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I barely recognized either of them on Talking Dead last night. And speaking of that show, how long do people actually leave that on their TVs? It's incredibly lame.


And last night's episode? That had to have been one of the most frustratingly stupid moments they've ever had on this show. They've been slowly building up Sasha as a badass and then that happens.

Yeah it was the most predictable things to happen so far in the series. You knew as soon as they deviated from Rick's stealthy assault plan, things would go awry.

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Hope what they're saying about Beth in the midseason finale isn't gonna happen. Or about Glen's ultimate fate.

They can't lose Glen and Maggie, or really all of "Team GREATM" for that matter, soon enough.


I think Beth is actually interesting so hopefully they don't decide to kill her off next week.


I barely recognized either of them on Talking Dead last night. And speaking of that show, how long do people actually leave that on their TVs? It's incredibly lame.


And last night's episode? That had to have been one of the most frustratingly stupid moments they've ever had on this show. They've been slowly building up Sasha as a badass and then that happens.

I like Talking Dead. Chris Hardwick is a good host. He's funny and his enthusiasm for the show comes off as genuine (compare that to Jimmy Fallon's fake wildly-over-the-top "Oh-my-God-so-incredible" enthusiasm for whatever his latest Tonight Show guest is talking about).


Also, yes, the ending was very predictable and Sasha basically became the dumbest character on the show because the writers needed it to happen. We knew things weren't going to go perfectly with the mid-season finale next week but they still could have surprised us with something we didn't see coming.

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Also, yes, the ending was very predictable and Sasha basically became the dumbest character on the show because the writers needed it to happen. We knew things weren't going to go perfectly with the mid-season finale next week but they still could have surprised us with something we didn't see coming.


If anyone should have screwed up, it should have been Tyreese since he's been the consistently useless one in the group this season.

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Well, everyone thought it would be Daryl so I guess we're happy right?

Ehhhh. They really telegraphed it by having Maggie *really* happy to hear that her sister was alive (and basically acknowledge that she has a sister for the first time in the show) early in the episode. They also gave Beth those huge stitches on her face and I figured they wouldn't want to give her big make-up scars for several more years.


It sucks that they went through all the trouble of making Beth interesting just to kill her off. Now we're stuck with Maggie (along with her awful acting and fake accent), boring Glen, Abraham+Rosita+Eugene (ugh), Tara (who cares?), Sasha+Tyreese (get ready for more confusing dialogue about "letting go" or something). And the wimpy priest guy.


I never even worry about Daryl, Rick, or Michonne anymore because Robert Kirkman is a comic book nerd and could never part with characters who have cool weapons or whatever.


At least we still have Carol.

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Now we're stuck with Maggie (along with her awful acting and fake accent)

Hush your mouth! I don't care how bad the acting is or how often she slips into her aussie accent (totally hot btw), they can just have her stand there for all I care.



Honestly, only a couple of the actors really have any chops.


rick,Carol, Shane, hershel, Morgan, Gareth, the rest I'm not overly impressed

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Ehhhh. They really telegraphed it by having Maggie *really* happy to hear that her sister was alive (and basically acknowledge that she has a sister for the first time in the show) early in the episode. They also gave Beth those huge stitches on her face and I figured they wouldn't want to give her big make-up scars for several more years.


It sucks that they went through all the trouble of making Beth interesting just to kill her off. Now we're stuck with Maggie (along with her awful acting and fake accent), boring Glen, Abraham+Rosita+Eugene (ugh), Tara (who cares?), Sasha+Tyreese (get ready for more confusing dialogue about "letting go" or something). And the wimpy priest guy.


I never even worry about Daryl, Rick, or Michonne anymore because Robert Kirkman is a comic book nerd and could never part with characters who have cool weapons or whatever.


At least we still have Carol.


The machete wielding priest.

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The whole hospital thing feels like a waste of time for me. It was 3-4 episodes put together with the sole intention of killing off Beth. It could have and probably should have been done faster. One part of last night really bugged me though. We just spend the last two episodes with Rick and co. plotting for their way to get into the hospital and make their exchange... and then at the end of the episode Abraham and the rest of the group just pull right up to the hospital in their fire truck. You don't think that might just possibly ruin any plans that Rick had, do you Abe?

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The whole hospital thing feels like a waste of time for me. It was 3-4 episodes put together with the sole intention of killing off Beth. It could have and probably should have been done faster. One part of last night really bugged me though. We just spend the last two episodes with Rick and co. plotting for their way to get into the hospital and make their exchange... and then at the end of the episode Abraham and the rest of the group just pull right up to the hospital in their fire truck. You don't think that might just possibly ruin any plans that Rick had, do you Abe?

When we first learned they were headed to the hospital also, I figured somehow they would screw up rick's plan and get one of the group killed. Would have made for a better episode too bad they went the lame route they did.

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The whole hospital thing feels like a waste of time for me. It was 3-4 episodes put together with the sole intention of killing off Beth. It could have and probably should have been done faster. One part of last night really bugged me though. We just spend the last two episodes with Rick and co. plotting for their way to get into the hospital and make their exchange... and then at the end of the episode Abraham and the rest of the group just pull right up to the hospital in their fire truck. You don't think that might just possibly ruin any plans that Rick had, do you Abe?

I think they were just giddy about having a scene where Maggie sees her sister's body (after she finally remembered that she has a sister). Plus Abraham is a badass and this show tends to give badasses magical powers.


When we first learned they were headed to the hospital also, I figured somehow they would screw up rick's plan and get one of the group killed. Would have made for a better episode too bad they went the lame route they did.

One thing I really liked about last night is that it was a tragedy that could have been avoided if any one of several people had made a better decision earlier in the episode.


If the trade really was 3 for 2, I doubt Dawn decides to demand Noah back and everyone walks away. So if Officer Dawson decides not to attempt an escape *or* if Rick decides to find a better way to bring him back in (besides unnecessarily hitting him with a car and then executing him), there's a better outcome. If Dawn decides not to demand Noah back, better outcome. If Beth decides not to try to kill Dawn, better outcome again. They could have avoided disaster if just one of these things went right.


I also thought they did a good job creating a backstory where it was believable for Dawn to suddenly decide they had to get Noah. It was stupid and I think she knew she was playing with fire, but it was at least understandable that she thought she needed to try that to hold onto power (especially when her fellow officers are basically trying to kill her after it looks like she's losing control of the situation).


All that said, still fairly annoying to kill off an interesting character with so much dead weight still hanging around on the show. But Beth doesn't have a cool weapon or look cool marching around with a rifle and Robert Kirkman is basically 13 years old, so it was clear she had to die to make the show more hardcore or whatever.

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Meh. Beth hasn't beeb part of the core for a while. She was essentially separate from anything the group has done for a while now. Wish she could've gone out better. Maybe like actually stabbing the lady in the throat then getting shot instead of stabbing a pair of scissor into her vest and then dying.

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Meh. Beth hasn't beeb part of the core for a while. She was essentially separate from anything the group has done for a while now. Wish she could've gone out better. Maybe like actually stabbing the lady in the throat then getting shot instead of stabbing a pair of scissor into her vest and then dying.


I would have preferred the throat shot for that bossy nag. Too bad Beths aim was off. Darryl comes in with cleanup duty and did just fine. I really like Rick and Darryls badassery lately.

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I would have preferred the throat shot for that bossy nag. Too bad Beths aim was off. Darryl comes in with cleanup duty and did just fine. I really like Rick and Darryls badassery lately.


Yea Rick got boring for a while but is awesome now.

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Yea Rick got boring for a while but is awesome now.


They recovered from the insanity really well there. Rick is full on badass now. I think the line about the red machete in the season premiere solidified that. I wonder if he takes back full power now after all of this. Bob would still be alive right now if they had gone back in to wipe out Terminus like he wanted.


I don't mind though that Beth went out without actually hurting Dawn. That ending does more for Daryl's character. I'd rather see that instead of any last second glory for Beth. They wasted enough time on her, they don't need to give her character anything more.

Edited by shrader
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  • 2 months later...

How everyone felt about Andrea and Lori is exactly how I feel about tyreese.

You're not alone and I get the feeling that most agree. He has been deadweight this entire season. My brother got home late and was watching the show on a ten or so minute delay. He texted me early saying "Tyreese really needs to die". Seconds after I read this, he got bit. It was the best timing ever.


The episode itself was pretty good though, especially with the payoff of him being gone. The hallucination stuff was an interesting route to take. I'm also glad that he wound up dying in fairly pathetic fashion, being unsuspectingly bitten by a teenage walker. Perfect ending to a waste of a character.



Oh, and I enjoyed the comic relief of the rebar walker. For once the kitana isn't the perfect weapon.

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You're not alone and I get the feeling that most agree. He has been deadweight this entire season. My brother got home late and was watching the show on a ten or so minute delay. He texted me early saying "Tyreese really needs to die". Seconds after I read this, he got bit. It was the best timing ever.


The episode itself was pretty good though, especially with the payoff of him being gone. The hallucination stuff was an interesting route to take. I'm also glad that he wound up dying in fairly pathetic fashion, being unsuspectingly bitten by a teenage walker. Perfect ending to a waste of a character.



Oh, and I enjoyed the comic relief of the rebar walker. For once the kitana isn't the perfect weapon.

Lol I laughed. I hope she didn't damage the blade.



What was everybodies take on the truckload of torso n heads without the lower bodies ? I was confused when they came across the bodies from the waist down splinkles with limbs lying aboot but it was strange ? 

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Lol I laughed. I hope she didn't damage the blade.



What was everybodies take on the truckload of torso n heads without the lower bodies ? I was confused when they came across the bodies from the waist down splinkles with limbs lying aboot but it was strange ? 

I have no idea what it was all about.  Can't wait for it to play out though.  Do we really think they're going to Washington right away after setting that scene up?

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I have no idea what it was all about.  Can't wait for it to play out though.  Do we really think they're going to Washington right away after setting that scene up?

I don't think they'll do anything else with it, which is a shame. The town didn't really show any signs of being attacked by living people, so I get the impression that they won't do anything else with it storyline-wise.

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