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The even randomer thread


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Yet again, just me is being held to account.


No.  I said "several posters" created an unpleasant situation.  You were the only one who responded, both to the OP (which I agree we could've lived without) and to my observation about the whole exchange.

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Serious question, and not being contrite, is politics not allowed on this board? If it's not allowed I'm honestly unaware of that. I've seen others talk about a "politics thread" which was apparently deleted (before I joined I think).


I've seen both politics and religion discussed here in places I wouldn't even expect them. Most on here seem to be left, which is fine im also from blue upstate ny and am use to it. But if politics is a no no this is news to me.


I don't care if people disagree with me, but when told to f off, and other vulgar things yeah I'm going to take issue with that and address it. Just as I would if in person.

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This is the crap that makes people leave... not you SSF

Thanks I appreciate that. Just want to say again to everyone including 79 and wild that I'm sorry. I'm very opinionated but now that I know politics is taboo it won't happen again on my part.

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SSF, you're fine. Apologies for the venom, which in all honesty is meant for the mod team. Since there seems to be a one-way-mirror moderation policy in place, I'll promise to keep it to myself if everyone else will.


This will keep precious sensibilities intact and allow the rest of us to function on this board. For as long as we can.

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SSF, you're fine. Apologies for the venom, which in all honesty is meant for the mod team. Since there seems to be a one-way-mirror moderation policy in place, I'll promise to keep it to myself if everyone else will.


This will keep precious sensibilities intact and allow the rest of us to function on this board. For as long as we can.

Apology accepted no worries.

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This is the crap that makes people leave... not you SSF


If only there was a way to contain it all to an easily ignored place.

Never heard of the dude. Why all the kerfluffle?


He ran FOX News until he was recently ousted when the sheer volume of sexual harassment stories was made public.

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If only there was a way to contain it all to an easily ignored place.


It didn't work. The venom in there carried over to other threads like it just did here. But that's not even what I'm talking about, it's the constant petty bickering. There was no reason for the turn this thread took.

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A day in the life....


My son texts me today.

Son: Got bit by a tick. Pulled it out. Am I gonna get sick now?

Me: Shouldnt have pulled it out. How big and how long was it on?

Son: Maybe ladybug size and maybe 10 min.

Me: prolly not a deer tick then. Good. Clean the bite and check all your nooks and crannies for more. Hair too.


I text the wife.

Me: The boy is infested with ticks.

Her: oh boy. How bad? Is he going to be ok?

Me: He's a goner. And we're out of time to make another one.

Her: A$$hole.

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A day in the life....


My son texts me today.

Son: Got bit by a tick. Pulled it out. Am I gonna get sick now?

Me: Shouldnt have pulled it out. How big and how long was it on?

Son: Maybe ladybug size and maybe 10 min.

Me: prolly not a deer tick then. Good. Clean the bite and check all your nooks and crannies for more. Hair too.


I text the wife.

Me: The boy is infested with ticks.

Her: oh boy. How bad? Is he going to be ok?

Me: He's a goner. And we're out of time to make another one.

Her: A$$hole.

That sounds like how I'd have handled it.

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A day in the life....


My son texts me today.

Son: Got bit by a tick. Pulled it out. Am I gonna get sick now?

Me: Shouldnt have pulled it out. How big and how long was it on?

Son: Maybe ladybug size and maybe 10 min.

Me: prolly not a deer tick then. Good. Clean the bite and check all your nooks and crannies for more. Hair too.


I text the wife.

Me: The boy is infested with ticks.

Her: oh boy. How bad? Is he going to be ok?

Me: He's a goner. And we're out of time to make another one.

Her: A$$hole.

:lol: :w00t:

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A day in the life....


My son texts me today.

Son: Got bit by a tick. Pulled it out. Am I gonna get sick now?

Me: Shouldnt have pulled it out. How big and how long was it on?

Son: Maybe ladybug size and maybe 10 min.

Me: prolly not a deer tick then. Good. Clean the bite and check all your nooks and crannies for more. Hair too.


I text the wife.

Me: The boy is infested with ticks.

Her: oh boy. How bad? Is he going to be ok?

Me: He's a goner. And we're out of time to make another one.

Her: A$$hole.

:lol:  :lol:


You're not supposed to pull out a tick though?

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:lol:  :lol:


You're not supposed to pull out a tick though?

We were always told their head can detach and get into your bloodstream. You're supposed to get them to crawl out on their own. Heat from a match near them is supposed to get them to move. That's probably not how they teach people to do it anymore, though.

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We were always told their head can detach and get into your bloodstream. You're supposed to get them to crawl out on their own. Heat from a match near them is supposed to get them to move. That's probably not how they teach people to do it anymore, though.

Well, that's terrifying. Same story for pets? I just pull them out, but now that I think about it I think you're supposed to pour something on it to get it to retract

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Well, that's terrifying. Same story for pets? I just pull them out, but now that I think about it I think you're supposed to pour something on it to get it to retract


A quick googling says its ok to pull them out, but to use tweezers and make sure you grip the head not the body. 


Somehow, despite spending much of my youth rambling through forests all over the place I have never gotten a tick, so I've never had to deal with this problem.

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