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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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Gonna be a fun weekend. Josie's birthday is next week so we're celebrating this weekend. Tomorrow night we're doing a blacksmithing date night at a place in Gates. It came up in conversation a few weeks ago and I discovered they had a session on Saturday so I pulled the trigger. 

Then Sunday we're doing the Lumberjack Festival in Macedon. We love this event. Always a good time, and I get some grade A salt potatoes. 

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My dad and stepmom finally had their Medicaid appeal hearing on Tuesday... and they won!!!  Thank God... they don't want to stay on it forever, but until she finds a job and he's able to go back to work, it is very much necessary.

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I was going to complain in the Thursday thread about crickets, and how you can never find them when they get in the baseboard heaters. With my dog gone, though, it's kinda nice to have another little life force hangin' out with me in the house.

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I'm a bachelor tonight. The wife is visiting her mother in NY and she took the kid with her.


Got the night off from work! That was a very pleasant surprise! Celebrated by going to Taco bell. I just tore through a Mexican pizza, 2 double decker tacos and a beefy 5 layer burrito. Then I headed to the liquor store and picked up a bottle of crown and a bottle of Eagle Rare.


I'm going to have an awesome night. Just me and my dogs and my bourbon. Here we go!

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I am exhausted from moving boxes over the last week and late nights spent working on the house.  But tomorrow morning is the official move date, so the end is in sight (even if the project to-do list is still long).  I can't wait to sleep in on Sunday and start getting my life back!

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I am exhausted from moving boxes over the last week and late nights spent working on the house.  But tomorrow morning is the official move date, so the end is in sight (even if the project to-do list is still long).  I can't wait to sleep in on Sunday and start getting my life back!


:w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:

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My brother's wedding is tomorrow. It's happening in a field.


Tomorrow morning, he rented out the Arena for a morning skate. It's gonna be off the hook.


Also, I'm getting a bunch of texts from old friends just getting into town tonight for the celebration.


Off the hoooook!

That is an awesome night. Hope you enjoy it :beer:
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My brother's wedding is tomorrow. It's happening in a field.


Tomorrow morning, he rented out the Arena for a morning skate. It's gonna be off the hook.


Also, I'm getting a bunch of texts from old friends just getting into town tonight for the celebration.


Off the hoooook!

How was it?

For me: first weekend post-move, and although there are still a bunch of boxes to be unpacked and projects to be done around the house, I'm taking Sunday off to go hiking and see the fall foliage in the mountains.  :)

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Damn, that office of yours likes its beverages.

haha I'm having my one little cup, everyone else has been at it all day. Bosses are out of town so the drinking's been down. Sorta. Half the company didn't bother rolling in today. 


The mulled cider's boss, though. 

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