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Movies / TV Shows - I Have Watched / Plan To Watch

Sabres Fan in NS

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Anthony Hopkins is up there for me.


Also will Smith has seamlessly been able to play multiple roles in his life and nailed them all.



Anyone ever see the "horror" movie contracted on Netflix, Sooo awful, but I love it.... It's kind of in the same vein as twilight, but this movie had to have a budget of like 12 euros, seriously....plus there's a sequel that's equally as bad.

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Anthony Hopkins is up there for me.


Also will Smith has seamlessly been able to play multiple roles in his life and nailed them all.



Anyone ever see the "horror" movie contracted on Netflix, Sooo awful, but I love it.... It's kind of in the same vein as twilight, but this movie had to have a budget of like 12 euros, seriously....plus there's a sequel that's equally as bad.

I love Will Smith. But lately he's just starred in duds (suicide squad, collateral beauty). I think the last good movie he was in is Concussion.
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What's everyone's favorite cop movie? Not crime. You can still root for the bad guy but the cops have to favor prominently in the movie.


I'd have to say Heat or LA Confidential.


Those are 2 very strong contenders. 


I would nominate:  Chinatown and Speed.

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Heading up to Ithaca to see Baby Driver tonight.


So excited! This is my first Edgar Wright movie in a theater. Someday I'll see Scott Pilgrim on the big screen.



I typically ignore movies like this because they're bad, but Baby Driver appears to be good. So I guess I'll see it.

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Was it basically a rip off of Transporter? That's the impression I got from the preview I saw.

Nah it's not like transporter. It's kind of like a mix of guardians of the galaxy and reservior dogs. Watch the remixed trailer in the twitter link I posted upthread when I was excited to see it. That's a pretty good indicator of the style of movie.


(Frankly you should just watch the remixed trailer instead of seeing it :lol: )

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Nah it's not like transporter. It's kind of like a mix of guardians of the galaxy and reservior dogs. Watch the remixed trailer in the twitter link I posted upthread when I was excited to see it. That's a pretty good indicator of the style of movie.


(Frankly you should just watch the remixed trailer instead of seeing it :lol: )


Cool. I'll check it out when I'm not at work. My government computer blocks twitter, youtube, and all that stuff.

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