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Fall/Winter 2015-2016 TV and Movies


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Oh, so now you're for censorship? I see how it is.




I miss football so much, I'd even watch a re-run of a Thursday night game. Okay, that might be pushing it, but I would watch a live Thursday game.

I'd rather watch a Neil Diamond cover band headed up by Mike Milbury, in the Boston Garden, than Thursday Night Football.

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Man, how Groundhog Day has essentially become a classic blows my mind. It's pretty easily my least favorite movie of all time. I'd rather watch Mean Girls.


Ya, what? Mean Girls is a solid movie.


Has anyone seen Spotlight? It was a really good movie. Mark Ruffalo does a great, great job. Might be the best movie of the year, as far as I am concerned.


For something a little more comedic (but still a serious subject matter, really) I would recommend The Big Short. Great acting by all involved and it's a movie that manages to be really funny yet still piss you off (in the way it's supposed to) at the same time.

Edited by Thorny
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I recently saw H8ful Ate, The Forest, and The Revenant.


H8ful ate was very meh. I love pretty much every other Tarantino film but this one felt like he was just going by the numbers to make another movie. It was a period film (1868 in the West) shot like a western. The first 45 minutes had me super excited but it quickly fizzled out. The climax was very boring to me. Without Walton Goggins there would've been very little to keep me in my seat.


The Forest was okay. Just a pretty good horror film, nothing more. Nat Dormer displayed her chops and: she's a good actress. GoT criminally underutilizes her. The movie needed more focus, especially more visual unity between the beginning and end. There weren't any overlying themes or visual metaphors, and this film was just begging for it.


The Revenant was amazing. Best use of nature in a film that I've ever seen. This movie is about a guy in 1823, nature, life, and whether or not we even deserve it. One of my favorite movies of the year along with Fury Road.

To me watching Hateful 8 was like watching a bad remake of Reservoir Dogs wearing cowboy hats and cowboy boots. The Revenant was very good IMO, just a little long at the end. Have not seen the Forest yet, trailer looks alright, but that easily could be misleading.


I don't watch a lot of made for TV, but I enjoyed The X-Files season 10, third episode (just this past week) very much. It was one of the most humorous X-Files I remember.

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Man, how Groundhog Day has essentially become a classic blows my mind. It's pretty easily my least favorite movie of all time. I'd rather watch Mean Girls.


Ya, what? Mean Girls is a solid movie.



I actually like Mean Girls. :blush:


Mean Girls was pretty good.

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Lindsay Lohan is older than me so it's cool. 


The rest of you are creeps.  :P

Wait, she is? 




As a teen when she and Hillary Duff were all the rage, I kinda appreciated Lohan's existence- she was attractive but realistic attractive- made ho hum regular girls like me have some hope. Then the drugs and crazy parents got involved... too bad. Girl had some talent. 


Now I must rewatch Mean Girls because grumpy Tina Fey. Might be the only "girl teen comedy" I enjoy. 

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See, this is what happens when you assume things. I'll be honest: I've never actually seen Mean Girls, it just struck me as something that would underscore how much I hated Groundhog Day. I've learned my lesson. From now on when I make disparaging comparisons, I will only do so using movies I know are crappy.

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