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Name the 20/30 Goal Scorers


Who pots 20?  

43 members have voted

  1. 1. 20 goals?

    • Eichel
    • Reinhart
    • Grigensons
    • Ennis
    • Kane
    • ROR
    • Risto
    • Okposo
  2. 2. 30 goals?

    • Eichel
    • Reinhart
    • Girgensons
    • Ennis
    • Kane
    • ROR
    • Okposo

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And there you have it folks, Sabrespace has spoken. Zemgus is done. 13 ballots cast. Last year everyone had him scoring 20. This year no one thinks he'll bounce back. How the mighty have fallen.


Seriously though,what do we expect from him? I'd say 12.

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One of Eichel and Reinhart will get 30 (I picked Eichel in the poll)


Ennis, Okposo, Kane, ROR, Eichel/Reinhart will get 20


And I have to stay true to my Moulson pick. He may not get 20 but he'll be flirting with it, and he will definitely score more than Girgensons.

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My concern is that I am pretty confident that the NHL will continue to have heads up rectums and thus offensive constipation will continue to grow.


The NHL had 28 players with 30 goals last year, including TWO with more than 41 and only 9 with more than 33.  That is freaking pathetic.


So while I'd love to see Jackie boy put up 35, the odds are against it.

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My concern is that I am pretty confident that the NHL will continue to have heads up rectums and thus offensive constipation will continue to grow.


The NHL had 28 players with 30 goals last year, including TWO with more than 41 and only 9 with more than 33.  That is freaking pathetic.


So while I'd love to see Jackie boy put up 35, the odds are against it.

Well, they did change the goalie pads, so, their heads aren't completely up their arses.

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That's over 2 goals per game for just eight skaters.

and only 167 goals for the year. We would need roughly another 50 goals from the rest of the roster to be a playoff team. 

Well, they did change the goalie pads, so, their heads aren't completely up their arses.

But the blatant zone entry interference and grabbing by defenders is at an all time high. The NHL won't change until tv ratings start slipping more. We saw some of that last year. 

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I see a big uptick in goals for this team.


I picked Eichel, Reinhart, and Okposo as getting 30. They might not all get there, but I'm hoping.


I picked Kane and O'Reilly for 20+ along with any of the 3 listed above who don't quite get to 30.


I think Ristolainen scores 10-15 and I think Ennis and Girgensons score 15-19.

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I think a huge variable in how much offense we churn out is whether Bylsma loosens the chains some and allows a more aggressive style. I want to believe he was so conservative in approach last year because of the youth of the team and still having to rely on plugs in the top-9. That should change this year (barring a monumental run of injuries, I don't see Deslauriers getting scoring line time), and I hope he uses that to change tactics.


30: Eichel

20: Kane, ROR, Reinhart, Okposo


Like others, I think Girgensons and Ennis chip in around 15 each.

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My concern is that I am pretty confident that the NHL will continue to have heads up rectums and thus offensive constipation will continue to grow.


The NHL had 28 players with 30 goals last year, including TWO with more than 41 and only 9 with more than 33. That is freaking pathetic.


So while I'd love to see Jackie boy put up 35, the odds are against it.

Pretty much this. Jack certainly has the talent to put up 35 goals (which would be something like a 75-80 point season), but players face an uphill battle due to the way the league is run/officiated. Post lockout 2005? I would bet on Jack doing it.

Edited by Thorny
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We have 5 guys who scored 20+ last year (Okposo, Kane, ROR, Jack and Sam) No reason to think that all 5 won't crack 20 again. I think both Jack and Sam will crack 30. Ennis might not get back to 20, but if he has a top 6 role, he'll get close.


I think the Sabres score at least 230 goals this season if everyone stays mostly healthy. The top 2 lines could account for 130 to 140 of those goals.

The 3rd line scored 32 season. Any progress from Larsson and Foligno and they could easily add 35 or more.

The projected 4th line of Moulson, Girgensons and Bailey have the talent to add 30 goals as well, but 25 is probably more realistic. (Moulson, Z and Nick had 21 last season and Bailey is a huge improvement over Nick).


Our returning D scored 26 goals. They should score at least that many again, but now add Kulikov and further growth from Risto and McCabe could take the number to 35. (26 last yr + 5 from Kulikov and 2 more each from Risto and McCabe).


We also received 8 goals from callups last year and that seems about right for this year also. (70+65+35+25+35+8 = 238)

Edited by GASabresIUFAN
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