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15 years ago today


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Where are the shots of the Blues leaving the ice? I saw 2 of their captains talking to the refs but no exodus down the ramp. Thought that happens every time?


Readers Other than Taro:


at :33 seconds the goal is scored


at :49 you will see the Blues Goalie leave the ice

at :55 you will see the entire Islanders Lineup congratulating each other on the ice


at 1:10 the hub-bub on the ice is acknowledged and the players begin to return to their benches.




You are right. The refs controlled the ice the entire time. There was no confusion. My Apologies. ;)

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Readers Other than Taro:


at :33 seconds the goal is scored


at :49 you will see the Blues Goalie leave the ice

at :55 you will see the entire Islanders Lineup congratulating each other on the ice


at 1:10 the hub-bub on the ice is acknowledged and the players begin to return to their benches.




You are right. The refs controlled the ice the entire time. There was no confusion. My Apologies. ;)

Missed Halak heading towards the gate at :49; saw him milling around 20 seconds later. Saw several of the Blues still on the bench. Apparently you missed the bit at ~1:02 where the Isles announcers state the 'St. Louis Blues guys are reluctant to leave the bench and are looking up at the replay.' And all that on a goal that looked legit on 1st viewing. Had it been a potentially high stick that Vanek connected with rather than his skate, I doubt Halak attempts to leave the ice, but he seems to be a flake, so you never know.


The refs do appear to have controlled the situation as they reviewed the play and resumed the game.


Perhaps your review of all these goals will show a bias towards OT goals not being reviewed/incorrectly allowed to stand. I doubt that you will find a statistically significant bias.

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Missed Halak heading towards the gate at :49; saw him milling around 20 seconds later. Saw several of the Blues still on the bench. Apparently you missed the bit at ~1:02 where the Isles announcers state the 'St. Louis Blues guys are reluctant to leave the bench and are looking up at the replay.' And all that on a goal that looked legit on 1st viewing. Had it been a potentially high stick that Vanek connected with rather than his skate, I doubt Halak attempts to leave the ice, but he seems to be a flake, so you never know.


The refs do appear to have controlled the situation as they reviewed the play and resumed the game.


Perhaps your review of all these goals will show a bias towards OT goals not being reviewed/incorrectly allowed to stand. I doubt that you will find a statistically significant bias.


It's just a hope and a wish. I certainly ain't gonna do it :)


I really do like the MLB function of empowering any umpire to hold the players on the field of play even if they just think there 'might' be a review, and not allowing the other players to leave the benches. Even if there is no bias in which calls get reviewed due to celebrations, etc., it leaves a heck of a lot less confusion for the spectators (especially those reviewing the video on youtube at work with the sound off :bag: )

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No. It's irrelevant because those two goals were scored under a different set of rules. Unless I'm remembering this incorrectly, they actually changed the wording at some point from (paraphrasing here) "not allowing the goalie to do his business in the crease" to (paraphrasing here, too) "any body part in the crease".


Again, I don't really think they did it on purpose, but after they F'd up they had to cover up.


I thought you were right. Now I don't know.




1991-92 - Video replays employed to assist referees in goal/no goal situations. Size of goal crease increased. Crease changed to semi-circular configuration. Time clock to record tenths of a second in last minute of each period and overtime. Major and -tame misconduct penalty for checking from behind into boards. Penalties added for crease infrinement and unnecessary contact with goaltender. Goal disallowed if puck enters net while a player of the attacking team is standing on the goal crease line, is in the goal crease or places his stick In the goal crease.


Gregson is on record as stating that if he had been told Hull's skate was in the crease, the goal would have been waived off. That didn't happen.


Since the league had issued supplemental rules with 12 exceptions to the crease rule, the information given to the ref from upstairs couldn't include just "hey, his skate was in the crease." Wouldn't it be more like, "Hey, his skate was in the crease, but he had control of the puck before that"?


Imagine that Miro Satan fakes a shot at the other end, goes around Belfour, gets the toe of his skate in the crease and scores. Did you really want Lewis to merely tell Gregson, "Skate in the crease" and Gregson to waive it off?

Edited by PASabreFan
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Since the league had issued supplemental rules with 12 exceptions to the crease rule, the information given to the ref from upstairs couldn't include just "hey, his skate was in the crease." Wouldn't it be more like, "Hey, his skate was in the crease, but he had control of the puck before that"?


Imagine that Miro Satan fakes a shot at the other end, goes around Belfour, gets the toe of his skate in the crease and scores. Did you really want Lewis to merely tell Gregson, "Skate in the crease" and Gregson to waive it off?

Except, he DIDN'T have control of the puck prior to his entering the crease and shooting the puck into the net. THAT is what he SHOULD have been told AND he is on record stating that had he known Hull's skate was in the crease prior to gaining possession, he would have waived off the goal. THAT is the info that the replay judge (video goal judge more technically) was supposed to provide. HE didn't. Bryan Lewis, who was not a game official that night, said that HE made the call that it was a good goal. It was not HIS (nor Bettman's) call to make. McCreary and Gregson were the only 2 men that, had NHL rules and protocol been followed, were allowed to make that decision.


As to your hypothetical, I'd want them to get the call right. It has to be tremendously annoying to Stars fans to have to hear that their team didn't win/earn the SC but rather it was awarded to their team. I want the Sabres win to be clean. And in that case, I don't want Bryan Lewis telling Gregson anything. Lewis wasn't the replay judge that night. What I'd want is the replay judge describing exactly what happened so Gregson can make the correct call. According to your hypothetical as you described, the goal should have been allowed -player w/ control enters crease and then scores w/out interfering w/ the goalie.

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