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What's funny was right before the second Chicago goal, I was thinking that they were playing a pretty good road game. Even after the next two goals, I thought "we just need one thing to go our way in we're back in it." I thought the Vanek-Roy 2-on-1, where Vanek rang it off the pipe, was that thing (before he hit the pipe, obviously), but then we got that six-minute PP. I can begin to imagine how different this game might have been if Vanek hits an inch to the left; back to 3-2 and not having gone through a 6 minute powerless play, they might actually have had the momentum. Instead, it took the wind right out of their sails. What was really unfortunate is that they had a lot of opportunities that they squandered (Vanek off the pipe, Connolly into Huet's glove, several rebounds sitting there for the taking, ...)


Ugh. Well, in the spirit of "the cup is half full", in 2009:

- We're 4-2-0

- Our wins were in conference (4) and in division (3), including the top team in both

- Our losses were both out of conference

- We have a winning record at home (2-0-0) and are .500 on the road (2-2-0)

- Pittsburgh lost tonight

- We're at worst still in 8th through 43 games (Florida is below us, but with 2 games-in-hand) with games-in-hand on two of the teams below us.

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I have a simple question. So what?


So what if for what seems like the 12th time this season Lindy Ruff has to scream and threaten this hockey club.


So what if for what seems like the 40th time over the past two seasons this team couldn't even be bothered to show up for even one period.


The Sabres take more nights off than any other team in the NHL, maybe more than any other division. I really think this team doesn't care. There is no way in hell this team is going to make the playoffs. They have zero intensity and heart. Craig Rivet was to instill heart in to this roster. Instead it seems they drained his. Gaustad is more of a power p^$$y than a power forward. Three Hawks face wash Stafford at the end of the period. Where the fu<k were his teammates.


There is nothing more for Lindy to do. Lindy needs better players to get the job done. He needs a center. What does Regier hand him? Tim Connolly. He might has well crapped on a plate and handed it to Ruff. Ruff needs size and grit on the blue line. What does Regier hand Ruff? Rivet and Teppo (the anti-Rivet). Oh yeah he has Tallinder also. At some point Regier is going to have to prove he is just not another Russ Branyon.

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To other side notes:


- Lindy said the Sekera could be out a while :thumbdown:


- Example of why subjective stats are bad: Paille hit Campbell hard twice in one shift, but according to NHL.com, he had zero hits in the game.

Paille played tonight? I must have been in the bathroom that shift.

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He didn't respond at all to Ruff's call-out at the end of December. He could use a two- or three-game benching.


Why would he?


He was demoted to the 4th line for one game, and was immediately handed back his minutes the following game, despite the fact that he's shown nothing.


Yet another game of "how's my hair hockey", and after a long layoff to boot.


Oh well, fool me once, shame on you - Fool me for the 76th time, definintely shame on ME!

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Paille played tonight? I must have been in the bathroom that shift.

I believe that it was right before Sekera got nailed. Paille hit Campbell pretty hard, then the puck came back to Campbell again and "PAILLE JUST NAILED CAMPBELL!!!" The puck went down to own end and Sekera got hit hard.

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I thought we did that in December. New year, reset the stats, all that. We have to do it again?




And we have to work harder, play the system better, be more responsible in our own zone, play physical, get more pucks on net, capitalize on our PP's, stay out of the box, blah blah blah.


Did I forget anything?

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And we have to work harder, play the system better, be more responsible in our own zone, play physical, get more pucks on net, capitalize on our PP's, stay out of the box, blah blah blah.


Did I forget anything?



Yeah, you forgot "keep our feet moving" and "keep it simple" :wallbash:

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Gaustad is more of a power p^$$y than a power forward. Three Hawks face wash Stafford at the end of the period.


Gaustad muscled his way out of those three guys, managed to pull Seabrook out of a linesman's grasp, wrestled Seabrook to the ice, and gave him a couple of good punches before it was over. I'm not Gaustad's greatest fan, but he sure looked pretty freaking tough on that play.

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Gaustad muscled his way out of those three guys, managed to pull Seabrook out of a linesman's grasp, wrestled Seabrook to the ice, and gave him a couple of good punches before it was over. I'm not Gaustad's greatest fan, but he sure looked pretty freaking tough on that play.


Don't worry Deluca hates everybody........... :beer:

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Gaustad muscled his way out of those three guys, managed to pull Seabrook out of a linesman's grasp, wrestled Seabrook to the ice, and gave him a couple of good punches before it was over. I'm not Gaustad's greatest fan, but he sure looked pretty freaking tough on that play.


Need more of those efforts.


Alright, so we got beat by one of the leagues top teams and followed it up by a trademark Sabres-Stinker, in which the lack of effort stings a lot more than not getting any points.


Water under the bridge now, but there's no excuse for not coming up with a good effort against the Stars.


We need to beat the bottom feeders, no excuses.

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Need more of those efforts.


Alright, so we got beat by one of the leagues top teams and followed it up by a trademark Sabres-Stinker, in which the lack of effort stings a lot more than not getting any points.


Water under the bridge now, but there's no excuse for not coming up with a good effort against the Stars.


We need to beat the bottom feeders, no excuses.


Exactly. SUre glad they got the two against NYR! I had them losing in DET and after beating the 'Hawks in kinda close games the last teo years, I figured their number would be up this year. Lalime does need more work to keep the rust off and Lindy should do a better job managing the goalies, Pat does have talent... Just needs the work... Lindy needs to bite the bullet and get with a plan!

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Game thoughts...


I was so disgusted after last nights game, I wasn't even going to comment, but am still fired up this morning...


-Lindy once again is mismanaging the backup goalie. Doesn't play Lalime in almost 3 weeks and then he puts him in there and Lalime was rusty beyond belief.


-McCutcheon should have been fired on the spot at the end of that PITIFUL 6 minute power play.


-A 4 on 1 and Gaustad can't even get the pass off? Seriously? I suggest the Sabres practice odd man rushes more frequently.


-Nice job of Mair, Gaustad or Rivet challenging Eager later in the game after he jumped Stafford.


-Speaking of Rivet, he is quickly approaching my whipping boy list. He moves like he has cement in his skates, is less physical than the last guy who was brought in to be physical(Nolan Pratt), contributes nothing offensively, can't stay healthy, etc... He seems to be a guy who wishes he was still in San Jose. After the Bernier and Rivet acquisitions, I suggest DR find a new trading partner.


-I don't know what happened to the Paille from last year. Maybe Lindy jerking him around has just screwed him up.


-Teppo made a couple of passes to nobody yesterday that left me scratching my head.


-How many times did the Sabres fire shots into the shin pads of blackhawks players?


-Is it just me or does Connolly seem to lose his balance a lot when getting a shot off?


-This is a blueline group that excels at NOTHING.


I am quickly losing interest in this team. While the 3 stooges(DR, LQ & OSP) tell each other that everything is going to be okay, this team is taking two steps back for every one step forward.

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Game thoughts...


I was so disgusted after last nights game, I wasn't even going to comment, but am still fired up this morning...


-Lindy once again is mismanaging the backup goalie. Doesn't play Lalime in almost 3 weeks and then he puts him in there and Lalime was rusty beyond belief.


-McCutcheon should have been fired on the spot at the end of that PITIFUL 6 minute power play.


-A 4 on 1 and Gaustad can't even get the pass off? Seriously? I suggest the Sabres practice odd man rushes more frequently.


-Nice job of Mair, Gaustad or Rivet challenging Eager later in the game after he jumped Stafford.


-Speaking of Rivet, he is quickly approaching my whipping boy list. He moves like he has cement in his skates, is less physical than the last guy who was brought in to be physical(Nolan Pratt), contributes nothing offensively, can't stay healthy, etc... He seems to be a guy who wishes he was still in San Jose. After the Bernier and Rivet acquisitions, I suggest DR find a new trading partner.


-I don't know what happened to the Paille from last year. Maybe Lindy jerking him around has just screwed him up.


-Teppo made a couple of passes to nobody yesterday that left me scratching my head.


-How many times did the Sabres fire shots into the shin pads of blackhawks players?


-Is it just me or does Connolly seem to lose his balance a lot when getting a shot off?


-This is a blueline group that excels at NOTHING.


I am quickly losing interest in this team. While the 3 stooges(DR, LQ & OSP) tell each other that everything is going to be okay, this team is taking two steps back for every one step forward.

All I can picture is Blue throwing up Kool-Aid. :sick:

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To other side notes:


- Lindy said the Sekera could be out a while :thumbdown:


- Example of why subjective stats are bad: Paille hit Campbell hard twice in one shift, but according to NHL.com, he had zero hits in the game.


Or an example of bad objective stats. Someone didn't do his job. Rick soiled himself on the one hit, but it was off screen and never replayed, so it wasn't like it was all that subjective.


Then again, maybe Rick was in a soiling mood. What the hell was up with the soliloquy on Hawks fans and the anthem before the game? I didn't see anything special from the crowd. And I thought the singer absolutely butchered the anthem.

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Looking at the Hawks' SECOND head coach of the season got me to again thinking about how Ruff's time has arrived. The face. The face. Even in good times, a face that could launch a thousand shifts. He's depressed. Things start turning around, and he has to wreck it, like a sick self fulfilling prophecy. The Ellis line a few games ago was gold. It's gone. Butler was in the swing of things, and Lindy had to tinker with it. Blowing up at practice, driving them into the ice was Lindy being a drama queen, again. No wonder they had no legs last night. And Lindy has no clue how to handle his goalies. As for the stick and carrot of playing the guys going the best, what a bunch of BS, as noted elsewhere on this board the last few days. The team keeps trying to scrap its way back out of this mess, only to be sucked back into the quicksand. What's pulling them down?

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