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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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Miller possibly missing time, I'd imagine?


Yeah, he's out for Sunday.



Doctors are people too.  All of our souls have a price.  


My employer low balled mine and I still signed on.   :sick:


I know a fair number of docs; I can't imagine any of them doing that.

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Relative to saving people's lives, I think doctor takes the cake for the severity of thanklessness

I find my job to be very rewarding, sure there is always the patient or patient's family who have very unrealistic expectations about their disease process, but all in all it's a pretty good job.

Our doctors should be paid handsomely. Many are, but it should be "all are." But I also hope those who go into the profession aren't doing it because of the money.


(I say this with the understanding that I will likely never work in a position where many of my decisions risk lives and an appreciation for those able to work under such circumstances)

Now a days most do not go into for the money. The average debt for a US Medical School Graduate is approaching 300k, and most do not start their careers until they are in their 30's. This is the reason there are so few going into primary care, it's almost impossible to pay your loans. Hell I will be eligible for Social Security and will still be paying off my loans!

Bills brought back Marcus Thigpen and cut Denarious Moore and Boom Herron.


The "doctors are people too" has the opposite meaning for me here. These are people's lives. I'm sick of money trumping life.

I know a few docs who work with the local sports teams, the unwritten rule is you do what's best for the team and not the player. I could never go against what is right for my patients.


It may have changed now, but I know under the Rigas/Golanisno Ownership the Medical Docs did not receive a salary, they were given two season tickets.

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I honestly expect the bills to be embarrassed by the Chiefs at arrowhead and lose a close one against Houston.... Yes 15 years of crap has made me sour and Rex Ryan doesn't overly impress me. Tyrod is nothing more than ok and took a step back this week, also not at 100%. Greg Roman may be a decent OC but he hasn't made much of out talent here.


God, I hope I'm wrong, I'm starting to sound like Calloway here but until I see different... I'm not drinking the Kool aid

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Look at the remaining schedule for the Bills.


@ KC

vs Houston

@ Philly

@ Washington

vs Dallas (sans Romo)

vs NYJ



It doesn't get easier than that in the NFL. This weak in arrowhead is the only legitimate team remaining. If this team misses the playoffs Doug Whaley absolutely should be gone.


Let's do this.

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Stafford was phenomenal yesterday. While Megatron has made him look good plenty of times in the past, he was pinpoint accurate yesterday. Luckily he's still Matt Stafford and I'm not the type to let one game change my opinion, so I fully expect him to play like Mark Sanchez next week.

Great to see my man Brett honored in Green Bay, quite the moment to see him and Starr together on the field. Touching moment, for sure.


Too bad the Pack lost again, and to Jay-no-chin and Da Bears at Lambeau, no less.


Packers struggling this year.

I think it's becoming clear how much GB misses Nelson.

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Bills looking pretty lucky right now not having to deal with Romo as the Cowboys backups are a joke. Philly is a disaster with Kelly confused on how to run a pro team.


These next two games are must wins. Win both and they should coast in from there.



I know I'm a pussified fan and all that, but Bills, playoffs and coasting taken together is Jim Mora worthy stuff.

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And Mario, Easley, Brown are out. Not good

Miller, not Brown. Miller has been pretty inconsistent so I don't know how much of a difference him missing is. Mario and Kyle being out won't help considering the lack of pressure this line has gotten when healthy.


This team either needs to make the run to the playoffs or start losing. This is the perfect year to do either (playoffs or good QB draft at the top). Especially considering how many bad teams already have QBs this year.

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