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F'N...tastic Fridays....

Andrew Amerk

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Here, here, Bio!


Last day was today.  Goodbyes were more difficult than I expected.  Lots of really good people there that I truly enjoyed working with.  Lots of positive feedback on my time there.  And a few folks added to my personal contact list.


I'm super excited to be moving on, but I am going to miss that place, and the people.  They were nothing but good to me, even if the corporation itself wasn't.


Old GrandDad 114 in my glass.  Drinking to the future today.


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Here, here, Bio!


Last day was today.  Goodbyes were more difficult than I expected.  Lots of really good people there that I truly enjoyed working with.  Lots of positive feedback on my time there.  And a few folks added to my personal contact list.


I'm super excited to be moving on, but I am going to miss that place, and the people.  They were nothing but good to me, even if the corporation itself wasn't.


Old GrandDad 114 in my glass.  Drinking to the future today.

Starting early, haha.  Congrats, weave... bittersweet leaving folks behind, but Monday brings much excitement.  Enjoy your weekend!

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The insurance company finally approved my dad's hyperbaric therapy! He's been waiting almost 3 weeks for a decision, but he starts on Tuesday next week. Hopefully this will make a difference and allow him to finish healing from the radiation therapy.

How's he doing? FWIW my mom had a very positive outcome after hyperbaric treatments. The chronic wounds on her feet healed nicely. After one of the sessions, she also unbelievably read a small sticker on a car from about 40 feet away, demonstrating, I dunno, 20-5 vision or something, as we calculated it. It left her doctor unable to explain the phenomenon.

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How's he doing? FWIW my mom had a very positive outcome after hyperbaric treatments. The chronic wounds on her feet healed nicely. After one of the sessions, she also unbelievably read a small sticker on a car from about 40 feet away, demonstrating, I dunno, 20-5 vision or something, as we calculated it. It left her doctor unable to explain the phenomenon.

Knew I was missing something Fantastic; he's finally seeing improvement!  :)  He's done with 4 of the 10 weeks, and he's already been able to decrease his use of pain meds.  It's a long process to taper off some of the heavy duty stuff, but he's getting there.  And that's funny about her vision!  Was she farsighted before?  My dad is VERY nearsighted and his vision has actually gotten a little worse during the treatments, but they told him it's not unusual and should be temporary.

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Skyped with my girlfriend for 2 hours today.


It's amazing how much closer she feels while halfway across the world than my ex ever did being just 45 minutes away.


I just ate hibachi with the family, now I'm gonna throw down some jams with my little step sister who just rolled into town.

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Skyped with my girlfriend for 2 hours today.

It's amazing how much closer she feels while halfway across the world than my ex ever did being just 45 minutes away.

I just ate hibachi with the family, now I'm gonna throw down some jams with my little step sister who just rolled into town.


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My missing phone was returned.


Software glitch in the BlackBerry Launcher ...  :unsure:


Downloaded a replacement Launcher at the suggestion of BlackBerry support ...  :thumbsup:


A number of good options on the car search front that we will be checking out tomorrow ...  :flirt:


With luck I will be able to post in the awesome thread regarding a car in the next few days ...  :beer:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing fantastic last Friday ...  :unsure:






Been working on the US tax return for one client all day today ... complicated process when they reside in Canada and have all kinds of investments and work part of the time in the US ... the IRS ...  :death:


Order several cans of Turkish coffee from our supplier ...  :thumbsup:

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Today is my dad's last hyperbaric treatment.  He's been able to taper down from 75 mg (!) Fentanyl patches to 12 mg, and plans to be done with those in the next two weeks.  He also has a consultation next Thursday with a surgeon at Johns Hopkins to look into jaw reconstruction options now that he's finally almost healed.  It's been a long time coming, and I'm so happy for him.

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Today is my dad's last hyperbaric treatment.  He's been able to taper down from 75 mg (!) Fentanyl patches to 12 mg, and plans to be done with those in the next two weeks.  He also has a consultation next Thursday with a surgeon at Johns Hopkins to look into jaw reconstruction options now that he's finally almost healed.  It's been a long time coming, and I'm so happy for him.

That's great bio!!! May the news continue to improve :)



d4rk and I are celebrating our anniversary this weekend, even if it technically is Monday. Since we won't be together that day, early celebrations. Probably hitting up the buffalo science museum, since the weather looks sorta ick. 


So yeah- 5 years. Not bad, not bad. Now if only we could figure out how to live in the same city again... 

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That's great bio!!! May the news continue to improve :)



d4rk and I are celebrating our anniversary this weekend, even if it technically is Monday. Since we won't be together that day, early celebrations. Probably hitting up the buffalo science museum, since the weather looks sorta ick. 


So yeah- 5 years. Not bad, not bad. Now if only we could figure out how to live in the same city again... 

Thanks!   :)  Have fun this weekend!

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This week is almost over, and that is F'N Fantastic.



Getting on a train in an hour to go spend the weekend in Toronto with my best friend. Good food, good drinks, some shopping, maybe a concert... Badly needed. 

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