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Buffalo Bills 2015

Taro T

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I was at the game, and have taken some time to think about it.


1) Tyrod had no time in the pocket.  We needed to throw more screens, and take the short 5 - 6 yard passes in the middle that the Patsies were giving us.  dink and dunk like them to open up the rest of the playbook.


1a) McCoy and Karlos Williams both looked pretty shifty and earned a lot of extra yards with their running styles.  I love both of them! 


2) the officiating was terrible both ways.  It seemed absolutely ridiculous on some plays, and then there were the blatant penalties on both sides that went uncalled. I think the refs had more screen time than anyone else yesterday.


3) we needed this loss.  I wanted a win so bad, but a loss like this puts us back in our place.  We don't earn anything by whipping on an overrated Colts team.  you earn it by working hard over the course of the season.  Let the Patsies bring us back down a few notches, and humble us a little, and then it's on to Miami. Remember, NE got whipped around a few times at the beginning of last season.  


4) It's only week two, and the AFC as a whole isn't looking too strong two weeks in.  We definitely will be contending for a playoff spot come end of season.  Leave this sour loss in our mouths, and come back at them later this year.  Same thing happened to Rex in NY.  Got beat down by the Pats only to turn around and beat them in Foxborough in the playoffs.  I'll take that...


5) Hearing Aaron Williams is ok was a relief.  He came down right in front of us, and it didn't look good there. 


6) This team needs to get more disciplined


7) Our D-Line needs to step up.  we couldn't get pressure quick enough, and it left our secondary out to dry.  Our secondary is going to look like if we can't get pressure.


8) not an excuse, but the Pats did have an extra three days of prep time.  3 extra days for one of the best QBs to ever play the game to get the offensive scheme and gameplan studied does make a difference.


9) Miami just got beat by a Jekyll and Hyde Jags team.  we better beat them!

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I like this post, Dennis. I'll only add - "needed this loss IF we learn from it". The NFL is designed for parity. You're gonna lose. Yesterday was two teams playing that are designed completely differently - emphasis on team talent vs emphasis on field generals. The generals won, as they have for years. With free agency and caps, design is as important as talent. We've improved in both aspects. The Pats remain great. Squish the Phish and I'm happy with the season so far.

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An issue I have in any sports conversation...  Whenever anyone says the refs or Tyrod or Rex or <insert factor> weren't very good, someone comes back and say that wasn't "the" reason the team lost.  As if there has to be one a single factor that explains a loss rather than a myriad of factors all adding up to the outcome.  I think it is reasonable to think of the game outcome as a binary DV (win/loss) then think of factors that significantly impacted that game outcome.  Tyrod taking sacks was a factor.  The o-line was a factor.  Defensive lapses in coverage was a factor.  Poor offensive game plan early was a factor.  Lack of adjustments until it was too late was a factor.  Brady being really, really good was a factor.  Etc.  That said, 14 penalties for 140 yards most definitely factored into the game outcome.  I doubt anyone thinks it is "the" reason the team lost.  But, I don't think anyone in this thread is wrong for pointing out that it made a difference.


We're the most penalized team in the league through two weeks (both number of flags and yards).

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An issue I have in any sports conversation...  Whenever anyone says the refs or Tyrod or Rex or <insert factor> weren't very good, someone comes back and say that wasn't "the" reason the team lost.  As if there has to be one a single factor that explains a loss rather than a myriad of factors all adding up to the outcome.  I think it is reasonable to think of the game outcome as a binary DV (win/loss) then think of factors that significantly impacted that game outcome.  Tyrod taking sacks was a factor.  The o-line was a factor.  Defensive lapses in coverage was a factor.  Poor offensive game plan early was a factor.  Lack of adjustments until it was too late was a factor.  Brady being really, really good was a factor.  Etc.  That said, 14 penalties for 140 yards most definitely factored into the game outcome.  I doubt anyone thinks it is "the" reason the team lost.  But, I don't think anyone in this thread is wrong for pointing out that it made a difference.


We're the most penalized team in the league through two weeks (both number of flags and yards).

Well said.

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Liking a team (or anything else, for that matter) doesn't mean you should ignore reality.


In fact, if you want your team to win, you should want them to be objective about their strengths and weaknesses so they can fix what needs fixing.  If you instead continually kid yourself about how good they are and how their losses were the refs' fault and not their fault and how they really were close to beating the team that just crushed them -- you'll find yourself locked into the cycle of eternal mediocrity that the Bills have inhabited for 15 years.

This is absolute insanity, especially the bolded

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Look, I'm the hopeful one here. You and others said the Bills got blown out yesterday and that the was nothing good about the game. I'm saying that it was closer than the refs made it appear. Tom Brady is allowed to yell in a refs face. Apparently, Rex Ryan is not. It was the refs that kept handing them a short field that allowed them to go ahead so quickly. You can pretend the refs had nothing to do with it. That's fine. I really don't care. But I'm not crazy for thinking that and im sure im not alone in thinking it.


We are a good team (better than you are giving them credit for) and will beat Miami.


Oh FFS.  The refs didn't "make it appear" anything.  The 2 teams displayed, unequivocally, which one is a SB contender and which one isn't.  You are certainly free to choose to believe otherwise, just as children are free to believe in the tooth fairy.

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Oh FFS.  The refs didn't "make it appear" anything.  The 2 teams displayed, unequivocally, which one is a SB contender and which one isn't.  You are certainly free to choose to believe otherwise, just as children are free to believe in the tooth fairy.

Wait,... what are you saying?

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Oh FFS.  The refs didn't "make it appear" anything.  The 2 teams displayed, unequivocally, which one is a SB contender and which one isn't.  You are certainly free to choose to believe otherwise, just as children are free to believe in the tooth fairy.


Easy there, big guy.  

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Liking a team (or anything else, for that matter) doesn't mean you should ignore reality.


In fact, if you want your team to win, you should want them to be objective about their strengths and weaknesses so they can fix what needs fixing.  If you instead continually kid yourself about how good they are and how their losses were the refs' fault and not their fault and how they really were close to beating the team that just crushed them -- you'll find yourself locked into the cycle of eternal mediocrity that the Bills have inhabited for 15 years




Exactly. Now, if I can only get you to apply the same rules to your politics  :P

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Whiskey -- that is the definition of "glass house."


We've -- you're right and much obliged.

I don't know which I enjoy more, watching the games on Sundays or trolling nfreemen on Mondays.


Well, I would hope that this exchange has provided more enjoyment than yesterday's game did!

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I like this post, Dennis. I'll only add - "needed this loss IF we learn from it". The NFL is designed for parity. You're gonna lose. Yesterday was two teams playing that are designed completely differently - emphasis on team talent vs emphasis on field generals. The generals won, as they have for years. With free agency and caps, design is as important as talent. We've improved in both aspects. The Pats remain great. Squish the Phish and I'm happy with the season so far.


Very good point.  And Kyle Williams even said that this is the best game that he's been apart of that could teach something, even to the veterans.  I hope he takes control of the locker room and helps guide some people here (especially Aaron Williams).


In regards to the reffing, there were a lot of bad calls, and it did have an effect. There were a lot of phantom calls, but when you are pushing people after plays and acting like a bully, the refs are going to take notice and start calling things tighter against you to try to get your team to chill the out.  Aaron Williams and Duke Williams took a couple of absolutely stupid personal foul penalties that could've even gotten them ejected if the refs wanted.

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Yeah, hoping they use this as a learning experience. Coaches & players have to adjust their preparation. These guys don't need to be hyped to a frenzy - too many got hyped to stupidity. They have to find a way to cut the penalties to 8 or fewer (& ideally 6 or fewer).


Impressed with their not quitting, but both lines need to be better or it will be a long season. TT also needs to move more smartly. Felt at least 4 of the sacks could/should have been avoided.


Would be shocked to see ST's this bad again this season.


Kick the snot out of the Fishies and they are still in good shape for playoffs. They'll be looking to make up for embarrassing loss at Jagulars, so a win in Fishie-land will be a good one.

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You know who's looked terrible so far this season? Sam Bradford


My neighbor during the Iggles game at one point yesterday (I was out in my yard, he was in is house with the windows open): Expletive Expletive Sam Bradford Expletive Expletive Bradford Sucks, Bradford sucks, Expletive, Expletive, you're a Expletive Bradford, Expletive, I want Foles back, I want Foles back, Expletive Expletive Bradford.

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and how they really were close to beating the team that just crushed them


The bizarre thing is that they actually were close to upsetting the team crushing them.  It's a really strange feeling.  Buffalo got their collective handed to them yesterday and somehow they were still in it on their final drive.  Even closer had they not left 5 points on the field with missed conversions and a missed PAT.

I look forward to the bounceback game against a fraudulent team.


At this point, Miami could perhaps be saying the same thing.

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Yes, after the Pats took their foot off the gas, having completely dismantled the Bills in all phases of the game.


BTW, what happened when it was 37-32, and the Pats got the ball with 4 min left, and the supposedly great Bills' D needed to force a stop ASAP to get the ball back?


Oh, that's right.  The Pats marched right down the field, as easily as they had throughout the first 3 quarters, and scored again.


The game was not competitive.  The Bills got blown out.


The Pats needed a miraculous catch by Amendola to get in field goal position. If not for that, we get the ball with two minutes left and a chance to win.

The bizarre thing is that they actually were close to upsetting the team crushing them.  It's a really strange feeling.  Buffalo got their collective ###### handed to them yesterday and somehow they were still in it on their final drive.  Even closer had they not left 5 points on the field with missed conversions and a missed PAT.


That's how comebacks work. If the Bills blew it against the Oilers by falling a TD short, everyone would've had the same feeling they have today.

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Quick cuts are now offensive PI.  Who says everything the league does is meant to help the passing game?

Sammy broke that CBs ankles on that cut. What a schit call that was. 



The Pats needed a miraculous catch by Amendola to get in field goal position. If not for that, we get the ball with two minutes left and a chance to win.


That's how comebacks work. If the Bills blew it against the Oilers by falling a TD short, everyone would've had the same feeling they have today.

That was a helluva catch. Great effort all the way around. I'm not sure Robey could have covered it any better and Brady, well, he's Brady. 



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Well, onto Miami, boys.



Report: Ndamukong Suh ignored coach’s play calls in loss to Jaguars http://on.si.com/1L0xNn0





My column. That decision Joe Philbin made to keep Kevin Coyle as DC? Dolphins suffering from it right now:http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/armando-salguero/article35936184.html

Suh already causing problems, Miami is banged up to an extreme level, and we'll never be more angry than we will be this Sunday. Recipe for success?


Quarterback Ryan Tannehill suffered an ankle injury and had the ankle wrapped up on the trainers’ table after the game.

At one point backup quarterback Matt Moore put on his helmet and warmed up on the sideline.

Tannehill was able to finish the game and said he’ll “be all right” but it’s certainly an injury that will slow him down in practice this week as the Dolphins get ready for the Bills — a team that has defeated the Dolphins three of their last four matchups.

Defensive end Cam Wake didn’t play in the second half because of the same hamstring injury that limited him in practice this week.

Tight end Jordan Cameron missed the fourth quarter with a groin injury. If he can’t play against Buffalo, the Dolphins might also be without Dion Sims, who suffered a bad concussion in the season opener and didn’t play against Jacksonville.

That could leave only third-string tight end Jake Stoneburner, who scored a touchdown on Sunday but was the on the practice squad until a week ago.

Running back Lamar Miller injured his ankle and didn’t play late in the game. Damien Williams is the only other running back on the 53-man roster (new kick returner Raheem Mostert is also a running back but is only working on special teams).

If Miller can’t play, the Dolphins would likely turn to Jonas Gray, who is currently on the practice squad.

And left tackle Branden Albert — who didn’t play in the preseason after recovering from a torn ACL and MCL, is now dealing with a hamstring injury. If he can’t play next week, Jason Fox would start in his place. Fox gave up a key fourth quarter sack to former Dolphins tackle Jared Odrick.

The Dolphins could enter their home opener against Buffalo as a banged up team.


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