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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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He's got anonymous players going to the media against him. P. Brown and Leodis supporting him to the media. He's now become the scapegoat for the 16th failed season in a row for the fans. The Bills are very good at deflecting attention off of the real problem which is a rotten franchise. There is no good that can come from him playing imo.

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He's got anonymous players going to the media against him. P. Brown and Leodis supporting him to the media. He's now become the scapegoat for the 16th failed season in a row for the fans. The Bills are very good at deflecting attention off of the real problem which is a rotten franchise. There is no good that can come from him playing imo.


Except he has been paid a sizable amount of money to play. 

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He's got anonymous players going to the media against him. P. Brown and Leodis supporting him to the media. He's now become the scapegoat for the 16th failed season in a row for the fans. The Bills are very good at deflecting attention off of the real problem which is a rotten franchise. There is no good that can come from him playing imo.

Exactly. And rotten franchises bring back stupid worthless blowhards as HC.People can yap all they want about personnel but its not gonna make a damn bit of difference.

Truman Capote would be a better coach than Rex.

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Rex always was and always will be a sub. 500 coach.


I get that you aren't supposed to just fire personnel after 1 year, so I'm going to live with them sticking with next year, but as other have said, if we're not at least 10-6 then it's time to start over.


The season was pretty bad, amongst a terrible AFC, we defensively sucked, were undisciplined and just didn't come together.



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Mike Grier's brother Chris is reportedly going to be named the Dolphins GM. Yes, that Mike Grier.

Their dad has been an exec for a few teams in the league for a long time. So this isn't a big surprise. I just wonder if Mike's coaching career will ever take off. He seems like the type.

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Adam Schefter reported that Doug Marrone is a "cinch" to get a head coaching job this offseason... Just like he was last year...

I admire Marrone--a vastly superior coach to Rex(ok that's not saying much) for getting away from this clown franchise. Good luck to him. I wish him well.

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I am a life long bills fan, and I may get scorched for saying this, but I almost want to see the Jets get into the playoffs, because I honestly think that they are the only team with a real shot of taking down the pats.


Also I think rex is terrible


But I won't openly root for the Jets today, just won't be very upset if, when we lose

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