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Around the NHL: 2015-2016


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As much as people loved to rag on me about that, if you look at the standings today every team that has won at least half of their games is holding a playoff spot. It is a simple truth of the NHL and has been for some time. You need to win half of your games to have a chance at the playoffs. 



I agree completely with the concept of DeLuca 500.  


Let the raggers rag.

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As much as people loved to rag on me about that, if you look at the standings today every team that has won at least half of their games is holding a playoff spot. It is a simple truth of the NHL and has been for some time. You need to win half of your games to have a chance at the playoffs. 

No need. 

Glad to finally hear what this phrase means. A quick look at the standings and I understand what you mean now

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3 for regulation, 2 for OT, 1 for shootout. Problem solved?


Entirely. Unfortunately, the top of the league would run away and hide from the bottom by this point every year, which is why it will never happen.


Also, the same people complaining about the current system would be complaining about that one. "How can some games be worth less than others?!?!"


Some just are.

Edited by SwampD
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As much as people loved to rag on me about that, if you look at the standings today every team that has won at least half of their games is holding a playoff spot. It is a simple truth of the NHL and has been for some time. You need to win half of your games to have a chance at the playoffs.

I don't think they're ragging on you. I think most of us agree that DeLuca 500 is the "real" 500, points system aside.
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No offence, but no.


2 for a win, 1 for a tie.  Just like in the good old days.


No overtime, no shoot out, no nothing.

None taken. 


I can't stand the tie. I don't want to watch a game for 3-4 hours just to feel indifferent about the ending.

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Nope. Giving it a 2 point lesser value would certainty reflect my relative emotion in the shoot out though

Once it goes to a shoot out. I barely watch and don't care who wins. This need to have a winner on a Tuesday in November is silly. Especially if it means a shoot out determines it.

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Ron MacLean's thoughts on the John Scott situation....



He's right.


Hopefully, in the league's never ending (& rarely successful) quest to not be embarrassed, they get the most embarrassingly bad TV ratings that they've ever had for this game.


No way in Hades will I watch this game if Scott isn't playing. The league should be ashamed of its treatment of him. But those running this league lost their ability for self-awareness years ago (if they ever possessed that ability in the 1st place).

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Ryan White's in trouble for this...


I'll go all Swampy and We'vey on this one and say nothing will come of it. If it was late, it was only a fraction of a second late. He didn't leave his skates. He didn't bring his elbow up. It's really hard to tell, but I'm not sure the head was the principal point of contact.

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I'll go all Swampy and We'vey on this one and say nothing will come of it. If it was late, it was only a fraction of a second late. He didn't leave his skates. He didn't bring his elbow up. It's really hard to tell, but I'm not sure the head was the principal point of contact.

I don't know. While he was admiring his shot, that hit looked a little dirty to me. He's getting a phone call.

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