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They've won on the road against the Leafs. They've won on the road, in dominating fashion, against the #1 Bruins. Now they have to win at home against a weak Ottawa team, that has had their number since Pominville scored a certain OT winner. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the first real game of the year. Tonight's game should have a playoff atmosphere. The arena will be pumped. I am fired up right now writing this. Tonight's game should be great.


So, Afinogenov out, Rivet in, possibly Connolly in too. I hope that Rivet is 100% better. He was dynamite for the first few games of the year, then he got hurt, came back, and has been a shell since then. Tonight will be a real test for him. He can play his physical game, and if Neil starts anything, he can punch him in the jaw, get his penalty, and take one for the team. Should be an interesting game tonight. LETS GO BUFFALO!

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These are two points the Sabres have to bank. The next four game stretch looks like a killer. Add to that 9 of the next 10 are on the road. They have to have these two points.


Tonight is a must have. Buffalo is on the bubble for a playoff spot and every point counts. This may sound dumb, but I'm not too worried about the Sabres being on the road. They simply play better. Buffalo just went into Boston's house and owned them; something very few teams have been able to do this season. I also want the Sabres to win tonight to help bring the Senator's problem to an end. Ottawa is 16-5-1 against Buffalo in regular season play! That is my main thought. Beat the crap out of the Senators. Sabres need to view it as a playoff game just like they did against Boston.

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I can't wait either. I am really interested to see how we play at home against this senators team. Anything less than the efforts we saw in Boston will be very disappointing.

Some of the things to watch;

- Will Mair want to continue the halloween discussions on the ice he tried to have with Ruttu in the locker room after the game ? :rolleyes:

- Who is Rivet going to flatten in front of the net ?

- Will someone finally check Alfredson please .....

- Who will Neil try and cheapshot ?

- Who will Ruutu try and cheapshot ?

- Who will respond for Buffalo for either of the above cheapshots ?

- Will Miller keep his cool when they run him (thats a tatic they used successfully last time) ? Will the refs call it for once ?


More plots and subplots than a damn soap opera and for the record my kind of soap opera.......


Comeon Buffalo this one and next home game are huge, chance to make ground on teams ahead and leave some behind ....


Lets see some grit and dirt in the game tonight, :chris: , I am pumped and can't wait, this is what hockey is all about .... Go sabres...

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Tonight is a must have...


Not just a must-have, but an all out complete ass whupping. They need to beat the Sens on the ice, around the boards, on the scoreboard, and in the locker room. The Sabres tendency to play down to a lesser team needs to end NOW. The Sens have always had our number, hopefully tonight will be the end of that.

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Indeed a huge game tonight. I'm excited to have Rivet back tonight but we need the Rivet that began the season, not the Rivet slowed by a bum knee. Hopefully all is well with that and he's skating well. Having said that one of the bigger things we need from him is leadership. Despite some players stepping up, the leadership role, aka, the Captain role, has yet to be filled in my opinion. Time for the Captain to fill that role for Buffalo. If Buffalo comes out skating hard, I expect a 4-2 decision for the good guys. GO SABRES!!

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This is another statement game for Buffalo. I don't care if Ottawa is the worst team in the league and in the Tavares sweepstakes, they just play Buffalo well and always seem to have our number. The Sabres need play like they did against Boston and Toronto and simply outhit and outwork Ottawa, and bottom line they absolutely must shut down Alfredsson, Heatley, and Spezza.


I'm excited to see Rivet back in the lineup because they need to play really physical and just take down Ottawa. I know Lindy has said that he doesn't believe too much in the hits stat, but I tell you when the Sabres are initiating the contact and are playing very physical they are a better team and they seem to feed off of that. I want to see that kind of play, and honestly I want to see the Sabres destroy Ottawa and especially Chris Neil. I hate him so much. It's time for the Sabres to put up one of those 7-1 beat downs and it couldn't be against a better team.

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I'm looking for them to play the same game that they play on the road against any other opponent. Too often, they have played poorly at home. Too often, they have played poorly against the Sens.


They said that they treated last game like a playoff game. OK, then treat this game like one, too ... and the next one ... and the next ...

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Hate to say it, but I feel awful about this game.


Every time I get excited about this team, they disappoint me. And now, with Ottawa, well they own us.


I figure us to lose. I hope I'm wrong. They definitely need to exorcise the demons tonight. But I'm not holding my breath.

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If the grit guys play hard and Miller plays well again, we will win. If they come out sleepwalking again because they figure that they're at home vs a lousy team and they are thus entitled to win, they will lose, again.


Prediction: Sabres, 3-1.

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They've won on the road against the Leafs. They've won on the road, in dominating fashion, against the #1 Bruins. Now they have to win at home against a weak Ottawa team, that has had their number since Pominville scored a certain OT winner. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the first real game of the year. Tonight's game should have a playoff atmosphere. The arena will be pumped. I am fired up right now writing this. Tonight's game should be great.


So, Afinogenov out, Rivet in, possibly Connolly in too. I hope that Rivet is 100% better. He was dynamite for the first few games of the year, then he got hurt, came back, and has been a shell since then. Tonight will be a real test for him. He can play his physical game, and if Neil starts anything, he can punch him in the jaw, get his penalty, and take one for the team. Should be an interesting game tonight. LETS GO BUFFALO!



I just love the beginnings of the game discussion threads, but today's is special.

I can actually visualize the author awaking at 4:00 or 5:00 am this morning and getting totally prepared for the game.

He's got his jersey on already.

Beer is being cooled at exactly 32 degrees.

Chips are ready to be opened.

Dip is in the fridge.

Couch ass groove is prepped for three hour game experience.



I just love the excitement and passion for our team.

They have to win this one at home.

Cannot continue the old habits in our barn. Cannot. Cannot. Cannot.


Focus on shutting down Alfie.

Goose needs to pest him all night.

Ignore Neil. They should know what to expect from him.


Ottawa is extremely vulnerable and probably will be the next team to make a coaching/ GM change.


Take advantage and collect the two points for the good guys.


Have fun everybody.

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Lydman and Numminen are battling the flu.


"Numminen missed practice Monday but was on the ice for today's morning skate. Lydman, meanwhile, missed the skate and is the more doubtful of the two."


"...Ruff said rookie blueliner Chris Butler will play even if Numminen and Lydman both make the lineup. The coach also acknowledged he may consider going to seven defenseman."


EDIT: There's another topic posted that I just saw: http://forums.sabrespace.com/index.php?showtopic=14412

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As was the case with the other two games in 2009 thus far, the Sabres need to prove something in tonight's game. At Toronto, they proved they actually could still play hockey after that atrocious outing against the Craps. At Boston, they proved they could beat the league's hottest team, on the road in a matinee. Tonight, they have to prove they can keep momentum going, win at home and show the last two games' effort was no fluke, plus show they won't take teams lower than them in the standings for granted.


The Sabres cannot afford to lose any of these three home games in January, regardless of how good a road team they are. I'm excited to see Rivet back in the line-up, hopefully in better shape than he was in December. And here's hoping Lindy keeps Peters in the press box. Gaustad, Mair and Ellis are more than enough to deal with Neil, if need be.


I'm with you, guys -- this game has a definite playoff atmosphere. I've been excited for months about the new Scrubs season, but I just can't miss this game!


P.S. Anyone see Mike Fisher's big news? Maybe that's why his production has dropped off so much this year ... ;)

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