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Buffalo Bills 2014


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In pretty sure you were around 8 in Brees first year.


I'm pretty sure he started one game his rookie year.


11. My brother, who was 21 during his first season, bought his jersey after his first year because he was impressed.

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The problem isn't that we didn't draft a QB this year, It's that we can't draft a QB next year. That is a huge huge huge stupid mistake based, I am nearly certain, on an "EJ was MY pick, he'll work out" mentality.


I think it was based more on a line of thinking from Brandon and Whaley that went like this: "The new owners are going to give us our walking papers unless this team makes the playoffs or comes GD close, and no other NFL team would even think of giving us comparable jobs, so we need to take a desperation swing at this and if it doesn't work out -- the next guy will have to pay the bill."

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I think it was based more on a line of thinking from Brandon and Whaley that went like this: "The new owners are going to give us our walking papers unless this team makes the playoffs or comes GD close, and no other NFL team would even think of giving us comparable jobs, so we need to take a desperation swing at this and if it doesn't work out -- the next guy will have to pay the bill."


Pretty much, although I see no reason why a team wouldn't take a chance on Whaley EXCEPT FOR his use of two first-round draft picks on one wide receiver.

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...if only because we don't have a first round pick this coming year courtesy of trading up for Watkins.


Two series of the first meaningless preseason game and people are already making judgments about players? Tough crowd...


Haha. Well, I don't think we're bad enough for a top-3 pick regardless, which is what we'd need for an elite QB.

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I think it was based more on a line of thinking from Brandon and Whaley that went like this: "The new owners are going to give us our walking papers unless this team makes the playoffs or comes GD close, and no other NFL team would even think of giving us comparable jobs, so we need to take a desperation swing at this and if it doesn't work out -- the next guy will have to pay the bill."


Either way, we lose.

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I missed the game, but from what I read, it sounds like the QB play wasnt all that amazing..... It's August tho.... I'll give EJ 4 games into the season before I make a real judgement..... I'm biased towards thinking he's not our guy, but I'll still give it time....... Some of his sucess/disaster will also come from the play calling as well, so Hackett has a big hand in this let's not forget

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My judgement is based on his play in his last 53 games.


He was a very good college QB and one of the top rated recruits in the country coming out of high school in Virginia. I watched him play in person on several occasions - I'm an ACC guy and long time Virginia Tech season ticket holder. His only bad game his senior year was against a stacked Florida defense (and it still wasn't that bad of a game).


Dude has a couple of passes blocked by d-linemen in two series of work in a meaningless Hall of Fame game and guys are already on his case? Personally, I think he gets the entire season to prove himself. I think he'll have a good season, if only because the offensive line and receivers are better this year. He'll never be Brees, Brady, or Manning, but I think he has the tools to be a good NFL QB.

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He was a very good college QB and one of the top rated recruits in the country coming out of high school in Virginia. I watched him play in person on several occasions - I'm an ACC guy and long time Virginia Tech season ticket holder. His only bad game his senior year was against a stacked Florida defense (and it still wasn't that bad of a game).


Dude has a couple of passes blocked by d-linemen in two series of work in a meaningless Hall of Fame game and guys are already on his case? Personally, I think he gets the entire season to prove himself. I think he'll have a good season, if only because the offensive line and receivers are better this year. He'll never be Brees, Brady, or Manning, but I think he has the tools to be a good NFL QB.


His game was always based on his size and foot speed. He fell apart the first time he had to read the defense to make the right play. His accuracy and anticipation are fine, but just that, fine. He'll never be a top 12 QB. He'll never have the team in the playoffs year after year. Draft another one. Keep drafting them until you find what you need.


Don't settle for Leino at Center.

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I remember when expecting much out of a rookie QB in their rookie year, and first half of their second year was far fetched (until the luck, rg3, wilson draft). Now if a QB doesn't show he is a pro-bowler in his first season he is a bust. Its laughable. EJ Manuel shouldn't have started last year, and looked okay for the time he did play. Everyone knew he was a raw project with high upside, but wont let him develop. He needs to show improvement this year, if he doesn't, then its time to complain



Draft another one. Keep drafting them until you find what you need.


So when do you give up on each one? Their rookie season?



EJ Manuel (306 attempts, 59% completion, 6.44 avg completion, 11:9 TD-int ratio, 78 rating)

Nick Foles? Would be Cut (265 attempts, 61% completion, 6.41 avg completion, 6:5 TD-int ratio, 79 rating)

Eli Manning? Lol CUT (197 attempts, 48% completion, 5.29 avg completion, 6:9 TD-int ratio, 55 rating, his next 3 seasons aren't much better)

Drew Brees? CUT, sorry (526 attempts, 61% completion, 6.24 avg completion, 17:16 TD-int ratio, 77 rating)

Joe Flacco? CUTTTTT (428 attempts, 60% completion, 6.94 avg completion, 14:12 TD-int ratio, 80 rating)

Carson Palmer? nope (432 attempts, 61% completion, 6.71 avg completion, 18:18 TD-int ratio, 77 rating)


Alex smith, Ryan Tannehill? Cut!




Lets all pretend the rookie season for QBs is the way to judge them. And let's all pretend EJ manuel didnt deal with injuries. And let's also pretend the line wasn't god awful last year, his RBs were healthy, and he had a WR core that didnt have an injured stevie johnson, robert woods, and goodwin

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So hold the QBs you salivate over to the same standard you put EJ to: *obviously* not the answer.


I think his point is that the Bills should have grabbed one in the fourth round to compete with him.


I agree, even though I think Manuel will be a successful NFL QB.


Take one every year until you've got the man. It is the hardest position to fill, and they could easily have found a middling CB in free agency (rather than in the 4th round).

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It's not about the stats, it's about how he looks. He doesn't look to have it, in my opinion. I understand we can't just cut him now, but if he doesn't show marked improvements then it's time to wonder what's next.

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...and FFS, can someone hold a class on how to pronounce Seantrel Henderson's first name. Callers (and some hosts) have been hammering this kids name. I've heard:


Sea Trail

Sen Trial

Seen Trel


It's not that hard. Sean - Trel


Seantrel was USA Today offensive player of the year coming out of high school and the most sought after recruit in the country. He seems to be the prototypical University of Miami player these days. Uber-talented, but partied his way through college and only took football semi-seriously... failed drug tests (pot)... off the field "issues"... out of shape... The "U"!

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The thing I don't quite understand - I thought I read that the Bills wanted to give Manuel a lot of work in the pre-season since he missed so much time last season with injuries. So why then did he only play, what, two series? Did we need to see Tule for 2+ quarters? The Hall of Fame Game is more of an exhibition than a pre-season game; Manuel should have been in for the entire first half. How is he going to get "game experience" sitting on the sidelines? To quote Elmer Fudd, "Say, there's something awfuwwy scwewy going on awound hewe...."

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The thing I don't quite understand - I thought I read that the Bills wanted to give Manuel a lot of work in the pre-season since he missed so much time last season with injuries. So why then did he only play, what, two series? Did we need to see Tule for 2+ quarters? The Hall of Fame Game is more of an exhibition than a pre-season game; Manuel should have been in for the entire first half. How is he going to get "game experience" sitting on the sidelines? To quote Elmer Fudd, "Say, there's something awfuwwy scwewy going on awound hewe...."


Actually, I think Lewis played the entire second half, which also is strange.


I don't mind the starter getting only the first quarter (although I would have preferred him to finish his drive at the start of the second). Another issue: Why Chris Hogan? Why wasn't Woods in there with Manuel?

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The thing I don't quite understand - I thought I read that the Bills wanted to give Manuel a lot of work in the pre-season since he missed so much time last season with injuries. So why then did he only play, what, two series? Did we need to see Tule for 2+ quarters? The Hall of Fame Game is more of an exhibition than a pre-season game; Manuel should have been in for the entire first half. How is he going to get "game experience" sitting on the sidelines? To quote Elmer Fudd, "Say, there's something awfuwwy scwewy going on awound hewe...."


The thing I don't quite understand - how you think Manuel getting extra preseason work means he should play the entire first half of the first of five preseason games.

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The thing I don't quite understand - I thought I read that the Bills wanted to give Manuel a lot of work in the pre-season since he missed so much time last season with injuries. So why then did he only play, what, two series? Did we need to see Tule for 2+ quarters? The Hall of Fame Game is more of an exhibition than a pre-season game; Manuel should have been in for the entire first half. How is he going to get "game experience" sitting on the sidelines? To quote Elmer Fudd, "Say, there's something awfuwwy scwewy going on awound hewe...."

The starters on both sides of the ball (minus some special cases like Henderson) were out after 2 series and most of the 2's were gone at/by 1/2 time. My guess it was injury-prevention insurance as I've been told the field is still old-style Astro-turf. Why risk throwing away your season on the worst field you'll play on all year, especially wen you still have 4 more practice games + extra scrimmages/practices w/ the Stealers?

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Looking at it, I would have pronounced it "Sea - An - Trell".

I guess my name being Shawn, it's a little close to home. Not for nothing, I'm assuming most radio show callers have watched preseason, listened to WGR or watched the draft. You'd figure through one of those outlets, they'd have heard his name pronounced once. IDK...

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Lewis was playing with some camp fodder type players, but he didn't have a great half. Tuel was rather pedestrian as well, although he has some nice completions. Both Lewis and Tuel (to a lesser extent) took some check down throws that were "head scratchers" based on down-and-distance.


Some positives: our first team defense stopped the run, which was nice to see. It was good to see journeyman DT Landon Cohen terrorize the Giants backup O-line. And, my boy Kenny Ladler did okay (I'm rooting for him to at least make the practice squad).

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I guess my name being Shawn, it's a little close to home. Not for nothing, I'm assuming most radio show callers have watched preseason, listened to WGR or watched the draft. You'd figure through one of those outlets, they'd have heard his name pronounced once. IDK...


I agree...anyone willing to call a radio station and talk to the on-air talent about...anything...should know what they're talking about.


Anyway, regarding the pronunciation, I agree that spelling suggests "Shawn - trell". My interpretation is based on folks messing around with pronunciation so it sounds cool, like "Theresa" being pronounced "Tear-EHZ-ah", or "Darrell" being pronounced "Day - rell".

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I think his point is that the Bills should have grabbed one in the fourth round to compete with him.


I agree, even though I think Manuel will be a successful NFL QB.


Take one every year until you've got the man. It is the hardest position to fill, and they could easily have found a middling CB in free agency (rather than in the 4th round).


I agree, but I don't think Liger's argument is to just draft one every year because. He seems to be saying draft McCarron et al because they're good. I disagree strongly with that sentiment.


Edit: everyone, it could be worse. At least we're not the Bengals who just gave Andy Dalton 6 years and $115 million. Not sure how much is guaranteed, but still.

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