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Jack Eichel Contract Extension: Talks Occuring


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The eight year contract would be guaranteed money and if that is the way Jack and Botts go, it should be around 9 million.  Maybe a little high for the next couple of years but will be a bargain for the last years on the contract.


If Jack wants more money, than Botts should push for a bridge deal that would pay 7.5 for the next three years and tell him he can get his 10+ on his next contract.

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The eight year contract would be guaranteed money and if that is the way Jack and Botts go, it should be around 9 million.  Maybe a little high for the next couple of years but will be a bargain for the last years on the contract.


If Jack wants more money, than Botts should push for a bridge deal that would pay 7.5 for the next three years and tell him he can get his 10+ on his next contract.

Eichel is getting $10M, minimum

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He'll get 9.7 million, Jbots way of always reminding him McDavid is better than him and he should work harder to make that statement not true.

Johansen got $8M per, McDavid, $12.5M. 


12.5 - 9.7 = $2.8M


9.7 - 8 = $1.7M


Eichel is closer to McDavid than he is Johansen. He deserves $10M+

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Johansen got $8M per, McDavid, $12.5M. 


12.5 - 9.7 = $2.8M


9.7 - 8 = $1.7M


Eichel is closer to McDavid than he is Johansen. He deserves $10M+


I think you missed why mustache chose that precise figure.

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Wow.  People are dying to overpay Eichel.  I don't blame any of you though, because you lived through DR and TM, and you've only seen JBot deal for a few months, so your not used to seeing what a good contract looks like. :P  But in all seriousness, I'm really glad JBot is negotiating this deal, because it is already obvious this guy knows how to get contracts done without overpaying.  Here is my unsolicited opinion on the matter:


Let's start here.  Eichel has done nothing in this league so far except energize a fan base.  He was arguably the best player on a poorly run team with no fire power and a weak defense.  He takes shifts off, makes the "I-can't-believe-my-mommy-took-my-phone-away" face when he gets upset, and did not lead his team to the playoffs. Go on and tell me all about how he was top 11 in points per game, can skate like the wind, etc etc etc, and I will keep pointing to his -29 and the 88-73-23 record he and his team accumulated in his first two years in the NHL.  Connor McDavid he is not.


Long-term contracts are risky for the team, not the player.  Typically when you go long, dollars go down.   At this point in his career it is less risky for the Sabres to take this chance on Jack because his upside is so high.  Either way, going long should not cost the Sabres anymore $, if anything it gives the team leverage in the negotiations.


Does Eichel really want to be in Buffalo?  This contract will tell us what we need to know.  

  • A contract at $9.5MM+ is overpaying and will limit JBots ability to put together a good team both short and long term.  Jack and his agent know this and don't care. Welcome to playoff bubble hockey for another 3+ years.
  • A contract at $8-8.5MM shows us that Jack wants to be on winning team and is willing to take a lower salary to give his GM a better chance to make it happen (remember, this guy is going to making over 50% of his income on endorsements and other BS - he doesn't need a big $ contract)
  • A contract at $8.5-9.5 shows us that this was an intense negotiation, and both parties fought to get every inch they could. I consider this fair market value and an acceptable term.

I'm excited to see what the actual deal looks like when it's done.  

Edited by SHAAAUGHT!!!
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Let's start here.  Eichel has done nothing in this league so far except energize a fan base.  He was arguably the best player on a poorly run team with no fire power and a weak defense.  He takes shifts off, makes the "I-can't-believe-my-mommy-took-my-phone-away" face when he gets upset, and did not lead his team to the playoffs. Go on and tell me all about how he was top 11 in points per game, can skate like the wind, etc etc etc, and I will keep pointing to his -29 and the 88-73-23 record he and his team accumulated in his first two years in the NHL.  Connor McDavid he is not.

So let's throw all logic out the window. Got it

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Yeah, good takeaway

Your entire post for not paying him what he deserves is based on a crap supporting cast, a bad head coach, and your notions of him having a 'pouting face'.


If you want, we can again go and dig up all of the charts and stats that show how impactful he is.  


What's better? Paying for future performance like Eichel, or paying for past performance and winding up with a Toews or Brown contract?

Edited by WildCard
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Using +/- and team record while he's been on it in a sport where the most dominant athlete of all time (a statement that umbrellas for Gretzky over all other sports as well) in an era where there was no parity relative today only won the championship 4 times in the 20 years he played, to determine the worth of a player


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