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Game thoughts...


-Glad to see Gaustad hitting. Would have been nicer if when he started hitting the score was 0-0 instead of 3-0. Also, I am glad to see Adam "Gretzky" Mair score a goal, because he isn't earning his money doing what the Sabres are paying him to do.


-Miller was a joke tonight. Horrible overplay on the first goal as his entire left goalie pad was behind the net(go watch the highlights) after making the first save prior to the goal. The good news is on a play like this, no one can slip one in under the back of the net. <_< Ridiculous rebounds on the 2nd and 3rd goals.


-Another loss at home with 40 minutes of uninspired play.


-Can Kotalik ever shoot the puck off the ic except for his backhand in the shootouts.


-Roy, Vanek & Pominville were all passengers tonight.


-When the PP is sucking why not mix it up? Throw Gerbe out there.


-Don't panic Darcy. Everything is okay.


-Good luck with the January gauntlet.


-Is Harry Neale drunk or in the early stages of senility? During a Washington PP, he inferred that the Sabres could get some momentum if they could could a shot on the PP. The only problem Harry...they were killing the penalty.

Miller really kicked those rebounds out there.


Still, how many puck battles did the Sabres win?

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After listening to Goose after the game and watching him play, I'd say they need to give him a temporary "C". He sounded PISSED and said "they" (I'm pretty sure he meant "I") will start holding each other accountable. He said, without equivocation, that "it will change, it's going to start in practice and go through the game; no more shifts off." The way he said it, I really believed it. I could see Goose and maybe Mair tell Lindy that they need to have a player-only practice.


We've both been around too long to fall for this old trick. When told about the players' comments, Lindy had the perfect answer for once: "That's great (talk). Let's see action." Dripping with sarcasm.


If the legs were moving tonight like the lips were flapping in the lockerroom, the Sabres would have won going away.


I think what's bubbling to the surface is that a bunch of guys are trying to play their position and everyone else's. Miller said when a player is criticized, he can't be "immune to it." Interesting.

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Lindy - Also pissed. Will be sitting stars. "Not an idle threat."


Of course it's an idle threat. Roy played probably his worst game of the year and finished with 22 minutes of ice time. Vanek was recently benched for a good part of a third period. Lindy has his favorites. Easier to call out the Europeans.

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In all fairness, it was 1-0 before he touched the ice. ;)


Gaustad did nothing until that shift when it was 3-0 and the fans were getting pissed. It's so easy to run around and hit people when the game is more or less lost. Then he stands up and wants to be the conscience of the team in the lockerroom? People will try to take some positive out of that, but it's just another bad sign to me. This is smelling very much like a team that's going to have to be cleaned out pretty good by season's end.

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We've both been around too long to fall for this old trick. When told about the players' comments, Lindy had the perfect answer for once: "That's great (talk). Let's see action." Dripping with sarcasm.

Oh, I agree with what Lindy said and the "we need to play better" comments that usually come after post-games definitely fall under this category. In fact, I often think exactly what Lindy said. In this case, however, something was different. I didn't get the feeling that Goose was just flapping his lips for the reporters. I believe that he was genuinely pissed and, to the extent that he can, will be trying to change things.

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Gaustad did nothing until that shift when it was 3-0 and the fans were getting pissed. It's so easy to run around and hit people when the game is more or less lost. Then he stands up and wants to be the conscience of the team in the lockerroom? People will try to take some positive out of that, but it's just another bad sign to me. This is smelling very much like a team that's going to have to be cleaned out pretty good by season's end.

At least he was trying to do something to show that he cared. I also wouldn't say that he did nothing before 3-0. I'm pretty sure that his hit on OV behind our goal line was before the game reached 3-0. I would like to see Goose throw his body around more, too, but I'm not going to criticize him for doing it when he's trying to fire up the team down by 3 with half a game left. Teams have come back from down 4 in a single period multiple times this season. The game was far from over and he seemed to be the only one who believed that.

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At least he was trying to do something to show that he cared. I also wouldn't say that he did nothing before 3-0. I'm pretty sure that his hit on OV behind our goal line was before the game reached 3-0. I would like to see Goose throw his body around more, too, but I'm not going to criticize him for doing it when he's trying to fire up the team down by 3 with half a game left. Teams have come back from down 4 in a single period multiple times this season. The game was far from over and he seemed to be the only one who believed that.



I didn't see the game, but if what I have read is accurate - I have a tough time calling out a guy who at least appeared to step up their play, even if it were late. I would think the bigger crime would be not stepping up at all, but I guess not everyone agrees with that.

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I didn't see the game, but if what I have read is accurate - I have a tough time calling out a guy who at least appeared to step up their play, even if it were late. I would think the bigger crime would be not stepping up at all, but I guess not everyone agrees with that.


Goose was on fire tonight and I for one, was hoping some of the other guys followed suit.


I also like Ellis a lot, he does not take any shifts off.

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I didn't see the game, but if what I have read is accurate - I have a tough time calling out a guy who at least appeared to step up their play, even if it were late. I would think the bigger crime would be not stepping up at all, but I guess not everyone agrees with that.


I'm calling them all out. If you had seen the game, I think you would agree.

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continue to play like this at home.


Cannot continue to lose at home like this.

This team is devoid of leadership.

They talk a good game.

Not just because of his play tonight, and no disrespect to Rivet, but I still wonder why Gaustad is not the captain of this team.

Calling this team the 'Bills on ice' is somewhat applicable, but stops at the head coach.

Lindy has absolutely no similar quality to match Dick with.

It would be disrespectful to him to even consider any correlation.

All the talk of benching players means nothing.

If they cannot win or compete with Peters and Max out of the lineup, then there is no hope for this team.

They need a shake-up.

The longer they wait, the deeper the hole they will have to dig themselves out of.

They should have learned something from last year.

Darcy had to learn something, right?



"Fool me once, shame on, shame on you...You fooled me, you can't get fooled again."

-George W. Bush

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Wow. I missed the game tonight, and I'm not so sure I'm sorry about it from what I read here and from what I heard on GR. I'm going to miss Thursday's game, too (I'm going to Ice Bowl), but again, I'm not so sure I'd want to see it. What the hell happened to this team? I know the skill isn't what it was two or three years ago, but where's the heart?

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...What the hell happened to this team?...

Didn't you hear?

Darcy has "the core" locked up for the next half decade! Do you know that?!?! "The core" is locked up! We're all set! Woohoo!


And he's overpaid them.

Now they're rich, fat, slow, and lazy.

Don't get your hopes up for any improvement.

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