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All I will say is that flipping over to American Idol during intermission and commercial breaks provided much more enjoyment than any one moment of the travesty of a hockey game last night. :)


You are lucky you weren't stuck at the game like i was. It was the worst sporting even i've ever been to.


For everyone saying Lindy mismanaged the goaltenders by starting Lalime after such a long break. I'm not disagreeing with you on that, but if Lalime can't make a save to save his life, that trend will never be broken. Some of those goals were just horrific.

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Stafford definitely elbowed the crap out of him.
Yeah, looks a little suspect even though he's leaning forward into his shot, and thus has his head a little lower than usual.

Looks like an elbow that's for sure.

I don't know. Two things happen when you throw a check like that: (1) when brace, your arm tightens up and your elbow naturally rises a few inches; and (2) after the hit, your elbow rises with the follow-through. His elbow didn't come up more than a couple of inches before the hit (it wasn't like he had his arm up parallel to the ice with his elbow out) and it seemed to rise with the follow-through. Keith's head was down, so first contact may have ended up being elbow to chin, but it was a clear attempt to elbow him. Like I said in the comments, it was similar to Neil's hit on Drury, which wasn't actually an elbow, except that it wasn't as late, he came from the side not from behind and Keith's helmet didn't come off before he hit the ice (which made Neil's seem worse.)


Now, this was an elbow:

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For everyone saying Lindy mismanaged the goaltenders by starting Lalime after such a long break. I'm not disagreeing with you on that, but if Lalime can't make a save to save his life, that trend will never be broken. Some of those goals were just horrific.

He actually made some very good saves in the first before those two goals. That first goal was weak; I'll give you that. The second was actually just bad luck (he made the save, but thought that he deflected it away and moved to play the rebound. Unfortunately, it was actually caught up in his gear, which he couldn't feel.) The timing of it just made it that much worse.

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Seriously? if he wanted to be anything like Neil he would have put his elbow up and laid into him. Keith was moving across and stafford held his ground and the puck was a hell of alot closer to the play then on the Drury hit. It was a little late but it wasn't dirty or cowardly.


I see not much difference compring the Neil hit on Drury with Stafford's hit on Keith. They were both headshots with the elbow, and both were after

the guy took a shot. You'd think after it was done to our team, we wouldn't be dirty enough to do it to someone else but it looks like we have someone

who lost it. Should be a suspension for Mouse Potato.

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I see not much difference compring the Neil hit on Drury with Stafford's hit on Keith. They were both headshots with the elbow, and both were after

the guy took a shot. You'd think after it was done to our team, we wouldn't be dirty enough to do it to someone else but it looks like we have someone

who lost it. Should be a suspension for Mouse Potato.

The Neil hit was actually shown on replay to not be an elbow and I don't believe that this really was either. He came from more behind Drury than Stafford did, so it would have been harder for Drury to see Neil coming (Keith should have seen Stafford.) Also, Stafford's hit was literally a split second after the puck left Keith's stick, whereas Neil's hit came a full second after Drury passed the puck off. What really sparked the fire after the Drury hit was that Chris' helmet came off (chin strap too loose) and he hit his head on the ice (thus, the blood.) Also, it didn't help that Neil was known for cheap shots (far worse than his hit on Drury.) Really, if you want an elbow from Stafford, look back at one of the losses to the Penguins where he threw, but missed, a blatant elbow at Crosby's head. This was one of those hard, open ice hits that ends up being worse because the player has his head down.

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I see not much difference compring the Neil hit on Drury with Stafford's hit on Keith. They were both headshots with the elbow, and both were after

the guy took a shot. You'd think after it was done to our team, we wouldn't be dirty enough to do it to someone else but it looks like we have someone

who lost it. Should be a suspension for Mouse Potato.


A guy that cuts through the middle head down is totally different from Drury on the perimeter.

10 years ago nobody would have thought of floating through like that.

This isn't a suspension, not even close. IMO.

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Geesh, I went to see the Caps beat the Pussies :thumbsup: last night so I had this game DVR'ed, with the plan of watching it at tonight before the Dallas game.... Well the recording didn't work, but I guess it's probably for the better, huh? I even avoided all hockey websites for an entire day of work so that I wouldn't know the score!


After their performances against the Rags and at Detroit, it looks like the Chicago game turned out exactly as I expected it would be.... ughhh.

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I see not much difference compring the Neil hit on Drury with Stafford's hit on Keith. They were both headshots with the elbow, and both were after

the guy took a shot. You'd think after it was done to our team, we wouldn't be dirty enough to do it to someone else but it looks like we have someone

who lost it. Should be a suspension for Mouse Potato.



I didn't see a lot of difference, either. Drury came from a different direction, and was without the puck for a little bit longer before the hit on him, is all. Stafford certainly should have hit Keith, but Stafford definitely brought up his arm as he did it. The two key differences to me are the amount of time between the pass (shot, in Keith's case) and hit, and the reputation of the hitter. And the latter means more than the former, at least to me.

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