Ghost of Dwight Drane Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Now that we have seen the new GM in action and his stamp has certainly been put on the's only fair to reflect and compare the 2 men who have led the Sabres front office the past 17 years......  In honor of Nick Bakay, who ranks in Buffalo lore somewhere between Rick James, and the Kazoo.....I present: "The Tale of the Tape - Tim Murray vs. Darcy Regier"       Signature Transaction.....  Darcy: Failing to sign Drury and Briere  Murray: High bidder on 4 dozen plaid shirts from  Advantage?.........Push    Last seen........  Murray: High Fiving his staff after signing Gionta and Moulson  Darcy: High Fiving his neighbor on the 12th green at Elma Meadows  Advantage?.........Murray    Biggest Nemesis.......  Darcy: A Fax Machine  Murray: Human Interaction  Advantage?.........Darcy    Is stuck in a room 80 feet away from.....  Darcy: His Wife  Murray: Ted Black  Advantage?........Push     Triglyceride Level......  Darcy: 138  Murray: 538  Advantage?........Darcy   Most often compared to......  Darcy: Niles Crane  Murray: Dwight Schrute  Advantage?......Darcy    Catch Phrase......  Darcy: "Don't come shop here!"  Murray: "We got our pee-pee slapped."  Advantage?........Darcy    Most likely to be seen drinking on a Friday night......  Darcy: A bottle of Zima  Murray: A bottle of Pepto Bismol  Advantage?........Push    Spent over a decade.......  Murray: Getting mentored by his Uncle until he was ready for his own gig  Darcy: Getting van rides from his Uncle until McGruff the Crime Dog came to school with a Stranger Danger coloring book  Advantage?..........Murray    Gift he gets his secretary for her birthday.......  Darcy: A basket of flowers and a gift card  Murray: "Who's that broad?"  Advantage?..........Darcy   So there you have a shocking turn of events....the clear advantage goes to....Darcy Regier?         Quote
X. Benedict Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 :lol: Â Â Response to barista's question: How would you like your coffee? Â Darcy: "Make it skinny with skim, half-decaf, the free-trade hazelnut roast, please. Here's my punch card. 1 more and I get a free one, right? Is the last punch the free one, or do you have to punch the last punch with a purchase to get the free one? " Â Murray: " What? My Coffee? A cup. Put it in a cup. Cream? Huh??.......Listen: Caffeine. Brown Liquid. Cup. This isn't about taste for me. I hope we don't have to do this everyday. Punch card? What? No. Just hand me the cup." Â Advantage?: Push Quote
That Aud Smell Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Those are legitimately good, GoDD - solid, solid stuff. Â I also like X's take on the coffee. That's probably about right, too. Quote
That Aud Smell Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 (edited) My run at it (not all that humorous (I will try again)): Â Perspectives on the free agent market ... Â Darcy: Waits for the market to set itself. Sets low expectations on potential for attracting UFAs to Buffalo. Â Murray: Finds it easy to spend money. Has faith that Buffalo is a favored UFA destination. Â Advantage: Murray. Edited July 3, 2014 by That Aud Smell Quote
darksabre Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Spring cleaning: Â Murray: Honey, why do we even have a food processor? Can I put this on craigslist? Â Darcy: YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MIGHT NEED A TV GUIDE FROM 1984! I COULDN'T POSSIBLY THROW THAT AWAY. Â Advantage: Murray. Quote
That Aud Smell Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Typical dinner while scouting on the road: Â Darcy: Room service. Grilled chicken or broiled salmon. Seasonal vegetables. White wine from the room's mini-bar. Â Murray: Burger. Collection of fried pub grub (wings, potato skins, jalapeno poppers, pickles). Whatever's on tap. Â Advantage: Push* Â *We all prefer Murray's order. We all should order like Darcy. Quote
carpandean Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 On improving the team ... Â Regier: Such generalities. Bolster. Bolster. Â Murray: We have needs everywhere. Â Advantage: Murray. Quote
LastPommerFan Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 On meeting with the Buffalo Press: Â Regier: If I speak more slowly, maybe you'll get bored and go away. Â Murray: If I speak more slowly, maybe the words will get through to your neanderthal brains. Â Advantage: Murray Quote
Stoner Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Most violent moment of his life...  Darcy: Almost — almost! — stuck his finger in the video replay official's chest in Philly after No Goal II  Murray: Shot a man in Chicoutimi, just to watch him die  Advantage: Uhhhh, Murray Quote
nfreeman Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Most violent moment of his life...  Darcy: Almost — almost! — stuck his finger in the video replay official's chest in Philly after No Goal II  Murray: Shot a man in Chicoutimi, just to watch him die  Advantage: Uhhhh, Murray  Very nice. Quote
dudacek Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Most violent moment of his life...  Darcy: Almost — almost! — stuck his finger in the video replay official's chest in Philly after No Goal II  Murray: Shot a man in Chicoutimi, just to watch him die  Advantage: Uhhhh, Murray  I can't do emoticons on my iPad, but picture one clapping. Outstanding. Quote
Taro T Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Attitude towards laundry: Â Darcy: dirty clothes always go in the proper hamper and laundry must be done at least 2x/week. Â Tim: The floor is the proper place for dirty clothes - it's a key component of the inventory system. If there's 8 boxers on the floor then there's 4 in the drawer. Â Advantage: :unsure: Quote
darksabre Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Carpentry: Â Murray: Measure twice, cut once. Â Darcy: I can just hammer this in here right? Â Advantage: The customer. Quote
LGR4GM Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Gardening: Â Darcy: "I must get down on my knees and slowly pluck the weeds out before planting." Â Murray: "I killed the weeds with fire, lots of fire... and napalm." Â Advantage: Murray Quote
Weave Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Christmas shopping on Black Friday  Darcy: Gets to the store promptly at Midnight with a list, browses the store, drives to another store and compares prices, drives to another store in another town to compare prices, buys everyone's third choice because all of the good stuff has been purchased now  Murray: Enlists the entire family to each go to different stores, with different shopping lists. Gets them there hours ahead of time to be first in line. Directs his shoppers via cell. Gets the best gifts at good sale prices. Orders another Scotch from the bar he was directing traffic from. Quote
wjag Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Choice of cars:  Murray: 2014 soft top jeep  Darcy: 2014 Volvo wagon  advantage: Darcy... Safety first Quote
LastPommerFan Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Christmas shopping on Black Friday  Darcy: Gets to the store promptly at Midnight with a list, browses the store, drives to another store and compares prices, drives to another store in another town to compare prices, buys everyone's third choice because all of the good stuff has been purchased now  Murray: Enlists the entire family to each go to different stores, with different shopping lists. Gets them there hours ahead of time to be first in line. Directs his shoppers via cell. Gets the best gifts at good sale prices. Orders another Scotch from the bar he was directing traffic from.  So who has the advantage? Quote
Weave Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 (edited) So who has the advantage? Â Advantage: Murray. He's drinking whisky. Â Â I thought it was self evident. :P Edited July 3, 2014 by weave Quote
LastPommerFan Posted July 3, 2014 Report Posted July 3, 2014 Â Â Advantage: Murray. He's drinking whisky. Â Â I thought it was self evident. :P Â :P Quote
thewookie1 Posted July 4, 2014 Report Posted July 4, 2014 July 1st  Darcy: searches for his phone, dreading an interview, wondering what layers will fall through the cracks, talks with a couple AHL players' agents, signs AHLer, tells media its hard to convince players to come to Buffalo, takes a nap at 5pm, wakes up again to check on FA list, tells wife how hard it is to get players to Buffalo, eats, goes to bed  Murray: takes his phone out from under his pillow, feeds pet tigers, gives wife grocery list with a scouting report on each item listed, goes to the arena, talks with agents, trades for a guy, talks with more agents, signs a handful of quality players in 2 hrs, addresses the media, takes power nap on the trainer's table, talks to more agents and the pizza delivery boy, trades two hockey pucks and a Sabres flag for two sheet pizzas, talks to a few more agents, heads home, inspects wife's pick ups, eats, goes to bed with his trade notepad beside his bed  Advantage: Murray Quote
I am Defecting Posted July 4, 2014 Report Posted July 4, 2014 Who would you rather be your neighbor?  Advantage Darcy  Who would you rather be your manager?  Advantage Darcy  Who has the better track record?  Advantage Darcy  Who will Sabres fans without real faith, other than what the Sabres tell them to believe, have faith in?  Advantage Murray. Quote
Andrew Amerk Posted July 4, 2014 Report Posted July 4, 2014 Mowing the lawn: Â DR: Asks Derek Roy to do it, then finds Roysie passed out drunk on the lawn, missing a flip flop. Â TM: Asks PLF to do it, but shoves PLF off the mower shortly thereafter, to do it himself. Â Advantage: TM Quote
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