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I can't wait either. I am really interested to see how we play at home against this senators team. Anything less than the efforts we saw in Boston will be very disappointing.

Some of the things to watch; Lets see how I did

- Will Mair want to continue the halloween discussions on the ice he tried to have with Ruttu in the locker room after the game ? :rolleyes: Awe shucks he didn't but should have

- Who is Rivet going to flatten in front of the net ? Several candidates for that honor but it sure was nice having his attitude back in front of the net..

- Will someone finally check Alfredson please .....Crap still show these smucks too much respect

- Who will Neil try and cheapshot ? Ouch Goose feels the elbow, no way this POS is not a cheapshot artist

- Who will Ruutu try and cheapshot ? Ouch Peters gets the bite put on him... better be a fine or suspension

- Who will respond for Buffalo for either of the above cheapshots ? a bit disappointing here again with no instant on ice response

- Will Miller keep his cool when they run him (thats a tatic they used successfully last time) ? Will the refs call it for once ? Yes he did and thankfully they called the interference and that was the end of that tatic for the night


More plots and subplots than a damn soap opera and for the record my kind of soap opera.......


Comeon Buffalo this one and next home game are huge, chance to make ground on teams ahead and leave some behind ....


Lets see some grit and dirt in the game tonight, :chris: , I am pumped and can't wait, this is what hockey is all about .... Go sabres...


Great 1st, pretty even second (miller should have had the first goal), hung on for the 3rd.


Got the points and the monkey off our backs, unfortunately didn't make much headway in standings,

Canes won, Florida won, Pens winning, guess we get a couple on Devils because thats who canes beat and Boston loses 1-0 to Min and Phil loses to Wash in SO .....



All righty then , watched the rags last night and was not that impressed so I say we need the next one too... Great to win a game we should and at home... Go buffalo

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Good home win against a team that has caused us a ton of problems. They caused us some problems again. By the way, does anyone on the Senators beside Heatley, Alfredsson, and Spezza have any points this season? Seriously, this team is a 3 player team and they have nothing beyond that. Unfortunately, those three are three of the best in the NHL. Buffalo did a good job for most of the game against them except for that one shift during the second period where they scored two goals.


The Roy line accounted for a big three goals tonight. Matty Ellis with another goal, his third in the last two. It's good to see the guys who are supposed to score score tonight and getting another nice surprise from Ellis. If Ellis continues, he may be expected to start scoring like Vanek and Roy. Overall, I was happy with the game, but again the Sabres played the prevent defense for the third period. Not a big fan of it, but if that's what it takes to get a win, I'll take it.


Now, as for that jackass Ruutu. If he is not suspended by the NHL, I will be absurdly pissed off. There is no place for biting in the NHL. I vaguely remember some biting incidents in the past where a player has been suspended, so I hope that there is precedent for this and the league suspends Ruutu. The worst part is that I can't believe Peters gets the penalty for getting bitten by Ruutu. That's absolutely ridiculous. I will write to the NHL and I hope I get a campaign going if the league does not suspend Ruutu.

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Got the points and the monkey off our backs, unfortunately didn't make much headway in standings,


Ya... I saw that too. BUT... It puts OTT that much further away... And FLA was playing TOR... Both are in striking distance... I would rather see one distnace themselves and that be FLA rather than have them bunch up. The good thing is that MIN-BOS, NJ-CAR, FLA-TOR ended in reg!


BFLO has "a game in hand" vs. PITT and CAR. That helps!


Oh... And man, are the 'Hawks for real? 4-0 at the end of the first stanza in PHX... Yikes, I don't look forward to that game come the 14th! Yet, it should be a good test to see where the Swords are!

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Man! wjag... You were throwing me for a freaking loop! I am on the dark side of the moon here... Streaming is out of the question and I forgot my cell phone! So I keep checking this page ever second saying to myself: "If wjag creates a new post... OH NO, don't look!" Then you go editing. Man you had me deeked... Totally following the other guys/posters.

I was on the wife's laptop with aircard... Thing was so slow... Editing was faster in the last three minutes. Kids got a Wii for Christmas so they had my big screen and computer occupied.


For the first time in a VERY long time, I enjoyed watching a Sens-Buf game... Miller stoned Spezza late. He made some quality saves in this game.


During the pile up goal that was awarded to Roy, anyone catch Neil crosschecking Vanek behind the goal and dropping him to the ice? Neil is quite the instigator.

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Game thoughts...


- A win at home is a good thing, but a very average performance against a BAD team minus their best defenseman.


- Butler continues to be impressive.


- Miller with a HORRIBLE goal to let Ottawa back in the game.


- Gaustad is playing his best hockey of the season, maybe even two seasons.


- Mair with one dumb high sticking penalty and another that didn't get called late in the game.


- Kotalik is in one of his funks again.


- Stafford is playing well at both ends of the rink. I liked him jumping in the scrum in the 3rd period.


- Ottawa let the Sabres off the hook by taking the penalty with less than 2 minutes to go.


- Ellis scores three goals in two games after scoring only four goals in the first 84 game of his NHL career.



BIG game Friday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think that Kevin Sylvester summed this game up nicely when he said to Robie (and I'm paraphrasing here) "the Sabres win 4-2 in a game that was closer than that suggests ... or, maybe, it wasn't as close as that suggested."


To me, the game went like this:

- The Sabres were controlling and dominating, going up 3-0.

- Spezza catches Miller leaning from an impossible angle, then follows it immediately by taking a great break-out pass and scoring again.

- The Sabres got scared that they would blow another game at home and finished the second sloppy and on their heels.

- The Sabres got a little composure back in the locker room and played a defensive third, including some big saves by Miller, to simply kill the clock.


Not as great a game as one would have thought just before the Spezza goals. Hopefully, it was just a test that, having passed, will give them more confidence if it happens again, so that they would get their heads straight right after not in the locker room at the end of the period.


I wasn't sure about Rivet being back at first, but he definitely showed some of what we brought him in for when he took on two Senators poking at Miller. He looked like he wanted to fight someone; anyone!

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Gaustad makes such a difference with the little things. He had a good body hit, took control of the puck and got it back in the zone. I know it's what all players are supposed to do, but with Gaustad's size, he has an impact more than when some others do it.

It's unfortunate a lot of others don't have the perspective you do. Goose is a valuable asset, and worth every cent the Sabres are paying him.

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I wasn't sure about Rivet being back at first, but he definitely showed some of what we brought him in for when he took on two Senators poking at Miller. He looked like he wanted to fight someone; anyone!

That warmed the cockles of my heart. :blush:

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Ya... I saw that too. BUT... It puts OTT that much further away... And FLA was playing TOR... Both are in striking distance... I would rather see one distnace themselves and that be FLA rather than have them bunch up. The good thing is that MIN-BOS, NJ-CAR, FLA-TOR ended in reg!


BFLO has "a game in hand" vs. PITT and CAR. That helps!


Oh... And man, are the 'Hawks for real? 4-0 at the end of the first stanza in PHX... Yikes, I don't look forward to that game come the 14th! Yet, it should be a good test to see where the Swords are!


The Hawks are good but a couple things of note- Bryzgalov is out right now and Telquist is having a bad night. Yotes D is taking the night off it looks like. I was really looking forward to watching the game, expected it to be a good one. That said, the Hawks will not be easy for the Swords to beat. They need their A game all month this month.

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The Hawks are good but a couple things of note- Bryzgalov is out right now and Telquist is having a bad night. Yotes D is taking the night off it looks like. I was really looking forward to watching the game, expected it to be a good one. That said, the Hawks will not be easy for the Swords to beat. They need their A game all month this month.


5-zip 15 left... Bryzgalov is in after Tellqvist played exactly 20 minutes and gave up 4.

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It's unfortunate a lot of others don't have the perspective you do. Goose is a valuable asset, and worth every cent the Sabres are paying him.


I have been defending the Goose and he has really stepped up his play in the past few weeks............I really think that he is finally getting back to hundred percent from his injury last year, which was very severe and must have taken more time to really become confident in his game again...........Its nice to see the Goose play up to his potential........... :beer:

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Speaking of Goose, what exactly is the Ellis-Gaustad-Pominville line? Let's see, we've got:

- A part-time fourth-line winger/center with a big heart, a little grit, two-way abilities, but limited offensive skill

- A big gritty third/fourth-line center with plenty of heart, slightly more offensive skills and good faceoff ability, but not a top-six player

- A second-line winger with a good wrist shot, good passing abilities, strong two-way abilities, but no grit


So, is it a scoring line? A checking line? Our second line? Our third? Our fourth?


I don't know what it is, but it seems to be working!




Side note: the Ruutu biting incident was a top story on SportsCenter tonight.

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To me, the game went like this:

- The Sabres were controlling and dominating, going up 3-0.

- Spezza catches Miller leaning from an impossible angle, then follows it immediately by taking a great break-out pass and scoring again.

- The Sabres got scared that they would blow another game at home and finished the second sloppy and on their heels.

- The Sabres got a little composure back in the locker room and played a defensive third, including some big saves by Miller, to simply kill the clock.


You'll be suspended before Ruutu is.


The only thing that will save Ruutu is that no replay appeared to show an actual bite. It's always possible Peters was, uh, embellishing.


Now... I am shocked no one caught one of the all time NHL officiating boners. After the review of Roy's goal, the ref explained that there was no distinct kicking motion. :thumbdown:

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You are Elvis. We trust you.


My prediction for tomorrow's Buffalo News headline: "Sabres Bite Back."


Too bad Irv is not around anymore to do the headliner in BFLO town. I think somebody else here at one time used:


"Puck pushing punks push Pominville, but Pominville pushes back! Story at 11!"


I could just see the twist:


"Puck pushing punk bites Peters, Sabres bite back! Story at 11!"



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In case anyone missed it:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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In case anyone missed it:

Gotta love that it's already on YouTube. In fact, someone had already posted the TSN footage while the game was only in the second period. Oh, Web 2.0.


Anyway, I honestly felt through the third period like this was the kind of game Buffalo would find a way to lose and they proved me wrong. I'm glad to be wrong in this case. Their third period performance wasn't the greatest, but the two quick goals, especially with one being so fluky, really could've knocked the wind out of this team. They stood tall and didn't allow the equalizer, which should increases their confidence in closing out close games.


Three-thirteenths of the way through the January Gauntlet and they've hardly blinked. I'll trying to keep my optimism in check because, hey, I'm a Buffalo sports fan. ;)

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I like Ruutu's quote -


"Nothing happened there,? Ruutu said. ?His fingers were by my mouth but I didn?t bite him"


Sounds like he didn't inhale.

What I don't get is how he could deny it and so calmly as well. It's like nothing happened in his eyes when there is clear video evidence that shows him biting Peters' glove. I don't know how you can get more visual evidence than that. Even Ottawa Sun homer Bruce Garrioch was perplexed by the fact that Ruutu flat out denies it given the overwhelming visual evidence. I think it's also hilarious that neither Ruutu nor Hartsburg expect Ruutu to be suspended. Well, given that there is precedent and that Marc Savard was suspended for biting Darcy Tucker, I fully expect Ruutu to get suspended and a pretty lengthy one given that he is a repeat offender this year.

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What I don't get is how he could deny it and so calmly as well. It's like nothing happened in his eyes when there is clear video evidence that shows him biting Peters' glove. I don't know how you can get more visual evidence than that. Even Ottawa Sun homer Bruce Garrioch was perplexed by the fact that Ruutu flat out denies it given the overwhelming visual evidence. I think it's also hilarious that neither Ruutu nor Hartsburg expect Ruutu to be suspended. Well, given that there is precedent and that Marc Savard was suspended for biting Darcy Tucker, I fully expect Ruutu to get suspended and a pretty lengthy one given that he is a repeat offender this year.

If he doesn't, watch out for the conspiracy theorists to stake their claim once again.


It's a killer to watch guys like Neil & Ruutu have their way with us and nothing happen to them. I did like Rivet's attitude when he took on Phillips & Kelly, but I can live with a suspension if someone like Peters, Kaleta (whenever he comes back), or Mair takes their own cheap shot on Neil.

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