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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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BRB, preparing Crow Ironic, served cold ....



That was said with a smile ... I still don't need to see Jerry Hughes anymore .... His bursts of brilliance only make his mind numblingly stupid penalties more frustrating.

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What is a 'controlled rush' and a 'manageable third down'?

Controlled rush: don't over pursue up field opening up the middle of the field for a scramble or dump off.


Manageable third down: something relatively short, around 5 yards or less.

Jerry, I take it all back.

I don't, the sack did not multiply his brain cells :p

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That was a nuts drive. Suh's hot mic was hilarious (and he was right, refs need to blow that dead).

Then Sammy with a nice catch on a great throw.



If that is not "in the grasp" then I don't understand football at all.

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