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As bad as the second period was in terms of lopsided play, Buffalo still did a great job of allowing Miller to see the puck. There were no jaw-dropping saves robbing a Bruin of a sure goal. The shot totals really don't tell the story.


And then, it was essentially a perfect 3rd period by the Sabres. Only 6 Boston shots, and much more play in the Bruins' end.


Love the response of this team to Boston's physical challenge, and echo comments praising the play of Vanek. He's back.

They don't, but remember a ton of them were blocked and never got through. This is where I'd like to see the "shots attempted" stat (or whatever it is). Boston had to take well over 30 shots in the second period, but only 24 made it past the defense.


I also loved the physical play last night. Did Lindy give some sort of Knute Rockne speech?

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I'll go so far as to say it's been a problem ever since Campbell left. He was the only one I can remember since the '07 team that would aggressively skate the puck out of the zone. I HATE the slow, meandering, deliberate, looking-for-the-perfect-pass type of skating when the defense is bringing the puck up the ice. It allows the opposition to set up a forecheck and is just a recipe for disaster.

Teppo was also very good at moving the puck out of the zone quickly.

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You just got to love the play of Kaleta, the kid is truly the heart of the Buffalo Sabres.


lol, the Myers hit was questionable to say the least, but it was awesome :thumbsup:


The Big Kid needs to do that once and awhile, to make sure that everyone knows that it is part of his game, its gonna keep people thinking when he's around.

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I thought it should've been an awarded goal. Without the penalty, Grier was 100% certain to score the ENG.


BTW, I don't think I've ever seen it happen -- so was kinda hoping for the novelty in addition to the game-clincher.

It happened just a few weeks ago in Buffalo when Alfie was awarded a goal.


I too was hollerin' for a goal, but upon review, he didn't have control of the puck and he wasn't really "in the clear."

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They don't, but remember a ton of them were blocked and never got through. This is where I'd like to see the "shots attempted" stat (or whatever it is). Boston had to take well over 30 shots in the second period, but only 24 made it past the defense.


I also loved the physical play last night. Did Lindy give some sort of Knute Rockne speech?

But Lindy did say after the game he thought in the second the team started running around looking for hits. He may want to dial that back a little. Lindy said sarcastically that doing something with the puck is kind of important too.

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Why didn't MSG show the player intros or the anthems? The time for talk by that time was over, but Kevin and Danny and Harry were just droning on. And I can't understand why they go so quickly to Kevin after the game. Showing the three star intros would be fun to watch. They could at least show it while Kevin yacks.


Speaking of the stars, the media votes on it, right? The Sabres don't control it? A tough, tight 2-1 playoff game and three Sabres as stars? I thought Rask could have slipped in there as the third star.

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THat 1st period was the most fun I have had at a game in years! The Miller Rask Staredown during the brawl was just a ridiculously incredible image that I could not believe was happening.


Vanek is looking like the All Star we all had hoped for. Right before his injury last year, he was turning into that player and now he is the guy that you notice ALL GAME LONG!!

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I'll go so far as to say it's been a problem ever since Campbell left. He was the only one I can remember since the '07 team that would aggressively skate the puck out of the zone. I HATE the slow, meandering, deliberate, looking-for-the-perfect-pass type of skating when the defense is bringing the puck up the ice. It allows the opposition to set up a forecheck and is just a recipe for disaster.

I'll go so far to say it has been a problem since long before Campbell left. I just don't see how a philosophy of leaving the points so open isn't going to hurt us in the end, either with an untimely goal or an injured player that got hit with the hardest shot in the NHL.

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THat 1st period was the most fun I have had at a game in years! The Miller Rask Staredown during the brawl was just a ridiculously incredible image that I could not believe was happening.

Had they gone at it, it would have pushed the scrum over the ridiculous line. I can see why some think the Biron-Emery thing in 2007 was probably worthwhile, given the circumstances, but Miller isn't that type of guy. No place for a goalie fight in the playoffs and he knows it.


Vanek is looking like the All Star we all had hoped for. Right before his injury last year, he was turning into that player and now he is the guy that you notice ALL GAME LONG!!

He looked like the player we last saw in the playoffs in 2007. I might have given him the first star if I was voting.

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Had they gone at it, it would have pushed the scrum over the ridiculous line. I can see why some think the Biron-Emery thing in 2007 was probably worthwhile, given the circumstances, but Miller isn't that type of guy. No place for a goalie fight in the playoffs and he knows it.

Not to mention, Rask is an absolute pyscho and we don't need him trying to break his stick over Ryan Miller's head in a beserker rage.

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Is that...optimism?

Just a observation.


Wanted to let the excitement die down before injecting some common sense into the conversation. The Sabres beat a team they should beat.


A playoff win is a playoff win. The Sabres physical game was a nice surprise. Not sure if they can or are willing to sustain it over a long series. The Second period was a huge cause for concern. Thankfully the Sabres have Ryan Miller and Boston just can't score. I think it is safe to say if the Sabres get out shot 24-8 by most of the other 14 playoff teams they are leaving the second period trailing.


It also looked as if the Bruins took a long hard look at the last Senators game. They know they have a huge physical advantage and they are going to use it. Especially if the Sabres power play remains inept. The Sabres need to make the Bruins pay when they get out of hand.


Game two should be another physical affair. Though I feel it will be another 2-1 style contest. It would be great if the Sabres could send a statement and bury a couple of power play goals.

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Hope the NHL doesn't have a little surprise for us here. Myers' blindside hit was pretty high. I can't tell if he hit the guy's head or shoulder.


I was thinking the same thing. That was definitely a borderline hit, especially when you looked at his follow through.

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Hope the NHL doesn't have a little surprise for us here. Myers' blindside hit was pretty high. I can't tell if he hit the guy's head or shoulder.

I don't know about that. I looked at it several times and paused it. It was shoulder to shoulder. It may have seemed high because of Myers follow through and the Bruin reacting like he was punched by the Incredible Hulk.


If it deserved anything it was possibly a 2 minute interference penalty. I didn't see the Bruin with the puck.

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What Chara cheap shot are you referring to? It's hard to keep track.


The one that started the ruckus.


Can I describe the ruckus?


The ruckus in the first period resulting in seven minors and a ten-minute misconduct.


DeLuca: Yes, I realize I'm talking about the NHL. If Julien is going to lobby for punishment, so will Ruff. But honestly, I don't think the league will do anything at all, because I'm talking about the NHL.

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The one that started the ruckus.


Can I describe the ruckus?


The ruckus in the first period resulting in seven minors and a ten-minute misconduct.


DeLuca: Yes, I realize I'm talking about the NHL. If Julien is going to lobby for punishment, so will Ruff. But honestly, I don't think the league will do anything at all, because I'm talking about the NHL.


Chara is going to be suspended for a routine cross-check on Kaleta? I thought we were talking about the new supplemental discipline for blindside head shots.

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Thanks for the kind words :)

Yes ... welcome a day late. Enjoy the posts. Relatively new to be a hockey fan - you won't be disappointed. And it's cool your team of choice is the Sabres. Hopefully your new addition gets them the W in game 2.

National TV ... gotta hope it's Doc Emrich with the call.


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