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######. another great first period effort wasted. argh

And they call me negative? They played the Red Wings tonight. For the Sabres to play that strong of a period against the level of team that Detroit is more impressive than over half the victories the Sabres have this season. This was an highly entertaining game and the Sabres hung with the NHL's premier franchise. Losing to Detroit in a shootout is like losing a split decision against the heavyweight champ.

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And they call me negative? The played the Red Wings tonight. For the Sabres to play that strong of a period against the level of team that Detroit is more impressive that over half the victories the Sabres have this season. This was an highly entertaining game and the Sabres hung with the NHL's premier franchise. Losing to Detroit in a shootout is like losing a split decision against the heavyweight champ.


I don't think he was really being negative, more frustrated with the inconsistency than anything.

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What a brutal homestand. Only picked up 5 of 12 points. If it wasn't for Carolina's ineptitude, this could have knocked us out of contention. Apologies to all the optimists here, but I don't like our chances making the playoffs, let alone getting past the first round. These guys just don't have it in them, and I'm also betting Pegula agrees 100% with me. Another 2 goal lead blown by Ryan "Clutch" Miller? Give me a break.

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What a brutal homestand. Only picked up 5 of 12 points. If it wasn't for Carolina's ineptitude, this could have knocked us out of contention. Apologies to all the optimists here, but I don't like our chances making the playoffs, let alone getting past the first round. These guys just don't have it in them, and I'm also betting Pegula agrees 100% with me. Another 2 goal lead blown by Ryan "Clutch" Miller? Give me a break.


Wait, are you really blaming that lose on Miller? Please say no. Because aside from the S/O, our offense had a very unproductive 2nd and 3rd.

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Rhut Rhuw, 5 points out of a possible 12 at home.

Someone needs a hug about now......


Not good for a home stand, not good at all.

My hats off to those teams that came into Buffalo and exploited our weakness, they were prepared.


The larger question now is, what, if any moves is Management prepared to make given the fact that we are only 2 points out of a playoff spot?

How important to Pegula is it that this team make the playoffs?


Atleast the team has made it interesting this season.

Rough game though. Giving up the lead in the last minute of the 3rd, tough luck. But, they did play an overall decent game.


Decision time for Sawyer, Black, Regier and Ruff. Who's coming in and who's leaving.

Should be an interesting 48 hours coming up.

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And they call me negative? They played the Red Wings tonight. For the Sabres to play that strong of a period against the level of team that Detroit is more impressive that over half the victories the Sabres have this season. This was an highly entertaining game and the Sabres hung with the NHL's premier franchise. Losing to Detroit in a shootout is like losing a split decision against the heavyweight champ.


Agreed. Great post. We hung with a heavyweight beast tonight all the way to the end. We came out throwing punches and just ran out of gas, as Detroit's impressive skating and passing team really started to control the possession that they are so well known for. We came very close to beating a team that has not lost to a northeast club yet this season, but despite going a full 12 rounds against them, we must realize this team still has flaws and could improve in some areas. Hopfully Darcy Regier is able to improve on some of those.

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Rhut Rhuw, 5 points out of a possible 12 at home.

Someone needs a hug about now......

Am I the only one having a hard time grouping the last six games together?


Yes, it was six games in a row at home but the Sabres were one team for those first three (an 0-3 bad team) and another team in the last three (a 5 points in three games good team). The home stand wasn't great but it's weird to wait until they get 5 points in 3 games to declare it a failure.


Even a win tonight would have only made it 6 points out of a possible 12, and therefore not a great homestand. If the Sabres had won tonight, would people still be complaining?


The last three games were pretty good. I barely remember the three before that. Let's keep moving forward.

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