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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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The whole list is a bit confusing.  Yeah, Watt's good, but we're pretty strong there already.  Peters?  Ok, but I think we can come up with some better options at tackle.


edit: As for my list, like I said, I'd go straight across the o-line.  I'm not going to dig for specifics.  I know I'm not going with an RB as we're very well set there right now.

Edited by shrader
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You're such a homer. Any list here would have to be nothing but o-linemen. Or maybe some love for a Revis type shutdown corner.

Yea, I think I'd go two OL and Revis. Joe Thomas and Tyron Smith would probably be my guys.

Trust me on Gurley, if he is healthy, just trust me.


Who would be your 3?

It's not about how good Gurley can be, but what the Bills need.

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YOU! Into the corner with Liger and don't take your eyes off that wall!


If we insist on taking an offensive skill position player, I'd much much much rather add Gronk than any RB.


Gronk is an excellent choice, but you need a QB to get him the ball..

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Didn't see this posted here:






On Friday’s “Boomer and Carton” program, WFAN host Craig Carton said that he was with a “very influential person in the NFL” on Thursday. Carton said the person told him “there’s no doubt in his mind” that Brady will serve a four-game suspension this season after the NFL’s appeal is heard.
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Just came over here to post that musichunch. I highly, highly doubt it. As one lawyer in Florida writes


If Carton’s report is accurate (and I’ve got no reason to doubt him), it shows that the NFL’s assessment of the case remains skewed to the point of delusional. As a practical matter, there’s no way Brady will serve a suspension this year unless the Patriots have the No. 1 seed in the AFC clinched by December and the Patriots persuade Brady to broker a settlement that reduces the suspension to two games in which he wouldn’t be playing anyway.



It ain't happening folks. We lost, and we're still going to have to face them on MNF in NE with Brady. 

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This is really late, but I just got the 7 day trial of Gamepass and watched the All-22 for the 1st half against the Pats. Here's my thoughts:




1) Our offense is not ready yet. Too many new players, too many new blocking schemes, rookies, new coaches. We're not going to be full speed on offense for at least another couple weeks. 


2) Tyrod's jumpiness in the pocket is a very real problem. He was constantly seeing ghosts. There were 3-4 plays where he had another 1-2 seconds but scrambled anyway. On the plays he had pressure it was mostly coming from Glenn's side and all he had to do was step up, but instead he instinctively scrambles right. The Bills must've worked on his pocket presence all week, this was the biggest issue on offense.


3) The next biggest issue on offense is Cordy Glenn consistently getting pushed all the way back into the pocket. I don't know if it was the match-up or what but he was the weak link. Clay needs to take better angles on his blocks too. Clay and Mulligan couldn't block one guy on the Watkins 1 yard catch.


4) Tyrod is not seeing open receivers down the middle of the field. 3-4 big gains that he didn't see because either he got spooked in the pocket or he decided to throw short in the middle of the field instead. He's not seeing the whole field yet.


5) McCoy turned a couple plays from 5 yards to 20 yards. He's a GREAT player. There was one play I saw where KW hit the wrong hole, still some work to do.




This was the chess match. It's not even that Rex lost, it's like he was playing one game and Belichick another. The gameplan was just too damn cute.


1) Look, here's the scouting report on Brady. He's still terrified of getting hit. Nothing's changed in that department. What's changed is that he is more reliant on reading the defense, picking a receiver to throw to before the snap, timing the throw, and getting rid of it as quick as possible. Once he's hit he turns into Bo Callahan from Draft Day. This isn't coming from my recollection, this is coming from the All-22 from Sunday. Belichick's entire gameplan on offense was to protect Brady's quick release.


2) The Bills gameplan should've been bump the receivers at the line and disrupt timing (like every fan on earth has been saying this week), make sure nobody has a cushion, and BLITZ UP THE MIDDLE NOT OUTSIDE. We didn't play press coverage until halfway through the 2nd quarter and like a sign from the universe that was the play Lewis fumbled and we recovered. 


3) We needed to make the game simpler. Our D-line vs the Pats O-line. Make Brady stand in the pocket and beat us while his receivers are knocked off their timing routes and our D-line pressures. For all this talk of Brady the superstar, when he was forced stand in the pocket and make a delayed decision, he looked more like Tyrod Taylor. Dropped passes, overthrows, hopping around in the pocket like a scared bunny. 


Instead of that, Rex made everything more complex. Kyle Williams covering Dion Lewis in the flat on the Edelman touchdown. Bradham one on one down the sideline, matched up outside with Dion Lewis on the 40 yard catch. Nigel Bradham is not a CB. What is this nonsense? The game needed to be simplified, instead it was all over the place.


4) When the Bills started playing closer to the receivers, Belichick tried every trick in the book to counter-act it. Move the receivers 5 yards back from the LOS to give them a cushion. Have the TEs fake blocks and run underneath. Now we were getting somewhere. The 1st play the Bills bumped Edelman was late in the 2nd quarter and we sacked Brady. But Edelman grabbed onto Darby and piledrived him as soon as Darby touched him. They called a penalty on us wiping out the sack. That was infuriating to watch on the All-22. As soon as we do something right, it gets wiped out because of a dirty Edelman play.


5) I think Rex came into this game knowing that blitzing Brady wouldn't make a difference, he would just get rid of it. That's why he only rushed 3 so much. Instead he tried to confuse him with his patented "exotic" defenses. But by not, jamming the receivers at the line, Brady just did the same thing he would've done if he got blitzed, which is throw short timing routes. 


The first quarter (and the first 3 touchdowns) reminded me of the scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark where the swordsman whips out his sword and does some sweet moves, but then Indiana Jones pulls out his gun and shoots him. Same thing, all our pizzaz didn't affect their short, timing gameplan at all. 


6) Once we started playing closer to the receivers, their offensive game slowed down. No coincidence. But we still were barely bumping the receivers. 


2nd matchup the defensive gameplan is simple. Jam receivers, blitz up the middle, don't leave anybody open underneath because Brady WILL find them. Force Brady to make decisions in the pocket with a DE in his face, not before the snap.


7) Here's my psychological profile on Brady. He knows he's old and he knows he can't handle NFL hits. In order to remain confident he relys on reading the defense and knowing where he's going to throw before the snap. If you take that away from him, he gets really bad anxiety and starts screwing up. Belichick knows and does everything possible to keep that short, timing game going. If you can disrupt it, stay close on the receivers and put pressure on Brady, he starts to show his age.


Belichick is a chess player and we have all the personnel we need to checkmate him, but instead we were so focused on our own moves that we didn't take enough time checking their moves.

Another thing, every time we blitzed Brady he immediately threw to his dump-off guy, WHO WAS ALWAYS OPEN. How many times did it need to happen before we start covering the dump-off guy on every blitz. Brady made the decision so fast and just before getting hit that he would've taken the sack if the receiver wasn't there.

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