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Ha. Nice. Just don't go that Darcy route by winning all of the breakups, but failing to build a team that can go the distance. 


... Or have that one rock solid team that you did build be struck low by a foul bacterial infection.  :ph34r:


The innuendo is off the charts in this one.


I spent about an hour today watching videos of colorblind people try out these new glasses that allow them to see color like everybody else... And I never realized how much just seeing color can be taken for granted.



I'm home from work and alive. Worker A was supposed to connect a rigging chain. I guess he couldn't get it right so he left it. Worker B comes along and starts messing with the chain that's should be attached properly and dislodges the cargo hook end. It missed hitting the back of my head by a few inches. Close enough that the debris that came with it went down the back of my shirt. If it would have hit me...well my wife would be a widow right now planning a closed casket affair. I am sipping a beer and breathing. I am looking forward to seeing my wife when she gets home. Today was a good day.


I'm home from work and alive. Worker A was supposed to connect a rigging chain. I guess he couldn't get it right so he left it. Worker B comes along and starts messing with the chain that's should be attached properly and dislodges the cargo hook end. It missed hitting the back of my head by a few inches. Close enough that the debris that came with it went down the back of my shirt. If it would have hit me...well my wife would be a widow right now planning a closed casket affair. I am sipping a beer and breathing. I am looking forward to seeing my wife when she gets home. Today was a good day.

We are glad you are alive!


I'm home from work and alive. Worker A was supposed to connect a rigging chain. I guess he couldn't get it right so he left it. Worker B comes along and starts messing with the chain that's should be attached properly and dislodges the cargo hook end. It missed hitting the back of my head by a few inches. Close enough that the debris that came with it went down the back of my shirt. If it would have hit me...well my wife would be a widow right now planning a closed casket affair. I am sipping a beer and breathing. I am looking forward to seeing my wife when she gets home. Today was a good day.


Okay I'll ask. What the heck do you do for a living? 


Glad you're okay. 


Okay I'll ask. What the heck do you do for a living?


Glad you're okay.

Ironworker. 20+ years.

I've been nearly killed numerous times and seen more gore than I care to share. I am so desensitized that I was the only one whose knees weren't shaking today. That's kinda funny I guess. That's more than likely the reason that I have odd behavior at times. It is certainly why I drink.


It is absolutely the reason I try to be nice and not bitch and complain about things. I've got to be on the best behavior that I am capable of because you never know.

How quickly does that guy get fired?

He is a good kid that is having a hard time in life right know. I don't like to kick a man when he's down. He learned his lesson.

He has been thinking of suicide so it's good what happened today. No one died and he just gained a new perspective on life. Win/win.


He is a good kid that is having a hard time in life right know. I don't like to kick a man when he's down. He learned his lesson.


They're the one's most really don't want to work next to though.  Granted it's not as high of a risk thing as what you just mentioned, but I'm right now in the process of cleaning up the messes of someone who didn't quite have things in order either.  It's an incredible waste of resources.


Worker A was supposed to connect a rigging chain. I guess he couldn't get it right so he left it. Worker B comes along and starts messing with the chain that's should be attached properly and dislodges the cargo hook end. It missed hitting the back of my head by a few inches. Close enough that the debris that came with it went down the back of my shirt. If it would have hit me...well my wife would be a widow right now planning a closed casket affair. 


Jesus Christ.


I will be sure to whoop more loudly the next time I see you guys in a parade.


I'm home from work and alive. Worker A was supposed to connect a rigging chain. I guess he couldn't get it right so he left it. Worker B comes along and starts messing with the chain that's should be attached properly and dislodges the cargo hook end. It missed hitting the back of my head by a few inches. Close enough that the debris that came with it went down the back of my shirt. If it would have hit me...well my wife would be a widow right now planning a closed casket affair. I am sipping a beer and breathing. I am looking forward to seeing my wife when she gets home. Today was a good day.

Wow, scary stuff.  Good to hear you're ok.


If I recall correctly, we tried, but work and life in general got in the way.


We are well stocked again now, so I owe you.

Well if I end up back out that way I'm taking you up on that offer.


I'm home from work and alive. Worker A was supposed to connect a rigging chain. I guess he couldn't get it right so he left it. Worker B comes along and starts messing with the chain that's should be attached properly and dislodges the cargo hook end. It missed hitting the back of my head by a few inches. Close enough that the debris that came with it went down the back of my shirt. If it would have hit me...well my wife would be a widow right now planning a closed casket affair. I am sipping a beer and breathing. I am looking forward to seeing my wife when she gets home. Today was a good day.

It is absolutely the reason I try to be nice and not bitch and complain about things. I've got to be on the best behavior that I am capable of because you never know.

He is a good kid that is having a hard time in life right know. I don't like to kick a man when he's down. He learned his lesson.

He has been thinking of suicide so it's good what happened today. No one died and he just gained a new perspective on life. Win/win.

Wow, man... glad that you're okay, and I hope you're right about the kid gaining a new perspective that will straighten him out!  Enjoy that beer. :beer:


Almost a year to the day my dog was diagnosed with cancer. He's still here! ###### you cancer!


That is awesome!


Family camping trip this weekend with our new (to us) pop-up.  Excited to get away for a couple days and relax.  Did tent camping over the summer on Lake Ontario and my kids saw the Niagara River and Falls for the first time, but found out I'm too old for tent camping, thus the upgrade to the pop-up  :P


Today is my Mom's 60th Birthday!


My brother and I both booked sitters for our kids and, along with my dad and our spouses, we're taking Mom out for a nice evening of food and wine along Canandaigua Lake.


It appears Mother Nature is also excited about it :-D


Thank you, Jesus... the buyers accepted my counter offer!!!!  Still peeved at their stupid game playing, but I just want this house off my hands and thankfully it looks like it'll work out.  It's gonna hurt writing that check at settlement, but at least I won't have to worry about doing more repairs later if I rented, and the buyers will be stuck with my horrible neighbor so I'll get the last laugh.   :devil:


Thank you, Jesus... the buyers accepted my counter offer!!!!  Still peeved at their stupid game playing, but I just want this house off my hands and thankfully it looks like it'll work out.  It's gonna hurt writing that check at settlement, but at least I won't have to worry about doing more repairs later if I rented, and the buyers will be stuck with my horrible neighbor so I'll get the last laugh.   :devil:

Congrats Bio!!!!!! 


Thank you, Jesus... the buyers accepted my counter offer!!!! Still peeved at their stupid game playing, but I just want this house off my hands and thankfully it looks like it'll work out. It's gonna hurt writing that check at settlement, but at least I won't have to worry about doing more repairs later if I rented, and the buyers will be stuck with my horrible neighbor so I'll get the last laugh. :devil:


Yay! Now hopefully they aren't deadbeats and actually follow through!

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