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Patrick Kane: [Updated] D.A. Decides Not to Prosecute; NHL Determines Claims "Unfounded"

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  On 8/20/2015 at 7:55 PM, That Aud Smell said:

That's strange - I did not encounter a paywall. I can't summarize because the article is quite lengthy, and covers a lot of ground.


I just Googled the terms chicago tribune kane buffalo sedita, clicked the Google News link, and got through again. 


Maybe go on social media (FB or Twitter), find a Tribune account, and find and click a link there? That's a workaround for me sometimes (although I don't need one here).

It gave me the options to "subscribe" or "register" while mentioning price points, and wouldn't let me see any of the article or scroll.  "Registering" is actually free, and I broke my own personal code by giving them my email to read the article.  Grrrrr.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/20/2015 at 2:45 PM, That Aud Smell said:

This is true. What may mitigate things for this guy (in prison) is that his crimes were apparently directed to 16 year-old girls. That sort of crime is not viewed the same way as someone who had victims who were elementary school aged boys.


But his celebrity should all but assure that he will be in some form of special housing, or in a facility that is heavy on sex offenders.

If Jared from freakin' Subway gets preferential treatment, our judicial system is worse off than I thought. On a related note, our journalism might be worse off than I thought as well. A story on Jared on NPR this morning dutifully reported that he lost 200 pounds in college in part because he ate Subway subs. Yeah, that's the unvarnished truth, not advertising shtick (shlock?).

  On 8/20/2015 at 2:44 PM, LGR4GM said:

I am saying we need to empower women. Knowing you can say no and feeling you have the power to say no are not the same thing.

Are we back to regret=rape from that college case? There's a reason everyone hates the "intent to blow" rule.

Edited by PASabreFan
  On 8/20/2015 at 9:07 PM, PASabreFan said:

If Jared from freakin' Subway gets preferential treatment, our judicial system is worse off than I thought. On a related note, our journalism might be worse off than I thought as well. A story on Jared on NPR this morning dutifully reported that he lost 200 pounds in college in part because he ate Subway subs. Yeah, that's the unvarnished truth, not advertising shtick (shlock?).


Not for nothing, but the matter of where a guy gets locked up is not the province of the judicial system. That's up to the DOCS who takes custody of the convict. And a DOCS will have its own very practical concerns when it comes to housing prisoners (like, they don't want to put a guy somewhere where he's almost certainly going to be targeted for violence). That is precisely why child sex offenders are often grouped together, and away from the GP.


As for the NPR report: They ought to be phrasing that more like "a company spokesman who rose to fame based on his claim that a daily diet of Subway sandwiches helped him lose 200 pounds ... ."

  On 8/20/2015 at 7:04 PM, SiZzlEmeIsTEr said:

It's the same mindset that occupies politics. There's a certain utopianism that pervades the arguments made by a certain side, that ignores history and human nature. Really, you want to get out a check-list, pre-approved by a feminist lawyer, before you start touching genitalia? How about, both parties need to be into it, and if one party ain't, then they should simply SAY SO.


The same people arguing the feminist line have no problem with the movies coming out of Hollywood, the lead fashion stories on Yahoo, the ads shown during prime-time TV. Where does the social influence come from? Not the catholics. Not the synagogues. Oh, but look, Mad Men featured a sizzling scene this week. That's okay, right?


So, the social influences really are ignored, but the individual is supposed to have the brain power, self control, and prescience to be in complete control at all times. Where does this develop, who is responsible to aid in this development. The schools and the parents. Yes? Well, the schools aren't allowed to teach self-control...really...or they get sued. Used to be able to. In fact, the schools, what they do teach, goes beyond the basics to the point of ridiculousness...no wonder the kids don't take it seriously.


That leaves the parents. Parents, assuming we're talking about a mother-father pair, who both have to work a job, leaving their kids to after-school or day care, or leaving the kids on their own. When they do get the kids, they still have to make dinner, do the housework, go over homework, whatever. Oh yeah, maybe they have that conversation over dinner. Gee, I wonder how many families eat dinner at the table together every night? Single parent homes - sure sex education is a priority. You should blame the parents...or not. The family unit has been under assault since the 1960's...how's that working out for America? Aww, too old fashioned, I suppose, wanting a solid family-unit and all.


Josie said it earlier - her upbringing made her feel like a slut if she were all into sex. Okay, good. Of course that skews her perception, but at least it helps her stay safe. Maybe the rest of America's girls ought to be raised the way Josie was. And be raised to say "no" and that it's okay to say "no".


Guys need to be raised to respect women. When did this stop happening, by the way? Because, it used to be that way. At what point in America's history did women become disrespected to the point where every female ought to consider themselves a potential rape victim?


And no one here has really solved the "what is rape" question. Is it by force? Is it no consent? If consent is the issue, does the consent need to be verbalized? You do dig that when one party says "no" and tries to stop the sex, then it becomes "by force" if the other party continues on, right?


Finally, every time I open this thread two thoughts eventually pass through my mind, and I will share what they are, and leave them here. Actually three:


Catholic Girls by Frank Zappa

Fast Times at Ridgemont High


And the third thought is all of the chicks, when I was young and single, who took my clothes off and were grabbing me without my invite. I didn't mind, and I didn't think anything negative about them (on the contrary). Was I a bad boy? Were they bad girls?


Nice post, I'm glad you addressed pretty much everything we've talked about so far. I agree it's a conglomeration of factors that has lead to all of this. It doesn't help that we've turned into a society where everybody needs to be a victim. (This is not just about rape). Whether it's rape, a speeding ticket, race, jobs, bullying........... not to mention downright blaming somebody else because very few people hold themselves acocuntable any more.


I tend to question sexual abuse statistics, in fact I tend to question many statistics nowadays. How do they determine who is a victim of abuse/assault? Is being followed to your car and held against your will while somebody tears your clothes off considered assault? I'm sure it is, but do they also consider a slap on the butt assault/abuse? It's not that far-fetched to think so any more. I also tend to question a stat that says 80% of assaults aren't reported to police. How do you know how many cases haven't been reported if they haven't been reported?


It's a victim society fueled by double standards, political correctness and lack of accountability. It's a volatile mix.

  On 8/20/2015 at 7:49 PM, shrader said:

Hey, what you do with seashells is your own business.


  On 8/20/2015 at 9:26 PM, JJFIVEOH said:

Nice post, I'm glad you addressed pretty much everything we've talked about so far. I agree it's a conglomeration of factors that has lead to all of this. It doesn't help that we've turned into a society where everybody needs to be a victim. (This is not just about rape). Whether it's rape, a speeding ticket, race, jobs, bullying........... not to mention downright blaming somebody else because very few people hold themselves acocuntable any more.


I tend to question sexual abuse statistics, in fact I tend to question many statistics nowadays. How do they determine who is a victim of abuse/assault? Is being followed to your car and held against your will while somebody tears your clothes off considered assault? I'm sure it is, but do they also consider a slap on the butt assault/abuse? It's not that far-fetched to think so any more. I also tend to question a stat that says 80% of assaults aren't reported to police. How do you know how many cases haven't been reported if they haven't been reported?


It's a victim society fueled by double standards, political correctness and lack of accountability. It's a volatile mix.


And yet, whenever the majority of posters disagree with you, you get upset about how you can't speak your mind. Sounds like victim talk to me, suck it up.


And to answer the primary question: polling would be my guess. It's not that hard to send surveys out to ER staff, doctors, clergy, etc. to at least get a decent picture of the issue. That's assuming that "reported" means police or some other form of authority. Yes, there can be errors in that kind of work, but statisticians have ways of normalizing that data.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/20/2015 at 9:33 PM, MattPie said:

And yet, whenever the majority of posters disagree with you, you get upset about how you can't speak your mind. Sounds like victim talk to me, suck it up.


And to answer the primary question: polling would be my guess. It's not that hard to send surveys out to ER staff, doctors, clergy, etc. to at least get a decent picture of the issue. That's assuming that "reported" means police or some other form of authority. Yes, there can be errors in that kind of work, but statisticians have ways of normalizing that data.


When did I get upset about what somebody said?


Statisticians also have their own way of defining the parameters in order to meet their standards.

Edited by JJFIVEOH
Posted (edited)
  On 8/20/2015 at 7:47 PM, JJFIVEOH said:

'Silent and motionless' means no. Got it.

Didn't say that even. I said silent and motionless should warrant some response from you other than "totally putting it in now."




Also: echoing those who liked sizzle's post. A long post with substance. Almost all points covered.


The only bad part was the insinuation the feminists are fine with fashion and social trends. That's quite the opposite of the truth.


Otherwise a lot of good points. Parents need to be smarter and better.

Edited by Hoss
  On 8/20/2015 at 9:07 PM, PASabreFan said:

Are we back to regret=rape from that college case? There's a reason everyone hates the "intent to blow" rule.

What college case?  Also do you think that most college rape cases are actually cases of regret?

  On 8/20/2015 at 11:07 PM, LGR4GM said:

What college case? Also do you think that most college rape cases are actually cases of regret?

I can say for a fact my college in the late 90s had a policy of date rape that put all the blame on the guy if drugs or alcohol was involved. I even made a comment during orientation about how sexist it is to make that claim. Yet they would have guys charged with date rape if the women woke up the next day and filed a complaint
  On 8/21/2015 at 12:47 AM, drnkirishone said:

I can say for a fact my college in the late 90s had a policy of date rape that put all the blame on the guy if drugs or alcohol was involved. I even made a comment during orientation about how sexist it is to make that claim. Yet they would have guys charged with date rape if the women woke up the next day and filed a complaint

do you think that most college rape cases are actually cases of regret?

Posted (edited)
  On 8/21/2015 at 12:27 PM, Wyldnwoody44 said:

So...... Anything new on Kane?


The article linked below is from yesterday, and offered a solid review and overview of where things stand.


  On 8/20/2015 at 6:40 PM, That Aud Smell said:

Two Chicago Tribune writers have the byline today on a comprehensive overview of where the Kane investigation stands, and where it may be headed.




But, to your question: No. Nothing new.

Edited by That Aud Smell
  On 8/20/2015 at 7:36 PM, Hoss said:

I said multiple times "silent and motionless." If she suddenly stops engaging with you both verbally and physically then you should likely figure out why that happened before proceeding.


This entire conversation on this topic brought up one incident in my mind.  This happened to me in college.  Barring details... things were had just gotten to that point of intercourse.  It had been pretty engaging up to that point as well.  So there was maybe a brief period of time before I realized that she had this look on her face and stopped moving.  She hadn't said anything.


So, I did actually stop and say, is everything okay?  She didn't want to respond.  I said it's fine, whatever it was.


After much coercing she finally told me the problem.  


She was trying not to fart.

  On 8/21/2015 at 4:21 PM, LTS said:

This entire conversation on this topic brought up one incident in my mind. This happened to me in college. Barring details... things were had just gotten to that point of intercourse. It had been pretty engaging up to that point as well. So there was maybe a brief period of time before I realized that she had this look on her face and stopped moving. She hadn't said anything.


So, I did actually stop and say, is everything okay? She didn't want to respond. I said it's fine, whatever it was.


After much coercing she finally told me the problem.


She was trying not to fart.

Good on you for asking. Gooderer on her for not farting. Unless you're into that kind of thing.

  On 8/21/2015 at 4:21 PM, LTS said:

This entire conversation on this topic brought up one incident in my mind.  This happened to me in college.  Barring details... things were had just gotten to that point of intercourse.  It had been pretty engaging up to that point as well.  So there was maybe a brief period of time before I realized that she had this look on her face and stopped moving.  She hadn't said anything.


So, I did actually stop and say, is everything okay?  She didn't want to respond.  I said it's fine, whatever it was.


After much coercing she finally told me the problem.  


She was trying not to fart.


That added some much-needed levity. Oh man :lol:

  On 8/21/2015 at 2:13 PM, That Aud Smell said:




The article linked below is from yesterday, and offered a solid review and overview of where things stand.



But, to your question: No. Nothing new.


Thanks, unfortunately it won't show me anything without paying for the Tribune. I'm really curious if the silence is because they are gathering evidence to make a rock solid case or they simply don't have enough. These crimes are very very tough to prosecute.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/21/2015 at 6:30 PM, Wyldnwoody44 said:

Thanks, unfortunately it won't show me anything without paying for the Tribune. I'm really curious if the silence is because they are gathering evidence to make a rock solid case or they simply don't have enough. These crimes are very very tough to prosecute.

These things easily take months to investigate under normal circumstances (from what I've read the typical rape kit alone takes a month to process in Erie County, to say nothing of the rest of the investigation) before any charges are brought (or not brought). And let's face it, a rich local star being accused isn't a normal circumstance. Barring some kind of settlement, I can't imagine this dies anything other than drag through the season.

Edited by TrueBluePhD
  On 8/21/2015 at 6:30 PM, Wyldnwoody44 said:

Thanks, unfortunately it won't show me anything without paying for the Tribune. 


Second person to say that. Why can I view it, I wonder? I don't subscribe.

This topic is OLD. A NEW topic should be started unless there is a VERY SPECIFIC REASON to revive this one.

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