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Posted (edited)

Out of curiosity, how is the movie inaccurate and over the top? I thought the actors did a fine job. "Fury" did not glorify war. No war was like those portrayed in the John Wayne era. Please tell me you do not consider "Pearl Harbor" as one of the best war movies you have even seen. Ashamed I even finished that one. 

Edited by Thanes16

I thought they all over-acted; took rhe accents and the characters personalities to an obnoxious extreme, it honestly reminded me of the opening of Tropic Thunder. The infantry following the tanks, hip firing rifles as they walked toward a wood filled with enemy soldiers, was beyond moronic. The guy who shoots himself in the head while on fire and the scene where he makes the new guy kill the German prisoner are both absurd IMO. Cheap and obnoxious ways to display the horrors of war, something movies such as We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, and Glory did in much better ways.

And nope, can't say I've ever watched Pearl Harbor

Posted (edited)

I thought they all over-acted; took rhe accents and the characters personalities to an obnoxious extreme, it honestly reminded me of the opening of Tropic Thunder. The infantry following the tanks, hip firing rifles as they walked toward a wood filled with enemy soldiers, was beyond moronic. The guy who shoots himself in the head while on fire and the scene where he makes the new guy kill the German prisoner are both absurd IMO. Cheap and obnoxious ways to display the horrors of war, something movies such as We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, and Glory did in much better ways.

And nope, can't say I've ever watched Pearl Harbor


Hollywood will be Hollywood and entertainment has to provided to sell tickets, but there are facts and makers of the film did speak to a number of vets about what actually took place to provide an idea of what those involved experienced. The average "life expectancy' of a Sherman tank/crew was only 6 weeks. So yes, the amount of hatred a Sherman crew or really any other allied solider had for the Germans had to be through the roof. To say rules of engagement/war were not broken in WWII is not true. This was shown in Saving Private Ryan. German Tiger tanks were far superior. One of the advantages Americans had in the tank department was the number of tanks. Americans had more than the Germans. Numbers can, not always, win. Sure, this may have been more for Hollywood, but there were numerous reports of soldiers shooting themselves to end whatever pain they were experiencing due to some type of fatal injury. This includes being on fire. I can go on and on, but I have a cookout to enjoy. 


I'm very happy to hear you've never seen Pearl Harbor! That's 3 hours of my life I'll never get back. Tora! Tora! Tora! is one to watch if you're interested in a movie on Pearl Harbor. 


One of the main vets interviewed for this movie expressed his positive impression of it. Only part of the movie that disappointed him was the ending. Felt it was far fetched. Spoke of how a Sherman tank would've been taken out rather quickly. Also said a Sherman tank could not have traveled as far as it did in "Fury" due to the fact it ran 5 miles per gallon. Would've needed a refill. Those were his only complaints. I'm sure he had other problems w/ the film, but overall he was satisfied. Let me add a number of vets interviewed shared the same opinion. 

Edited by Thanes16

Finally finished 'Fury'. The ending was much better than I thought it would be. Still not a great movie IMO, but it did get better. Watching 'Nightcrawler' now, this movie is awesome.


And so is this guy's slight-of-hand 



Thank you for finishing it. We're all given the right to our own thoughts/impressions. I was pleased w/ your mentioning of Saving Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers and Glory. In my opinion, the last mentioned was the best portrayal of the Civil War in a movie. I really enjoyed Gettysburg, but Glory far surpasses it. It was based on the memoirs of Robert Gould Shaw. A 26 year old leading the first all black regiment in the United States. Glory was accurately portrayed. Gave many the idea of what really happened. Let me add, this may counter what I previously said, the Civil War was not about the end of slavery. It was about states rights. 


Thank you for finishing it. We're all given the right to our own thoughts/impressions. I was pleased w/ your mentioning of Saving Private Ryan, We Were Soldiers and Glory. In my opinion, the last mentioned was the best portrayal of the Civil War in a movie. I really enjoyed Gettysburg, but Glory far surpasses it. It was based on the memoirs of Robert Gould Shaw. A 26 year old leading the first all black regiment in the United States. Glory was accurately portrayed. Gave many the idea of what really happened. Let me add, this may counter what I previously said, the Civil War was not about the end of slavery. It was about states rights. 


Specifically the Rights of States to protect their citizens' human property called Slaves, and the institution of Slavery. 



Specifically the Rights of States to protect their citizens' human property called Slaves, and the institution of Slavery. 


The reason the Union fought was to keep the States together. It wasn't to end slavery. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. This brought an end to slavery only to states a part of the confederacy. However, the confederacy was notified in September of 1862 of this proclamation. Confederate States were told if they returned to the Union before January 1st, 1863 they could continue slavery. After the Emancipation Proclamation was official, slave states not a part of the confederacy (Delaware, Maryland, Missouri and Kentucky) were still allowed to have slavery. The Civil War was fought over state rights.

Posted (edited)

The reason the Union fought was to keep the States together. It wasn't to end slavery. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1st, 1863. This brought an end to slavery only to states a part of the confederacy. However, the confederacy was notified in September of 1862 of this proclamation. Confederate States were told if they returned to the Union before January 1st, 1863 they could continue slavery. After the Emancipation Proclamation was official, slave states not a part of the confederacy (Delaware, Maryland, Missouri and Kentucky) were still allowed to have slavery. The Civil War was fought over state rights.


This doesn't happen without the need to protect slavery.  The State Right right at issue is the "RIGHT OF PROPERTY IN SLAVES"   and the Norths encroachment of that "Right" 



See South Carolina's document of secession: 




"These ends it endeavored to accomplish by a Federal Government, in which each State was recognized as an equal, and had separate control over its own institutions. The right of property in slaves was recognized by giving to free persons distinct political rights, by giving them the right to represent, and burthening them with direct taxes for three-fifths of their slaves; by authorizing the importation of slaves for twenty years; and by stipulating for the rendition of fugitives from labor. We affirm that these ends for which this Government was instituted have been defeated, and the Government itself has been made destructive of them by the action of the non-slaveholding States. Those States have assume the right of deciding upon the propriety of our domestic institutions; and have denied the rights of property established in fifteen of the States and recognized by the Constitution; they have denounced as sinful the institution of slavery; they have permitted open establishment among them of societies, whose avowed object is to disturb the peace and to eloign the property of the citizens of other States. They have encouraged and assisted thousands of our slaves to leave their homes; and those who remain, have been incited by emissaries, books and pictures to servile insurrection."


That right is slavery. 


anyway...sorry, I know this isn't the thread for this. But we could 

Edited by X. Benedict

It's about 100 minutes. Not for the needle conscious. Start with blood, usually 15-20 minutes.

Well man. It was a rough day. I'll save that for Thursday though. I got home from work a little early today, put on a pair of big boy pants and headed down to the local blood drive at the church. My first time. I was nervous but IMO a phobia is no different than an addiction. I've kicked a few habits in my day and I decided that today I was going to kick the sissy habit. I filled that sucker in under three minutes. Turns out I have a talent for bleeding. The little buzz it gave me was just a bonus! I'm guess I won't have my normal number of beers tonight.

Well man. It was a rough day. I'll save that for Thursday though. I got home from work a little early today, put on a pair of big boy pants and headed down to the local blood drive at the church. My first time. I was nervous but IMO a phobia is no different than an addiction. I've kicked a few habits in my day and I decided that today I was going to kick the sissy habit. I filled that sucker in under three minutes. Turns out I have a talent for bleeding. The little buzz it gave me was just a bonus! I'm guess I won't have my normal number of beers tonight.

Good on ya. I really need to get back on that horse at some point and stop being a chicken.


Being at work at 3am.  Before you call me crazy, hear me out.  


1) it was so easy getting work done without people constantly pestering me and my technician.

2) there are no customer phone calls

3) the lab is quiet, and no one can complain about my technician's or my music

4) no one leaves an empty coffee pot when there's only two of you there

5) there's no emails coming in that I need to answer!


Well man. It was a rough day. I'll save that for Thursday though. I got home from work a little early today, put on a pair of big boy pants and headed down to the local blood drive at the church. My first time. I was nervous but IMO a phobia is no different than an addiction. I've kicked a few habits in my day and I decided that today I was going to kick the sissy habit. I filled that sucker in under three minutes. Turns out I have a talent for bleeding. The little buzz it gave me was just a bonus! I'm guess I won't have my normal number of beers tonight.


Thats a great line. Sounds like something out of a Punisher comic or something.


Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome. 


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning. 


So what did I miss?


Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome. 


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning. 


So what did I miss?


Ha Good thing you posted that! 


Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome. 


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning. 


So what did I miss?


Awesome.  Congrats.


Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome. 


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning. 


So what did I miss?

You didn't miss a thing. Congratulations, brother. 


Closing costs coming in $4k less than they originally told us is awesome

That is awesome, indeed.  I had a similar happy surprise when I closed (not quite that good), so it was nice to have unexpected spending money for furniture!  Happy moving, shrader.


Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome. 


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning. 


So what did I miss?



Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome. 


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning. 


So what did I miss?




Congrats Boyes!

I lost my brains and ranted on twitter (it's what us millennials do) about that awful client I'm still dealing with.


Well, an internet acquaintance of mine messaged me and wants me to write a piece about client/freelance artist relationships, a do's and don'ts sort of deal for his site. Apparently he's part of some counter culture rap society of sorts and performs at SXSW and such. So that's pretty neat.

I think my goal is to just write something that would help creatives AND potential clients kinda know where the line is drawn with being a good client/ horrible human being.


You think that'd be an easy delineation but boy you'd be surprised... 


Congrats Boyes!



I lost my brains and ranted on twitter (it's what us millennials do) about that awful client I'm still dealing with.


Well, an internet acquaintance of mine messaged me and wants me to write a piece about client/freelance artist relationships, a do's and don'ts sort of deal for his site. Apparently he's part of some counter culture rap society of sorts and performs at SXSW and such. So that's pretty neat.

I think my goal is to just write something that would help creatives AND potential clients kinda know where the line is drawn with being a good client/###### horrible human being.


You think that'd be an easy delineation but boy you'd be surprised... 

Your piece should start out by mentioning that when someone else who does what you do, offers you a client,... run away as fast as you can. What you are experiencing is usually the reason why and they know it, otherwise, they would have taken the job.


Back from my long hiatus:


I got married last Saturday (6/13) and enjoyed the best two weeks of my life. Rehearsal dinner was amazing (yard games, drinking and food truck catering), shot the best round of the year on Friday (85, 6 strokes better than my average) and had the most amazing wedding day you could ask for. Beautiful weather, even more beautiful wife (!) and plenty of friends and family coming from all over the country to share in the moment. It was awesome.


Just got back from our Jamaican honeymoon, which was pretty awesome in it's own right. Weather was perfect (no rainy days) and there's nothing like relaxing on the beach for a week and eating delicious food that takes the stress out of all that wedding planning.


So what did I miss?

Welcome to the ranks soldier. Congratulations.
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