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Afternoon napping.


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See, the thing people seem to be missing with naps is that you gotta prep to make the nap work right. The best formula for a nap is:

-Find a place to nap that isn't completely horizontal. Don't recline all the way. You'll get stuck and end up napping too long, which will make you feel worse. I recommend napping on a couch, recliner, or if you must use your bed make sure to nap with one of those lounge pillows with the little arms on it. 

-Nap with your clothes on. Don't take your jeans off. If you get too comfortable you're just pushing your luck with getting trapped.

-Drink a little caffeine first. Not too much, just a little. It takes about 10 minutes for caffeine to start kicking in and you're at full caffeination at 45 minutes. Given that the best length for a nap is less than 30 minutes, the caffeine should prevent you from napping too long, and you'll spring from your nap ready to drink the rest of your coffee/tea and tacking the rest of the day. 

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See, the thing people seem to be missing with naps is that you gotta prep to make the nap work right. The best formula for a nap is:


-Find a place to nap that isn't completely horizontal. Don't recline all the way. You'll get stuck and end up napping too long, which will make you feel worse. I recommend napping on a couch, recliner, or if you must use your bed make sure to nap with one of those lounge pillows with the little arms on it. 


-Nap with your clothes on. Don't take your jeans off. If you get too comfortable you're just pushing your luck with getting trapped.


-Drink a little caffeine first. Not too much, just a little. It takes about 10 minutes for caffeine to start kicking in and you're at full caffeination at 45 minutes. Given that the best length for a nap is less than 30 minutes, the caffeine should prevent you from napping too long, and you'll spring from your nap ready to drink the rest of your coffee/tea and tacking the rest of the day. 


Good guidance here. 30 minutes is a good limit.


The best length for a nap is 2.5 hours.


And this is something other than napping. Unless you're a toddler.


And adding to Woody's comment above ... same for sex ...  :flirt:


The fook you think you are - Sting?

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Who the ###### has that much time on their hands? No one with kids that's for sure.

Kids go to school. Wives go to work. I nap when no one is home. I don't miss any of their lives.


And if you have little kids, you can send them to bed any time you want on some trumped up charges :p

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Today was my first foray into morning napping.  Couldn't sleep last night, and my girlfriend woke up late and needed a ride to work (she likes to walk so that's what she normally does).   Commence nap at 10am.  Complete nap at noon.  Amazing.

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Today was my first foray into morning napping. Couldn't sleep last night, and my girlfriend woke up late and needed a ride to work (she likes to walk so that's what she normally does). Commence nap at 10am. Complete nap at noon. Amazing.

Now you understand.

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