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Free Agent Frenzy


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I'm not 3 years old, but I am very immature for my age.


Swamp, give yourself some credit. At age 2, you were posting at a 3-year-old level. You just haven't progressed since then. You'll get there someday.


Now, back to the Flintstone Phone for you.

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nice defense dude, makin a comment about connolly that has nothin to do with hockey. you got nothin.


Oh, it has everything to do with the way he plays. But I'm kind of done with this in the free agent thread; you can resurrect my thread from this past winter about Connolly if you'd like. He's not a FA and let's not clog it up here.

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Oh, it has everything to do with the way he plays. But I'm kind of done with this in the free agent thread; you can resurrect my thread from this past winter about Connolly if you'd like. He's not a FA and let's not clog it up here.

quittin huh? ill take this as a win.

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Swamp, give yourself some credit. At age 2, you were posting at a 3-year-old level. You just haven't progressed since then. You'll get there someday.


Now, back to the Flintstone Phone for you.

Hey Goofy, this is Mickey, c'mon over fer a pawrty.


That should date me some.


EDIT: I agree. Lets pick this up again when he actually becomes a FA,.. oh please, please, pretty please...

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Listen, Swamp , for what its worth , I completely agree with you on T.C. If he's what we have as our #1 center going forward, this team is screwed. His best days are clearly behind him and he was mostly injured in that time frame. The problem with some of the fans is they haven't known what its like to have a true #1 center in a long time. Regier continually sells the fans of Buffalo players who are slotted into positions one line above where they should realistically be playing and would be playing if they were on other teams that I would consider contenders.Connolly and Roy would both make great #2 centers. Neither of them are top notch and would'nt be considered if Regier could aquire what this teams been lacking for a long time,a legitimate #1. Thats just my opinion so no,I don't need an argument from Connolly fans. I'm a fan of T.C. too,just not as a #1 center. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see him gone though.

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do you really think our team is that bad?

I'll go one further than that bad. I'll come out and say what many, and I mean a good many others have already stated, over and over and over and over again.

Without Miller playing some down right knock out hockey (which he did not do in the playoffs by the way) this team does not make the playoffs period, end of story. It wasn't Connolly who brought this team to the playoffs, not even close to the top of the list for that matter. It was the bottom 6 combined with a defense that showed up and a goal tender that was smokin hot in the first half of the season.


Once again, these are facts that cannot be denied, they were there for all to see. This is not to say (once again) that Connolly isn't a decent player, but he is by no means a significant contributing factor for a successful Stanley Cup championship here in Buffalo. People may say that I should think of other players on this team in the same light then if Connolly is to be considered along these lines. I say they would be correct.


I don't want to hear about this, that or the other when it comes to a failed championship run. My opinion is quite clear, keep Roy with Vanek and give them a RW worth a darn, keep Pommers, but Ennis at LW and give them a center worth a darn, and lets move forward from this.

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You guys don't make any sense. First Connolly sucks because he never plays, and now that he's been in the lineup consistently and leading the team in production over that span, he's the definition of "Status Quo?" Since Connolly has missed so much time since the lockout, surely he can't be the reason for the team's failures. If he's only played in 50% of the games since the lockout, and we've only made the playoffs three times (two of which were seasons that he played 60+ games), how can you put the blame on him?


You're looking in the wrong place for excuses. I have no problem admitting the team hasn't made any major improvements, and therefor has essentially remained "status quo." But Connolly is not the odd man out. Pominville, Hecht, Stafford, Rivet, Gaustad, etc should all be much higher on your list of players you want out of town. Face it, you only rip on Connolly because of his past injury problems. Now that he's played and produced at a consistent pace you have nothing-- All you can do is say "status quo, status quo!" How is he status quo if, since returning from injury halfway through the 08-09 year, has added a roughly 18 goal/60+ point scorer to the lineup? A team that missed the playoffs transformed into a division champion with Connolly at the forefront. Miller played oustanding, and Myers was a bonus, but Connolly's production on and off the powerplay helped as well.

This statement is a garbage statement Jack. If you are a fan, and not a writer, than surely you would realize a championship speaks the loudest of all. Where is the Buffalo Sabres Stanley Cup Championship with Connolly?

Thats right, it doesn't exist. Lets just call a spade a spade on this one and move along, you support Connolly on the team, I do not, and as each season passes and no Championships evolve, what will the excuse be then?

Do you see where I am coming from on this? I am not interested in Fan loyalty to a Player, could care less quite frankly.


My statement is clear, you want my respect, BRING US THE STANLEY CUP IN BUFFALO!


That cannot be made any clearer I am sure.

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I'll go one further than that bad. I'll come out and say what many, and I mean a good many others have already stated, over and over and over and over again.

Without Miller playing some down right knock out hockey (which he did not do in the playoffs by the way) this team does not make the playoffs period, end of story. It wasn't Connolly who brought this team to the playoffs, not even close to the top of the list for that matter. It was the bottom 6 combined with a defense that showed up and a goal tender that was smokin hot in the first half of the season.

Once again, these are facts that cannot be denied, they were there for all to see.


These are not "facts." The only fact is that Miller stood on his head. The bottom six practically had less to do with us making the playoffs than the top six had to do with us losing in the first round. If not for Connolly, who was going to fill that 70 point void? Was Hecht going to dish out 50 more assists? Was Drew Stafford going to start playing hockey? Please. :rolleyes: Obviously Connolly wasn't 100% the reason we made playoffs, but he was a big contributor (as were Roy and Vanek, and even Pommer.) The stats don't lie.


This statement is a garbage statement Jack. If you are a fan, and not a writer, than surely you would realize a championship speaks the loudest of all. Where is the Buffalo Sabres Stanley Cup Championship with Connolly?

Thats right, it doesn't exist. Lets just call a spade a spade on this one and move along, you support Connolly on the team, I do not, and as each season passes and no Championships evolve, what will the excuse be then?

Do you see where I am coming from on this? I am not interested in Fan loyalty to a Player, could care less quite frankly.


My statement is clear, you want my respect, BRING US THE STANLEY CUP IN BUFFALO!


That cannot be made any clearer I am sure.


Okay, sure, I see where you're coming from. Then, I ask you, where is the Sabres' Stanley Cup with Thomas Vanek? Ryan Miller? Derek Roy? Dominik Hasek? Mike Peca? Gil Perrault? Lafontaine? And every other player that wore a Sabres uniform the last 40 years?


Don't tell me "[my] statement is a garbage statement" and then proceed to say something like that. I'm sure you'd be ecstatic, then, if Regier traded Miller away for a fifth round pick. Hey, we clear up some salary space, right? And clearly Miller wasn't the answer -- after all, where's his Stanley Cup? Where's his gold medal?


If that's really the thought process you use when determining whether somebody belongs on the team or not, you should re-think following Buffalo sports.

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These are not "facts." The only fact is that Miller stood on his head. The bottom six practically had less to do with us making the playoffs than the top six had to do with us losing in the first round. If not for Connolly, who was going to fill that 70 point void? Was Hecht going to dish out 50 more assists? Was Drew Stafford going to start playing hockey? Please. :rolleyes: Obviously Connolly wasn't 100% the reason we made playoffs, but he was a big contributor (as were Roy and Vanek, and even Pommer.) The stats don't lie.




Okay, sure, I see where you're coming from. Then, I ask you, where is the Sabres' Stanley Cup with Thomas Vanek? Ryan Miller? Derek Roy? Dominik Hasek? Mike Peca? Gil Perrault? Lafontaine? And every other player that wore a Sabres uniform the last 40 years?


Don't tell me "[my] statement is a garbage statement" and then proceed to say something like that. I'm sure you'd be ecstatic, then, if Regier traded Miller away for a fifth round pick. Hey, we clear up some salary space, right? And clearly Miller wasn't the answer -- after all, where's his Stanley Cup? Where's his gold medal?


If that's really the thought process you use when determining whether somebody belongs on the team or not, you should re-think following Buffalo sports.

Why should I not look at the defensive stats for the Sabres in the first 41 games combined with what I actually watched transpire on the ice and not come to the common sense conclusion I did, concerning Connolly.


And I will tell you "my" statement, whether you choose to respect it or not. As for your list of players, I only respect 3 of them, Perrault, Hasek and Lafontaine. And you would be correct, Where IS THE CUP?

Why should I re-think following Buffalo Sports if I form an opinion based on my thought process? That comment just trails off in to nowhere land IMO.

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His best days are clearly behind him and he was mostly injured in that time frame.


I really don't even know what to say to this statement. His best days are clearly behind him? Based on what, his team-leading production the past season and a half? Did you even read the past several posts in the thread regarding the topic?


Ugh I've had it with you guys. Is DeLuca really the only one with a brain on this site?

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I really don't even know what to say to this statement. His best days are clearly behind him? Based on what, his team-leading production the past season and a half? Did you even read the past several posts in the thread regarding the topic?


Ugh I've had it with you guys. Is DeLuca really the only one with a brain on this site?

Why? Because some of us don't share your views ont he subject and substance of your thoughts on Connolly?

This would be a non-objective POV (point of view).

I do not believe as do many others that Connolly has any real upside for this team. Is this view so hard for you to swallow? I have already conceded that although I have this view, Connolly is not a bad player. He is just not what Buffalo needs IMO, as a line 2 center at this time.


I have to wonder why it is so difficult for you to except the views and/or opinions of others.

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Why should I not look at the defensive stats for the Sabres in the first 41 games combined with what I actually watched transpire on the ice and not come to the common sense conclusion I did, concerning Connolly.


And I will tell you "my" statement, whether you choose to respect it or not. As for your list of players, I only respect 3 of them, Perrault, Hasek and Lafontaine. And you would be correct, Where IS THE CUP?

Why should I re-think following Buffalo Sports if I form an opinion based on my thought process? That comment just trails off in to nowhere land IMO.



Why? Because some of us don't share your views ont he subject and substance of your thoughts on Connolly?

This would be a non-objective POV (point of view).

I do not believe as do many others that Connolly has any real upside for this team. Is this view so hard for you to swallow? I have already conceded that although I have this view, Connolly is not a bad player. He is just not what Buffalo needs IMO, as a line 2 center at this time.


I have to wonder why it is so difficult for you to except the views and/or opinions of others.


You're entitled to your opinion just as much as I'm entitled to not caring what your opinion is. My "opinion" is supported with facts and statistics, many of which I've provided over the last several pages of this thread. Your opinion is, apparently, supported by borderline retarded statements like "Buffalo hasn't wont a cup with Connolly on the team, therefor he doesn't belong here."


DeLuca is about as anti-Connolly as they come, but at least he can put a credible, thought-provoking argument together. You guys just seem to ramble on about, well honestly, who the h*ll knows what? I have no idea know you were trying to say in the first post I quoted above, or how it relates to your opinion on Connolly. All you do is keep re-stating your opinion that "TC can't be a contributing factor in a playoff run, even though he averages almost a point-per-game and has been one of, if not the, most productive player on the team the last year plus." Cool, tell me what you base that on? And don't say a 6-game post-season that Adam Mair and Matt Ellis scored more goals than him AND the majority of the team.

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You're entitled to your opinion just as much as I'm entitled to not caring what your opinion is. My "opinion" is supported with facts and statistics, many of which I've provided over the last several pages of this thread. Your opinion is, apparently, supported by borderline retarded statements like "Buffalo hasn't wont a cup with Connolly on the team, therefor he doesn't belong here."


DeLuca is about as anti-Connolly as they come, but at least he can put a credible, thought-provoking argument together. You guys just seem to ramble on about, well honestly, who the h*ll knows what? I have no idea know you were trying to say in the first post I quoted above, or how it relates to your opinion on Connolly. All you do is keep re-stating your opinion that "TC can't be a contributing factor in a playoff run, even though he averages almost a point-per-game and has been one of, if not the, most productive player on the team the last year plus." Cool, tell me what you base that on? And don't say a 6-game post-season that Adam Mair and Matt Ellis scored more goals than him AND the majority of the team.

Your stats were discredited the moment the Boston series ended. Your utilizing stats from the D/B era in Buffalo, just not justified and you have no supporting data to back up the assertion you make that Connolly should be a centering piece for this organization. I do keep re-stating my opinion, the past 3 seasons worth of stats, both regular season, and a playoff series speak for themselves as far as Connolly is concerned.


As for the bolded portion of your comments, I standby completely what I state here. How can you honestly point to his production when it was non-existent in the playoff series? Is it the foot injury that hindered his production? If so, then its just the same ole, same ole with Connolly. More of a liability then a contributor.


I almost have to laugh, only, its not funny, its actually sad when people attempt to look at a stat sheet and refuse to acknowledge what they see on the ice in conjuction with the out come. :rolleyes:

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Jack,yes I've read the previous posts and from what I've read its clear that anyone with a different opinion than you in your mind is an idiot. Some of us have differing opinions,grow a set and learn to deal with it. Thats what adults do. If you've had it with the brain dead people on this site that don't agree with your opinion its simple really,don't post or at the very least,don't read what you don't want to hear. The problem as I see it is you go into every discussion thinking that you have to win an 'argument' when that is'nt the idea at all. There are no winners or losers and if looked at like most do you can walk away having learned something. The day you think you know it all is the day you stop learning.

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To recap the last 4 pages of this thread: "Connolly sucks." "No he doesn't." "Yes he does." "You're a retard." "No you are."


Give it a rest.


Everyone here knows the following:


TC is talented and, when healthy, productive.


TC cannot stay healthy.


The Sabres' "top 6" forwards collectively crapped the bed in the playoffs.


The Sabres need some new blood on their top 6.


Hoping that TC would stay healthy and be a reliable, productive #1 or #2 center has gotten this team precisely nowhere.


The Sabres would be much better off if they didn't have to rely on TC, so that anything they got from him would be a bonus.


DR isn't going to dump him for a bag of pucks.


No one knows whether anything is going to happen between now and the start of camp.


Everyone will be happy if the Sabres bring in a strong #1 center or even a strong top-line winger. If TC is traded to make this happen, no one will complain.


The rest is just noise.

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Jack,yes I've read the previous posts and from what I've read its clear that anyone with a different opinion than you in your mind is an idiot. Some of us have differing opinions,grow a set and learn to deal with it. Thats what adults do. If you've had it with the brain dead people on this site that don't agree with your opinion its simple really,don't post or at the very least,don't read what you don't want to hear. The problem as I see it is you go into every discussion thinking that you have to win an 'argument' when that is'nt the idea at all. There are no winners or losers and if looked at like most do you can walk away having learned something. The day you think you know it all is the day you stop learning.


I never called anybody an "idiot" for having a different opinion. I referred to DeLuca being the only person with a brain because the last page worth of posts were Sabresneedacup and static70 having a 3rd grade level argument, offering nothing in their posts but useless banter, followed by one of the most ridiculous rebuttals I've ever heard in "Connolly can't be a key part of a playoff run because the Sabres haven't won a cup yet with him." (This of course after ripping on him for missing games due to injury, which pretty much contradicts that statement anyway.) In my countless arguments with DeLuca in the past about Connolly, he actually raised some good points and brought some interesting conversation/perspective. As did Kristian in a different thread earlier about Forsberg. I don't come here to "win" an argument, that's not how it works. I'm just trying to prove my point, that you guys ALL just use Connolly as a scapegoat because he's dealt with injuries in the past. Now that he's had a year+ of mostly injury-free game and led the team in points over that span, nobody will own up and admit that he's been one of our best players -- all I hear is, "no, he's garbage and isn't a big part of our team." Not you specifically, but the one's saying Connolly needs to be off the team before they can consider the Sabres a contender have nothing to back their side of the argument other than A.) injuries of two years ago and B.) a disappointing post-season that whole team sucked -- not just Connolly.


But still it always comes back to, "oh boy, that Connolly sure should have scored some goals in the playoffs!" When Roy, Pommer, and obviously Stafford are in the same boat. Rip on Connolly's contract all you want, but he's only missed nine games since he got that contract and has led the team in the points. What has Pommer done since he got his $5+ mil a year contract? Nothing notable.


edit: also your post about Connolly's best years being behind him was completely absurd, seeing as how two years ago he set a career high in goals and this past year a career high in points -- not to mention led the team in points on the PP. Your statement makes no sense. It isn't "an opinion", it's a straight lie.

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To recap the last 4 pages of this thread: "Connolly sucks." "No he doesn't." "Yes he does." "You're a retard." "No you are."


Give it a rest.


Everyone here knows the following:


TC is talented and, when healthy, productive.


TC cannot stay healthy.


The Sabres' "top 6" forwards collectively crapped the bed in the playoffs.


The Sabres need some new blood on their top 6.


Hoping that TC would stay healthy and be a reliable, productive #1 or #2 center has gotten this team precisely nowhere.


The Sabres would be much better off if they didn't have to rely on TC, so that anything they got from him would be a bonus.


DR isn't going to dump him for a bag of pucks.


No one knows whether anything is going to happen between now and the start of camp.


Everyone will be happy if the Sabres bring in a strong #1 center or even a strong top-line winger. If TC is traded to make this happen, no one will complain.


The rest is just noise.


Can't argue with that.

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Can't argue with that.

Agreed, and with that, I'm taking nfreemans course on how to effectively put an opinion across in a concise manner.


So, how about the weather this month. Its turning out to be one of the better July's I can remember. A little humid and sticky but other wise, I love all of the sunshine. :beer:

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