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4 1/2 years or so. 5 in April. Pretty short time in the grand scheme of things :)

Yeah I suppose. You guys are very very lucky to have one another.


My sister took me out to a concert in Ithaca on Tuesday (for my birthday, which is in a couple weeks).  She gave me a ride, bought me a ticket, thai food, and a beer.  The band was Earphunk, who I hadn't heard much of.  They grooved well, but they needed something more (a singer, a brass instrument, something).  They were a blend of alternative/funk (not funky enough for me).  That was fun, but not the F'N Fantastic part.


My girlfriend goes to Oswego, which is ~2 hours and 20 minutes away.  On Monday I was whining about the long-distance sadness that has been so common in my life.  My girlfriend skipped her dance rehearsal to come to the concert and then came home with me and skipped her classes the next day.  When she initially told me she was coming I started crying.


That never would've struck my ex as a possibility.


4 1/2 years or so. 5 in April. Pretty short time in the grand scheme of things :)

I proposed at 5 years. She said yes. We've been engaged for almost 4 more.... I'm awesome at dating! :)


My sister took me out to a concert in Ithaca on Tuesday (for my birthday, which is in a couple weeks).  She gave me a ride, bought me a ticket, thai food, and a beer.  The band was Earphunk, who I hadn't heard much of.  They grooved well, but they needed something more (a singer, a brass instrument, something).  They were a blend of alternative/funk (not funky enough for me).  That was fun, but not the F'N Fantastic part.


My girlfriend goes to Oswego, which is ~2 hours and 20 minutes away.  On Monday I was whining about the long-distance sadness that has been so common in my life.  My girlfriend skipped her dance rehearsal to come to the concert and then came home with me and skipped her classes the next day.  When she initially told me she was coming I started crying.


That never would've struck my ex as a possibility.

you should keep that one.




Anyone else get the new COD Black OpsIII?  I plan on wasting my evening playing the crap out of it.


Night away from Gramma! Went to a classy Tango concert that was pretty sweet. Now I'm out at a bar with my family. Dog fish head 90 minute IPA. Yum.

Dog fish head 90 min IPA is VERY yum!

Spent Friday on the beach in Panama City, FL and am having a wonderfully relaxing vacation overall. Sabres break their losing streak and Syracuse basketball is off to an excellent start. All so freaking fantastic!


I will be attending my first Sabres game in 4 years. :lol:  My girlfriend is awesome.


I hope you had a great time!


It's 3:15 pm here, 50 deg F, mostly sunny. I'm going to call the work day off early, and watch the sun go down with a little stress reliever. A menial chore that is my sure fire headache reliever. Yes, Yes it's time to cut and stack fire wood. I sense the envy coming through the my computer from SS'ers of using a loud and stinky tool to fling small wood shavings all over ones self, all while trying not to cut off an appendage. Then bending over and picking up the wood and stacking it till your back cries *UNCLE*, all to cure a splitting headache.


But I have looked forward to it all day. And to me it's fantastic.


Every Friday is another week down, another week closer to walking. Incision is healing well, I can flex my foot, I'm wearing shorts today in the warm weather.. It's all good. 


This weekend I hope to swing by the YWCA and give them the shoeboxes I set up. Each box is full of women's toiletries, shampoos, lotion, toothbrush, notepads, perfume, nail polish, etc. Not my usual donation, bit more work but worth it. Don't remember if I mentioned on Sabrespace somewhere, so sorry if it's redundant. 


Every Friday is another week down, another week closer to walking. Incision is healing well, I can flex my foot, I'm wearing shorts today in the warm weather.. It's all good. 


This weekend I hope to swing by the YWCA and give them the shoeboxes I set up. Each box is full of women's toiletries, shampoos, lotion, toothbrush, notepads, perfume, nail polish, etc. Not my usual donation, bit more work but worth it. Don't remember if I mentioned on Sabrespace somewhere, so sorry if it's redundant. 



Good on you for the positive attitude. I assume you're at zero weigh bearing at this point still?  When I broke my tibial plateau I was three months of no weight bearing and when I finally got the go ahead for walking again it was surreal.


Good on you for the positive attitude. I assume you're at zero weigh bearing at this point still?  When I broke my tibial plateau I was three months of no weight bearing and when I finally got the go ahead for walking again it was surreal.

Yep. Doesn't stop me from kinda using it to balance. No pain, so it's a soft prop. Not leaning on it or anything, I know better. 


The doctor told me to bring my other shoe to my followup on January 4th. Said I might walk out of there (I'm assuming with a cane). That's not very far off, and my god, I can't imagine it. That much physical progress seems so very far away at the moment. Only motivates me to take better care of it/do the not so pleasant exercises. 


I wish the swelling or whatever it is would go away. My foot looks really puffy, but it's actually rock hard. It's tender to the touch and inhibits my mobility (at least in my mind). But every day, the bruising/pooled blood looks a little less awful and I see a little bit more of my bone structure again... 

Posted (edited)

Every Friday is another week down, another week closer to walking. Incision is healing well, I can flex my foot, I'm wearing shorts today in the warm weather.. It's all good. 


This weekend I hope to swing by the YWCA and give them the shoeboxes I set up. Each box is full of women's toiletries, shampoos, lotion, toothbrush, notepads, perfume, nail polish, etc. Not my usual donation, bit more work but worth it. Don't remember if I mentioned on Sabrespace somewhere, so sorry if it's redundant. 

Very nice, and good on you for the YWCA donation.  My apartment complex set up one of those Salvation Army trees a couple weeks ago, and today they're coming to collect all the gifts.  It was heartwarming to see how many there were this morning (mine included).   :)

Edited by biodork



My kids have 2 solid weeks off of school starting at noon today.


My kids are going on winter break after today as well.  Finally getting cold here this weekend, so with shopping done and nothing left to do to get ready for the Holidays, I'm looking forward to a nice, lazy, relaxing weekend with the fireplace, movies, video games, my family, alcohol, egg nog, and a Sabres game (not necessarily in that order).  It's been a long week at work (not as long as Bio's though) so I'm really looking forward to it.


Picking up my last couple of Christmas gifts today and will be done shopping a full week before Christmas.  First time ever I believe.  Wrapping is almost done as well.  Having some family over this weekend and will be partaking in a glass of wine or 8. 

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