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The even randomer thread


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Long time ago, when I lived in Washington, my then girlfriend and I would pick a tourist family and follow them for HOURS.  They went into a coffee shop?  We went into the coffee shop.  They went to a bar?  We went to the bar.  Etc.  We would kill entire Sundays doing this.  It was so much fun.


Christopher Nolan is the writer/director/producer for Dunkirk, Interstellar, 3 Batman/Dark Knight movies, Inception, The Prestige, and Memento.  His very first full length effort is a movie called Following, which is about a guy doing exactly what you have described.  The character in that movie did NOT have fun.  Highly recommended.

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Is the mensroom attendant the most annoying job on Earth? I know I love it when people listen to me drop a deuce. Or stare at my back when I'm taking a wiz. No I don't need your piss room cologne. And I'm quite capable of washing and drying my own hands. Tip you? For making me feel uncomfortable as hell? Can I give you cash to leave before I get started?

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I don't understand why people go to Disney when they don't have kids.

I don't understand why people bring kids not old enough to remember 5 minutes to Disney, seriously womb to Magic Kingdom



I go to drink, go on rides, enjoy the sun, not have to deal with my own kids, and then bitch about it during/after.


Yearly tradition

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Did Disney kidless with my wife and another couple in my mid-20s, with my kids when they were six and nine and again when they were 11 and 14. Enjoyed all three, but the trip with young kids was definitely a notch below the other two, even though we thought we waited until they were old enough.


I don't understand why people bring kids not old enough to remember 5 minutes to Disney, seriously womb to Magic Kingdom

I go to drink, go on rides, enjoy the sun, not have to deal with my own kids, and then bitch about it during/after.

Yearly tradition

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I don't understand why people go to Disney when they don't have kids.

I've reached the point where I understand going without kids almost better. Nothing says family fun like long hot humid days with quickly tiring sweaty children full of nauseating overpriced sweets surrounded by a sea of similarly enthused meat creatures testing the limits of even the strongest deoderant's claims standing in long lines only to be whirled into hurl land for a few moments. 


My main freelance client pal in Miami has offered to pay our tickets for a day or two at Disney (and i know how effing expensive that is! good lord). He has a baby and a little girl- said he'd wait till the baby is 6 months. I'd go. Best of both worlds- wander off with my man and enjoy some overpriced alcohol and people watching, join up with my friend and his family, see the magic at work at a kid's level (they go all the time- I think he's a bigger fan than his kid haha). 


What I absolutely don't get is spending your honeymoon there- no shade to those of you who did or plan to- I know the package deals are a good value- I just don't want to be around a bunch of people on my honeymoon. I'm there to explore, fu*k, drink and eat nice stuff, and relax, not watch my language and get heatstroke/swamp ass. I know people (who live up here) who go every 3-6 months. It's crazy. 

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We went to Disney a few times.  We don't have kids and it was awesome except for all the little brats running around.


Disney would be the best if they just banned kids.  Yup, no one under 25 and only mature / adult like over 25 year olds.

Posts like this is why we need a like button

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