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Sabres Fan in NS

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What's to stop it? PUBLIC OPINION. NPR literally just posted this story on twitter https://www.npr.org/2017/11/15/564393698/legal-landscape-shifts-as-more-sexual-harassment-allegations-surface-online?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=2043


And people did know. Gawker did a story on Louis CK back in 2012. People all over the industry knew about it and it was reported but it didn't reach big news status because most. people didn't care and Louis CK's fans dismissed it entirely.


I don't know how to make it any more clear.

I'm not yelling at you, I'd appreciate it if you did the same. I'm responding to your points, you're telling me yours over and over again.


As I've said in my previous posts, I understand that public opinion has forced these guys out of a job, but they still gained wealth and power, and retained it after they were outed. Again, as I've said in every post previous to this, when the rewards are so much greater than the punishment, how does this system change? What is there to prevent this from happening again? This isn't the first time a scandal has been met with massive negative publicity. How does public opinion make anyone in power in Hollywood stop hiring and perpetuating the career of people like this? Did anyone at all who covered this up receive any consequence? 

Edited by WildCard
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So many abusers are being outed because survivors of abuse (who are mostly women) finally feel safe to call out their abusers, whereas in the past the only thing speaking up got you was blacklisted. Control over the industry is finally slipping out of old white dudes, fingers. That is what's going to stop it.


I'm not yelling, I've just said the same thing over and over and it doesn't feel like it's sinking in.

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Massive negative scandals have been a part of Hollywood since its inception in the 1910s. Murders, rapes, drugs galore. Charlie Chaplin marrying 16 year olds as an old man (and potentially being the reason for dead director William Ince), Laurel of Laurel and Hardy being an alcoholic wife beater, the Fatty Arbuckle scandal, everything ever done to Judy Garland, to name a few, and onward. It's a messed up system with 100+ years of slime grinding along. I'm very glad to see the "open secrets" truly opening up. It'll never be squeaky clean, but this is a step in the right direction. 


Bring 'em down. Bring 'em all down. I won't see movies with trash like Gibson in them. I won't see movies directed by alleged pedophile Bryan Singer (soo that rules out all Xmen films).


You can ignore a stream of pointed fingers. You can't ignore a goddamn waterfall. As awful as the last year has been politically/etc, it has certainly awakened the opposition. Let's get some wayyy overdue sh!t done. 

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So many abusers are being outed because survivors of abuse (who are mostly women) finally feel safe to call out their abusers, whereas in the past the only thing speaking up got you was blacklisted. Control over the industry is finally slipping out of old white dudes, fingers. That is what's going to stop it.


I'm not yelling, I've just said the same thing over and over and it doesn't feel like it's sinking in.

How is it slipping out of their fingers though? Nobody but those 3 men suffered any consequences from this, and everyone else (besides the victims and their close ones) profited off those 3 men immensely. We know nothing about anyone who was complicit in these acts, and so there is no public outrage towards those who allowed this to continue, and will allow this to continue going forward. 

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How is it slipping out of their fingers though? Nobody but those 3 men suffered any consequences from this, and everyone else (besides the victims and their close ones) profited off those 3 men immensely. We know nothing about anyone who was complicit in these acts, and so there is no public outrage towards those who allowed this to continue, and will allow this to continue going forward.

The list is massive and growing. I've been usuing those three names as a placeholder. Read up on this, it's staggering.
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Massive negative scandals have been a part of Hollywood since its inception in the 1910s. Murders, rapes, drugs galore. Charlie Chaplin marrying 16 year olds as an old man (and potentially being the reason for dead director William Ince), Laurel of Laurel and Hardy being an alcoholic wife beater, the Fatty Arbuckle scandal, everything ever done to Judy Garland, to name a few, and onward. It's a messed up system with 100+ years of slime grinding along. I'm very glad to see the "open secrets" truly opening up. It'll never be squeaky clean, but this is a step in the right direction.


Bring 'em down. Bring 'em all down. I won't see movies with trash like Gibson in them. I won't see movies directed by alleged pedophile Bryan Singer (soo that rules out all Xmen films).


You can ignore a stream of pointed fingers. You can't ignore a goddamn waterfall. As awful as the last year has been politically/etc, it has certainly awakened the opposition. Let's get some wayyy overdue sh!t done.

The podcast "You Must Remember This" by Karina Longworth is almost entirely about this. She calls it "The hidden or forgotten history of Hollywood's 20th century." It's amazing. And horribly, horribly depressing.

The list is growing, but is it growing with names of those who did the acts, or those who allowed it to happen?

Okay I'm going back to done with this conversation.
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What's to stop it? PUBLIC OPINION. NPR literally just posted this story on twitter https://www.npr.org/2017/11/15/564393698/legal-landscape-shifts-as-more-sexual-harassment-allegations-surface-online?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=2043


And people did know. Gawker did a story on Louis CK back in 2012. People all over the industry knew about it and it was reported but it didn't reach big news status because most. people didn't care and Louis CK's fans dismissed it entirely.


I don't know how to make it any more clear.


Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean we don't understand your point. It's a big stink right now, for sure, but a few months from now it won't be. When is the last time you heard anyone on the news talk about the shooting in Vegas? Not in a good while. How about the one in the movie theater during the Batman movie? Sandy Hook? A really long time except for when somebody starts listing examples in an interview or something. And why is that? Because if they really want to talk about guns they'll reference the former Air Force guy with the DV rapsheet who shot up the church instead. Once some nut shoots up a six flags you won't hear anything else about the church guy.


Americans love a good comeback story. Whether it's drug addicts like Charlie Sheen, Tim Allen, and Robert Downey Jr. to sexual predators like Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Mike Tyson, or the Catholic church. People will forgive their transgressions after they admit guilt, pay a light penance (like sex rehab instead of jail), and ask for forgiveness, then the world will resume as normal. The only solace is that the offenders will be on a much shorter leash going forward and if they pull any crap in the future the next victims will probably (it's sad I even need to insert probably here but it's America and I won't take it for granted) be believed right away and the transgressions won't just get swept under the rug.

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Okay I'm going back to done with this conversation.

Good talk. I tried to engage in a conversation


Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean we don't understand your point. It's a big stink right now, for sure, but a few months from now it won't be. When is the last time you heard anyone on the news talk about the shooting in Vegas? Not in a good while. How about the one in the movie theater during the Batman movie? Sandy Hook? A really long time except for when somebody starts listing examples in an interview or something. And why is that? Because if they really want to talk about guns they'll reference the former Air Force guy with the DV rapsheet who shot up the church instead. Once some nut shoots up a six flags you won't hear anything else about the church guy.

Agreed for the most part. You lost me on the bold though, explain?

Edited by WildCard
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What's amazing to me is how many weirdos and horrible people there are out there. ###### people. 



This is not amazing to me at all.


I think the majority, if not overwhelming majority, of people have the capacity to be horrible people if they are put in positions that give them full insulation from repercussions.

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Good talk. I tried to engage in a conversation


Agreed for the most part. You lost me on the bold though, explain?

The guy who shot up the church had been court martialed while he was in the Air Force for domestic violence because he beat his wife and cracked his kids skull or something along those lines. Apparently he also escaped from a nut house as well.


Seems like the perfect person to ban from buying a weapon, but someone screwed the pooch and forgot to put him in the database. Our leadership has more important stuff to worry about though, like which football players take a knee during the anthem.

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You guys are what, 30 something? so does that mean I'm going to lose all faith in humanity in the next short little bit here?

When I was your age I was already working full time in the adult entertainment industry(no, not the sex industry). I had no shot. You will more than likely be surrounded by people who are at least pretending to be a higher quality of human being.


Don't get me wrong. There are people everywhere and in all walks of life(good people also). I'm just saying, when you put people in an adult playground sort of situation where they think they can/should behave like the movies, then they show who they are really capable of being.


So, I'll stick with it. It never surprises me when someone sucks.

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When I was your age I was already working full time in the adult entertainment industry(no, not the sex industry). I had no shot. You will more than likely be surrounded by people who are at least pretending to be a higher quality of human being.


Don't get me wrong. There are ###### people everywhere and in all walks of life(good people also). I'm just saying, when you put people in an adult playground sort of situation where they think they can/should behave like the movies, then they show who they are really capable of being.


So, I'll stick with it. It never surprises me when someone sucks.

An easy canary in the coal mine is if they like to quote Big Bang Theory. Dead giveaway. 

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When I was your age I was already working full time in the adult entertainment industry(no, not the sex industry). I had no shot. You will more than likely be surrounded by people who are at least pretending to be a higher quality of human being.


Don't get me wrong. There are ###### people everywhere and in all walks of life(good people also). I'm just saying, when you put people in an adult playground sort of situation where they think they can/should behave like the movies, then they show who they are really capable of being.


So, I'll stick with it. It never surprises me when someone sucks.

Man, you nailed it. 


Working in games (esp being female) during Gamergate was fun. That was the end of my "I like to understand both sides no matter what" ethos 

Edited by Josie914
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When I was your age I was already working full time in the adult entertainment industry(no, not the sex industry). I had no shot. You will more than likely be surrounded by people who are at least pretending to be a higher quality of human being.

Don't get me wrong. There are ###### people everywhere and in all walks of life(good people also). I'm just saying, when you put people in an adult playground sort of situation where they think they can/should behave like the movies, then they show who they are really capable of being.

So, I'll stick with it. It never surprises me when someone sucks.



"We've all got both light and dark within us, what matters is the part we choose to act on, that's who we really are."




I need to see that Tommy Wiseau movie. The Room is a classic bad movie.

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