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The 17 year cicada. We hear cicadas every year, but these are different. They sound like a warning alarm during an attack in a sci-fi movie. You here them all day, everywhere, and loud. It's really cool.


And you can do this with them.


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The 17 year cicada. We hear cicadas every year, but these are different. They sound like a warning alarm during an attack in a sci-fi movie. You here them all day, everywhere, and loud. It's really cool.


And you can do this with them.





I actually like cicadas.......the noise is at least somewhat musical, building and fading. Haven't heard any yet.....used to the July/August rush.

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I actually like cicadas.......the noise is at least somewhat musical, building and fading. Haven't heard any yet.....used to the July/August rush.


I'd take their sound over that of cars, trains, and buses any day. I miss hearing nature.

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Cicadas, crickets, and songbirds are a huge part of what keeps me from moving closer to work and suburbia.


You want crickets? Come to my office. I'm sure I've told the story around here before about the woman in the office next door who runs a machine all day that makes cricket sounds.

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Cicadas, crickets, and songbirds are a huge part of what keeps me from moving closer to work and suburbia.


My backyard is very alive with birds these days. I was drinking coffee this morning on the screen porch and in about 10 minutes I saw cardinal, catbird, tufted titmouse, golden finch, blue jay and even a woodpecker come to the feeders. When I get 10 or 15 minutes of peace and quiet (rare with an 8 and 5 year old), sitting out there with a coffee or beer with my birds of the carolinas field guide is one of my favorite activities. I'm old.

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My backyard is very alive with birds these days. I was drinking coffee this morning on the screen porch and in about 10 minutes I saw cardinal, catbird, tufted titmouse, golden finch, blue jay and even a woodpecker come to the feeders. When I get 10 or 15 minutes of peace and quiet (rare with an 8 and 5 year old), sitting out there with a coffee or beer with my birds of the carolinas field guide is one of my favorite activities. I'm old.


I love catbirds. You'd swear there was a kitten or a baby in the bushes. Starlings are also fun to listen to. I've been seeing pileated woodpeckers lately. That's a badass woodpecker.

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Pileateds are definitely badass.


My wife puts out grape jelly and we get TONS of orioles in our yard. They literally queue up in the pine tree next to it, each waiting their turn to indulge. It's like crack to them. Birds are so cool. Love the little "purring" sound that nuthatches make too.

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Pileateds are definitely badass.


My wife puts out grape jelly and we get TONS of orioles in our yard. They literally queue up in the pine tree next to it, each waiting their turn to indulge. It's like crack to them. Birds are so cool. Love the little "purring" sound that nuthatches make too.


Orioles are pretty.


We get all kinds of birds and nests. Between me and next door, we have this year alone, nesting robins, ducks, purple finch, barn swallows, and I don't know where the yellow finches are nesting, but they are all over the place. The swallows are the coolest. They divebomb you, but if you pay no attention they never get you. They are chatterboxes though and eat all the insects so I'll take'em.

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It's been forever since I looked at a post on this board. Too bad for me.


But I'm engaged. And that's awesome. And she's awesome.


Awesome, indeed... a million congrats to you, Eleven! Glad you found one worth asking and she gave the right answer. :)

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It's been forever since I looked at a post on this board. Too bad for me.


But I'm engaged. And that's awesome. And she's awesome.


Congratulations. Mine is less than 2 months away now, so it's time to really sit down and hammer out those final details.


And here's something I saw this morning that was bizarrely awesome. Driving into work, I noticed a guy wearing some sort of colonial costume riding a motorcycle. It's not as funny as the guy I saw about a month ago fixing a flat tire while wearing a Buzz Lightyear mascot costume, but it was still very funny.

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It's been forever since I looked at a post on this board. Too bad for me.


But I'm engaged. And that's awesome. And she's awesome.




And here's something I saw this morning that was bizarrely awesome. Driving into work, I noticed a guy wearing some sort of colonial costume riding a motorcycle. It's not as funny as the guy I saw about a month ago fixing a flat tire while wearing a Buzz Lightyear mascot costume, but it was still very funny.



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