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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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Well, I don't think that happened because Rex doesn't take press conferences seriously.

Its not so much the press conference, but I feel that some of that translates to the team..... Some here are Rex supporters, I am not one, I do think his presence allowed us to bring some talent in here, I want him to prove me wrong, and put some of this talk into action..... On the field

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I just want to stop hearing about this stupid captain thing. Poor Mulligan gets no love here, but we have to ignore him completely if we want to run with our angle that Rex is the king d-bag, rubbing IK in the Jets' faces.

I can't recall when but Rex said he would be a captain too.

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Bucky Gleason...


I mean Buckley. We're gonna get sued.


I have lots of doubts.  The team of idiots who drafted EJ ###### Manuel in the first round are still around so lots of doubts.  I think Rex needs to step up his game.  We need a head coach who doesn't get outcoached by a mile everytime we play the Patriots.


There's lots of reasons to doubt Rex, but the decisions of the front office before he was part of the organ-i-zation isn't really one of them.

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I predict the first complete game of the season for the team...  O, D and ST all look great tonight,


I'll be curious to see how guys like Woods and Clay, and to a lesser extent Hogan, bounce back from not being targeted at all last week.  Revis has to be on Sammy, especially after the numbers he put up.  Those other guys are going to factor into the passing game far more tonight.  That and the running game is facing much more of an uphill battle.

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I mean Buckley. We're gonna get sued.



There's lots of reasons to doubt Rex, but the decisions of the front office before he was part of the organ-i-zation isn't really one of them.

That team of idiots was involved with his hiring, I doubt their ability to evaluate talent at any level.  So far Rex has been mediocre.

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That team of idiots was involved with his hiring, I doubt their ability to evaluate talent at any level.  So far Rex has been mediocre.


That I can agree with, I thought you were somehow tying Rex to EJ. I'd say Rex has been all sizzle, very little steak.

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That I can agree with, I thought you were somehow tying Rex to EJ. I'd say Rex has been all sizzle, very little steak.

Only in that TP should have fired everyone involved with that decision instead of trusting them with Rex.  Rex like the Donald Trump of coaches, says a bunch of crazy things and then fades over time as ppl get sick of his lack of substance.

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