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GDT: Tampa at Buffalo, 10/10/15, 1pm


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They hung in for two periods based on talent alone against a very good team.


If Bylsma was looking for wins for wins' sake, he'd juggle the lines more. I think we're seeing the coaches being patient and concerned a lot more with team and system development.


He has juggled the lines alot, Deslauriers playing with eichel and kane, Girgensons taking moulsons spot, than reinhart with eichel and kane again, Foligno with eichel and kane.

And I only saw the 3rd period.

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Overall I think that was a much better 60 minutes than Ottawa.  Tampa Bay is a much, much tougher opponent than Ottawa. 


It was always going to be hard going to start off, new coach, 2/3 of a new roster, the number one goalie lasted three minutes before hurting himself.  Give it time...

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All this talk about flow; with your linesmates changing every shift how can you expect to develop rhythm.


I'll echo the calls to seperate Kane and Eichel, every other aspect of every line is shuffled but these two playing over each other is a rock solid paring? Either stop flipping the other winger around on them or split them all up.

Edited by Ottosmagic13
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Our defense didn't play badly, they are just bad. If this is a growth season, having Weber and Franson on the team makes little sense. Let McAbe play. Risto needs to up his game asap. Too much wandering and not enough muscle behind and in front of the net. We need to get more pucks through from the point. Too many blocks. We need Bogo. Tampa cruised the zone with no fear of getting hit other than by Kane.


And this is a personal pet peeve, but too many guys playing with one hand on the stick. One handed reaching means your feet aren't moving and if the puck does came to you, the opponent with two hands on the stick will simply take it away.


Kane plays hard every shift. Hopefully it is contagious. The Reinhart chatter can end. He is staying and should.


Fire the skate sharpener, Girgs is having the fallsy's again. Baby steps, but I want a win

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Our defense didn't play badly, they are just bad. If this is a growth season, having Weber and Franson on the team makes little sense. Let McAbe play. Risto needs to up his game asap. Too much wandering and not enough muscle behind and in front of the net. We need to get more pucks through from the point. Too many blocks. We need Bogo. Tampa cruised the zone with no fear of getting hit other than by Kane.


And this is a personal pet peeve, but too many guys playing with one hand on the stick. One handed reaching means your feet aren't moving and if the puck does came to you, the opponent with two hands on the stick will simply take it away.


Kane plays hard every shift. Hopefully it is contagious. The Reinhart chatter can end. He is staying and should.


Fire the skate sharpener, Girgs is having the fallsy's again. Baby steps, but I want a win

Ristos development had been stunted by the hockey teams he has been a part of since joining the league. You wonder if he had lost some work ethic and zest forv the game.

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Ristos development had been stunted by the hockey teams he has been a part of since joining the league. You wonder if he had lost some work ethic and zest forv the game.

I don't think that is the case. He started slow last year too. When he plays aggressively he is better defensively as well as offensively

This team's social media is atrocious. I don't need these pictures of just Jack Eichel meeting kids after every game... It doesn't make me feel good or really do anything for anybody.

Zero personality. All PR and mush.

Isnt that what social media is for, fluff and self promotion?
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I don't like the way they fizzled out. Not at all.


Tampa got the better of them by the end, but in my opinion I wouldn't say they fizzled out. They got badly out-shot in the second period, and in the third they matched them at 9 a piece. Tampa was still the better team in the third, but I didn't see our team quit. We were just over-matched against the best team in the east. That's ok.

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Liked the effort. That was a Stanley Cup contender we were playing.

Not surprised that the chemistry still needs to come.

I am really surprised by all the line juggling.


Those longshot goals were very reminiscent of the Ryan Miller era.

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Tampa got the better of them by the end, but in my opinion I wouldn't say they fizzled out. They got badly out-shot in the second period, and in the third they matched them at 9 a piece. Tampa was still the better team in the third, but I didn't see our team quit. We were just over-matched against the best team in the east. That's ok.

It didn't seem to me that there was much urgency in the last 5 minutes. I know the game was out of reach, but I wanted to see them play with more, I don't know, pride or something.

We're coming off back to back sub-55 point seasons and just lost to a Cup finalist from last year and a favorite to go back this year. It's definitely the time for anger, panic, and depression.

I not any of those things, just disappointed.

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I don't like foligno with Kane and Eichel. Would much rather have Girginsens or Ennis. Foligno doesn't have the skills to compliment Kane and Eichel. Would not be against splitting up Kane and Eichel, at least give it a try. Weber just needs to go. He couldn't make a clearing pass out of the zone for anything. Well not one that connected with one of our players anyway. Turned it over alot. Overall I liked the compete level of this game. Alot of the players that didn't play well in the first game did alot better today.

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We're coming off back to back sub-55 point seasons and just lost to a Cup finalist from last year and a favorite to go back this year. It's definitely the time for anger, panic, and depression.

I think the "carryover argument" is pretty flimsy. It's not like they brought back last year's team with a few tweaks. There has been a healthy injection of high-end talent. There's nothing wrong with being disappointed in the start. Anything resembling the last two seasons is completely unacceptable. Only two games, but two losses at home with very uneven efforts and two goals for. People are seeing ghosts. Others might be whistling past the graveyard. #outofhalloweenreferences

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Against Ottawa it was quite evident that everyone was squeezing the stick a bit too tight for the first two periods.   Then they clawed themselves back in.  Again today, while the overall effort was much improved, I get the feeling that everyone, with the notable exception of Kane, was far more concerned with making sure they were finding themselves where they were supposed to be and thinking defense first (not always successfully), as opposed to actually attempting to make something happen. 


Baby steps are necessary, I'm afraid.  The overall product looked much more solid today, I certianly hope it clicks going forward.  I'm prepared to see a few more games like this though, in the meantime. 

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Liked the effort. That was a Stanley Cup contender we were playing.

Not surprised that the chemistry still needs to come.

I am really surprised by all the line juggling.


Those longshot goals were very reminiscent of the Ryan Miller era.

I can still see those WTF waves.

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Tampa got the better of them by the end, but in my opinion I wouldn't say they fizzled out. They got badly out-shot in the second period, and in the third they matched them at 9 a piece. Tampa was still the better team in the third, but I didn't see our team quit. We were just over-matched against the best team in the east. That's ok.

Agree with this take. Easy to see why TB was in the finals last season. Their D zone exits and O zone entrances are a thing of beauty; just elegant hockey. 


I thought Johnson did well and was the victim of some poor luck on three of those goals. 


Liked most of Reinhart's game today. Hopefully he can garner 13 minutes a night on that fourth line when Gionta comes back. 


As many have said already, I think we'll see this team start to gel after 20 games or so. It's only a matter of time. 



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Their possession time and corsi is greatly improved over two games compared to last year.

My question is in regards to Guhle, would he be any worse than the journeyman D we have, or let him play in juniors for another year?

I'm kinda wondering the same thing. I would just send him back to juniors and tell him his skating is fine just work on getting bigger and stronger.

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We're coming off back to back sub-55 point seasons and just lost to a Cup finalist from last year and a favorite to go back this year. It's definitely the time for anger, panic, and depression.

The enthusiasm was getting a little carried away by most fans. This is a process. It will take time. It's also a league where even if your team is 400% better than last year, it's hard to tell the difference on the score sheet because the NHL hates scoring.

I think the "carryover argument" is pretty flimsy. It's not like they brought back last year's team with a few tweaks. There has been a healthy injection of high-end talent. There's nothing wrong with being disappointed in the start. Anything resembling the last two seasons is completely unacceptable. Only two games, but two losses at home with very uneven efforts and two goals for. People are seeing ghosts. Others might be whistling past the graveyard. #outofhalloweenreferences

I saw no issue with effort. Maybe when it was 4-1 but the game was over at that point.

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