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Darcy Regier, do you trust him with the rebuild?


DR and the Rebuild  

108 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you trust Darcy Regier with the Sabres rebuild?

    • Yes, he has proven that with his post pegula actions
    • Maybe, it will depend on this deadline and offseason
    • No, he has no clue what he is doing and needs to be fired yesterday

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Did anyone else think Darcy more or less admitted to tanking this season at his presser when he called this season an opportunity then later said they need to acquire great players?


Pretty much. He essentially said you need top draft picks and we're in position to get one this year.

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Pretty much. He essentially said you need top draft picks and we're in position to get one this year.

If he is truly rebuilding 1 top pick is not enough. We need to draft 2 players in the top 14. As I have stated in the other thread I would prefer them to be Drouin and Monahan. I think Darcy has the picks/talent to trade up in the draft but I am not sure he has the balls which is why I said "maybe" to the question I asked.

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If he is truly rebuilding 1 top pick is not enough. We need to draft 2 players in the top 14. As I have stated in the other thread I would prefer them to be Drouin and Monahan. I think Darcy has the picks/talent to trade up in the draft but I am not sure he has the balls which is why I said "maybe" to the question I asked.


Wait till we trade Vanek, Miller and Stafford - i think we get a few more firsts


We have no stars on our team and never had. Vanek and Pommers and Miller are good but they don't have the name status. This is partly because we are a small market but having a few big names to build around from the beginning helps.


I just hope we get a good goaltender - the oilers and lightning are good examples of where high talent is wasted by poor goaltending

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For the last 16 years, we've seen Regiers results? The fans of Buffalo, WILL NOT wait another 16 years, for, WHAT ?????????? possibably another 5 years of the "R" word, and then possibly, let him go, to then, maybe start another "R" word. I believe, along with so many other fans, that if this is the time for: Rebuild, Restructure, remodel, Redo, Remake, whatever the "R" word is. Then do it from top to bottom, Starting with other "R" word, Regier!!!!! If 16 years of that "R" word hasnt told you anything, then maybe its time to bring in yet another "R" word, RELOCATE,. I will not support it. I will become a fan of another NHL Franchise, "Toronto". I have been a fanof the Sabres, since the 1969-70 Expansion Buffalo Sabres. I will not be sold on cheap talk. That, I will reserve for the management and the ownership to buy into if they must. Terry, I am just a fan, my say carries no weight, I am not a business man. With that being said, Do this rebuild right. As Darcy said in his own words, You have an opportunity to gear up for the future of your franchise, Sieze the opportunity for God sakes.

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The answer is an emphatic no - he is good at "winning" trades but has failed in all other areas:

  • failure to see the problems with the make up of the team until it is way too late (e.g., our deficiency at center, hoping Grigo would be the answer, relying on Hecht)
  • overvaluing his players
  • failure to creatively architect the right blend of players; poor chemistry
  • the most important thing - his open-ended tenure (Professor Regier?) tells the players the status quo is accepted and everyone stays comfy. The Sabres are a soft team that is easy to play against.

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For the last 16 years, we've seen Regiers results? The fans of Buffalo, WILL NOT wait another 16 years, for, WHAT ?????????? possibably another 5 years of the "R" word, and then possibly, let him go, to then, maybe start another "R" word. I believe, along with so many other fans, that if this is the time for: Rebuild, Restructure, remodel, Redo, Remake, whatever the "R" word is. Then do it from top to bottom, Starting with other "R" word, Regier!!!!! If 16 years of that "R" word hasnt told you anything, then maybe its time to bring in yet another "R" word, RELOCATE,. I will not support it. I will become a fan of another NHL Franchise, "Toronto". I have been a fanof the Sabres, since the 1969-70 Expansion Buffalo Sabres. I will not be sold on cheap talk. That, I will reserve for the management and the ownership to buy into if they must. Terry, I am just a fan, my say carries no weight, I am not a business man. With that being said, Do this rebuild right. As Darcy said in his own words, You have an opportunity to gear up for the future of your franchise, Sieze the opportunity for God sakes.


If not for a kick and a whole bunch of defensive injuries, Darcy would have two Stanley Cups to his name, so we know he can build a winning team and with this new owner maybe we can keep that winning team for a while. My fear is we start screwing around and end up like the Islanders and Toronto spending years floundering around making really bad decisions all for we have to do something mentality.

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The one thing I will grudgingly give Regier credit for is that he does not overreact to things. He is patient (sometimes to much) but it is better than being one of the worst traders in the league (Feaster?). Darcy seems to at least have some plan at the moment and I can only hope there is something concrete in his balding head otherwise we are screwed.

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The one thing I will grudgingly give Regier credit for is that he does not overreact to things. He is patient (sometimes to much) but it is better than being one of the worst traders in the league (Feaster?). Darcy seems to at least have some plan at the moment and I can only hope there is something concrete in his balding head otherwise we are screwed.


I would expect that there is indeed a plan.


The problem is that no one has (or should have) any faith in DR's ability to produce a good plan, or to execute on it.


The current results speak for themselves.


Darcy must go.

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I would expect that there is indeed a plan.


The problem is that no one has (or should have) any faith in DR's ability to produce a good plan, or to execute on it.


The current results speak for themselves.


Darcy must go.


If he stays, what odds would you put on him getting it right?

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I voted no, but I may be in the mirority and may be I am way off base, but I don't think it will be a complete tear down and start over type of rebuild.


It really started when Pegula bought the team. Bringing in players that will make up a new core ... Ehrhoff, Hodgson .... Slowly, but surely, the old failed core is being torn down.


The team will not be trading away everybody. I expect the remaining 3 of the old core will be dealt between now and next season's trade deadline. Maybe Vanek will stay, but I believe Miller and Stafford will be traded.


Also, what the heck was Joe N. in Dallas thinking? Traded Ott for Roy in the summer ... traded Roy at the deadline. Signed Jagr in the summer in a pretty big splash move ... traded at the deadline. Maybe his master plans did not include either for the long-term.

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If he stays, what odds would you put on him getting it right?


Good question, especially since it's at least 50/50 that he stays.


I think the odds that he succeeds are probably higher than most here would think -- i.e. I'd guess most here would give him a 5%-to-25% likelihood of success, while I'd probably go with 35%-to-50%.


Even so, I want someone else. I think DR has been making most of the decisions since the summer of 2008, which is when Miller, Pommer, Hecht and Gaustad all got their contracts (although even at that time, I think he was prohibited from pursuing anyone, either in trade or FA, who was going to require a top-end contract i.e. $50MM+.) So I think the team we see now is almost entirely the result of his decisions -- and the team is a train wreck.


I also think DR has been getting a fair amount of excessive praise for good drafting, both around here and otherwise. For those giving him this kind of praise: who, exactly, has been a home run draft pick of DR's? Myers has been in and out of a rut for the last 3 seasons, Ennis shows plenty of flashes but was unable to deliver this year as a #2 center, Griggy, Armia and Pysyck might be good but there is certainly no way of knowing yet, Brennan, Schiestel, Persson, Gogulla, Funk and Zagrapan were total washouts, and Adam looks to be heading that way. And those are just the high picks -- there haven't been any late-round miracles either.


I want TP to apply his business acumen to identifying and recruiting the best possible GM for this franchise, and I want the FNG to get the next shot at resurrecting this franchise.


I want someone else.

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Good question, especially since it's at least 50/50 that he stays.


I think the odds that he succeeds are probably higher than most here would think -- i.e. I'd guess most here would give him a 5%-to-25% likelihood of success, while I'd probably go with 35%-to-50%.


Even so, I want someone else. I think DR has been making most of the decisions since the summer of 2008, which is when Miller, Pommer, Hecht and Gaustad all got their contracts (although even at that time, I think he was prohibited from pursuing anyone, either in trade or FA, who was going to require a top-end contract i.e. $50MM+.) So I think the team we see now is almost entirely the result of his decisions -- and the team is a train wreck.


I also think DR has been getting a fair amount of excessive praise for good drafting, both around here and otherwise. For those giving him this kind of praise: who, exactly, has been a home run draft pick of DR's? Myers has been in and out of a rut for the last 3 seasons, Ennis shows plenty of flashes but was unable to deliver this year as a #2 center, Griggy, Armia and Pysyck might be good but there is certainly no way of knowing yet, Brennan, Schiestel, Persson, Gogulla, Funk and Zagrapan were total washouts, and Adam looks to be heading that way. And those are just the high picks -- there haven't been any late-round miracles either.


I want TP to apply his business acumen to identifying and recruiting the best possible GM for this franchise, and I want the FNG to get the next shot at resurrecting this franchise.


I want someone else.


Not defending him but..


Campbell, Roy, Pommers, Wideman and to a lesser extent Paille, Ballard. And this guy named Van.

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Also, what the heck was Joe N. in Dallas thinking? Traded Ott for Roy in the summer ... traded Roy at the deadline. Signed Jagr in the summer in a pretty big splash move ... traded at the deadline. Maybe his master plans did not include either for the long-term.

He tried to resign Roy, but Roy didn't want any. And trading someone you signed is like getting assets for free, so I don't see the problem there. The Stars weren't working this year, so he's retooling (they could easily win the draft lottery this year).


And freeman, I agree with your assessment of DR, but I think the knock against Ennis as a #2 center is more a knock against Regier for that having been necessary. Ennis is a legit top 6 talent and I think he will look much better once he's back on the wing getting the puck dished to him.

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Not defending him but..


Campbell, Roy, Pommers, Wideman and to a lesser extent Paille, Ballard. And this guy named Van.


OK, but those picks were all pre-lockout. What have ya done for me lately?


And there were about a dozen players picked after Vanek in the first round that year that are better than he is.


And freeman, I agree with your assessment of DR, but I think the knock against Ennis as a #2 center is more a knock against Regier for that having been necessary. Ennis is a legit top 6 talent and I think he will look much better once he's back on the wing getting the puck dished to him.


Good point. I think you're probably right.

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OK, but those picks were all pre-lockout. What have ya done for me lately?


And there were about a dozen players picked after Vanek in the first round that year that are better than he is.




Good point. I think you're probably right.


The only player I see picked after Vanek for the whole 9 rounds that has more points than Vanek is Getzlaf.


Yeah I cherry picked points.

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The only player I see picked after Vanek for the whole 9 rounds that has more points than Vanek is Getzlaf.


Yeah I cherry picked points.

I count maybe 4 or 5 players picked after Vanek in the first round that I think are better than him. Then again, I love Vanek.

Vanek when he plays hockey:



Vanek when he scores:



Vanek when he's with Robviously:


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I'm curious, one person said there are 4-5 players better than Vanek who were drafted after him. Another says at least a dozen. Who are they?


On a side note, for the 'what have you done for me lately' crowd, Darcy has been on the ball since Pegula took over. Aside from netting a #1 stud center for this year, most of the moves he's made in the last two years have been solid. The regression of this team has nothing to do with what he's done over the last two years, it has to do with him being on a leash and having no choice but to build from within. The players who have regressed and are responsible for this team's mediocrity are ones who were acquired pre-Pegula.

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I'm curious, one person said there are 4-5 players better than Vanek who were drafted after him. Another says at least a dozen. Who are they?


On a side note, for the 'what have you done for me lately' crowd, Darcy has been on the ball since Pegula took over. Aside from netting a #1 stud center for this year, most of the moves he's made in the last two years have been solid. The regression of this team has nothing to do with what he's done over the last two years, it has to do with him being on a leash and having no choice but to build from within. The players who have regressed and are responsible for this team's mediocrity are ones who were acquired pre-Pegula.








(less offensive, but more well rounded players who some may consider better than Vanek)





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I'm curious, one person said there are 4-5 players better than Vanek who were drafted after him. Another says at least a dozen. Who are they?


On a side note, for the 'what have you done for me lately' crowd, Darcy has been on the ball since Pegula took over. Aside from netting a #1 stud center for this year, most of the moves he's made in the last two years have been solid. The regression of this team has nothing to do with what he's done over the last two years, it has to do with him being on a leash and having no choice but to build from within. The players who have regressed and are responsible for this team's mediocrity are ones who were acquired pre-Pegula.


Stafford was signed to an extension after Pegula took over, he regressed. Leino was signed after Pegula took over, he regressed. Myers was signed to a fat extension after Pegula took over, he regressed. And that's not even getting into the whole team building aspect of being a GM. Pegula has owned the team for 2.5 years, I cannot fathom how anybody thinks Darcy's actions in that span have nothing to do with this team's regression.

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Stafford was signed to an extension after Pegula took over, he regressed. Leino was signed after Pegula took over, he regressed. Myers was signed to a fat extension after Pegula took over, he regressed. And that's not even getting into the whole team building aspect of being a GM. Pegula has owned the team for 2.5 years, I cannot fathom how anybody thinks Darcy's actions in that span have nothing to do with this team's regression.


To me, having all your signings regress is a sign that there's something else going on. At least one of the them should have performed to expectations just by the law of averages. This year should be discounted when judging the team, there's something very wrong that goes beyond the individual players.

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Stafford was signed to an extension after Pegula took over, he regressed. Leino was signed after Pegula took over, he regressed. Myers was signed to a fat extension after Pegula took over, he regressed. And that's not even getting into the whole team building aspect of being a GM. Pegula has owned the team for 2.5 years, I cannot fathom how anybody thinks Darcy's actions in that span have nothing to do with this team's regression.


It's really not Darcy's fault that players who had a good year don't put up the same numbers after being signed/extended/whatever. Sure he could have let Stafford walk after his 30-goal season, but if he went elsewhere and scored 25-30, everyone would want Darcy's head and be making comparisons to Drury/Briere leaving. The Leino deal sucks --put it down as a mistake if you want-- but Leino was one of a handful of UFA's who had put up decent numbers recently AND directly contributed to Philly's beat down of Buffalo in the playoffs. I think it was a good move to go after him, unfortunately it didn't work out so great. I liken it to the Vanek offer-sheet, where maybe taking the four picks would have been the smarter move, but Darcy HAD to match that offer sheet. It was the only option after losing Briere/Drury. Likewise, since Brad Richards was unrealistic and basically everyone knew he was headed for NYC, Darcy had to do something. I don't hold it against him.


The Myers extension was probably done prematurely.

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