that undocumented immigrants would arrive if Harris were elected over his party’s nominee, Donald Trump.

“When people ask me … What’s gonna happen if the Flip – Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins??” Zuchowski wrote, referring to Harris. “I say … write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards!”

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I can't be surprised by this. Given the level of angst people get to over trivial disagreements on message boards it only stands to reason that the level of response ramps up dramatically when you brainwash people into thinking their very way of life will be threatened given certain outcomes.

It's scary what a decline in teaching critical thinking (or perhaps its the decline in ability to critically think) being coupled with the limitless supply of information (both factual and not) from the Internet has done.

I can only hope that we figure it out before its too late. But it certainly feels like the escalation is continuing and I don't just mean with our Presidential election either.

It seems easier than ever to incite the mobs, unfortunately today they are armed with instruments more dangerous and destructive than pitchforks.

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