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Man best chance of PP and he hits the post. Only way I have seen a game like this have chances turn our way is if we are willing to really keep working harder and now even harder to get that first goal.. Comeon Boys lets get'r started :chris:

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Excellant comment by Ray , their waiting too long trying to make the plays and washington is reading everything the Sabres are doing. He nailed it with that comment. :angry: Time for simple buffalo get it on net and drive the net thats how washington got 2...

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Sabres are a .500 team. I miss the days when Buffalo was almost a shoe in for the playoffs every year. Of course, I was rather young when that happend, but I still miss it.

This season is going to be worse than last season...


Phuck! Washington scores again as I'm writing this! Phuck! Phuck! Phuck!

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Nice our PP and Washington has the better scoring chances... A listless performance according to Harry and Rob and couldn't agree more except I would use other profanities to describe it. :censored:

Well you know that our power play only means that the other team can ice the puck without a wistle.


After watching these first two, I'm really surprised there aren't a few dead sabres on the ice from breaking their own necks watching the puck movement of Washingtons PP. But you know, sitting there with the puck and looking for something when everyone else is sitting still makes more sense. :wallbash:

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Man this team at home should be crucified by the fans.... Playing unispired at home is unacceptable.... loved Ray's questions to Mair. "Looks like you guy's are just standing around out their".. Mair didn't know what to say .....


I can take a .500 team losing as long as it's not mailing in the effort.. Somebody needs to start kicking these idiots Arse. If washington was more interested they would be up 5-0 ...... Thats my prediction for final score here and man Lindy better work these guys News years day with all their hangovers because they ain't working tonight... :wallbash:

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"Then Perreault Said to Rico" had a great story about a punishing practice Punch Imlach put the Sabres through when he was coach and got wind (almost literally) of most of the team going out after a loss and getting drunk. The practice had players bending over the boards and spilling the remnants of their alcoholic intake into the bench. I'm not sure much has changed in almost 40 years. This one has the stench of drunkards written all over it.


Harry's inexplicable comment of the night: With Washington on a power play, he said the Sabres weren't generating many chances and were missing a chance to gain some momentum. He had no idea which team was on the power play.


Finally the saddest moment of the night arguably has been the highlight of the night for the Sabres: Gaustad's shift where he recorded three hits in a row. It was such a transparent show, coming right after the boos rained down. What was the point?

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"Then Perreault Said to Rico" had a great story about a punishing practice Punch Imlach put the Sabres through when he was coach and got wind (almost literally) of most of the team going out after a loss and getting drunk. The practice had players bending over the boards and spilling the remnants of their alcoholic intake into the bench. I'm not sure much has changed in almost 40 years. This one has the stench of drunkards written all over it.


Harry's inexplicable comment of the night: With Washington on a power play, he said the Sabres weren't generating many chances and were missing a chance to gain some momentum. He had no idea which team was on the power play.


Finally the saddest moment of the night arguably has been the highlight of the night for the Sabres: Gaustad's shift where he recorded three hits in a row. It was such a transparent show, coming right after the boos rained down. What was the point?

:cry: Unfortuantely that is so true, now if this team wasn't a bunch of Nancy's it was common practice back in the day of your good old Punch story to send somebody out their with some big hits to get their team fired up, problem is we know thats not in this teams makeup.... I do like the idea of Lindy punishing these idiots with a hard practice New years day, don't work on game nights then you'll work for me during the day... :angry:

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Harry, you can hear Gaustad's hits because the crowd thinks they're at church.


Lindy, I love you, I haven't called for your job yet, but isn't there something you can do here? I'm about ready to turn the TV off. One of the above posts may have said it best: The Sabres are the Bills on Ice tonight. Ughhhh.



EDIT: Mair! Does this mean the Sabres are alive?

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What have Pominville and Roy done to deserve the most playing time tonight? Lead in giveaways?


Well Mair knows what to do with it, Comeon Ray call out a few more sabres...


Washington :death: :death: :death:


Buffalo : :chris:


As far as Roy goes tonight, he needs to stop trying to make those fancy BS passes and just get it on net :angry:

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The best line on the ice tonight easily, Goose, Kotalik and Mair.


Hey Lindy those guy's can have new years day off because at least they worked hard tonight. The rest of these lazy Pucks need a really grusome work out on New years day.


Roy was a waste tonight as well as the rest of these guy's..There was no urgency or many puck battles won just a disgrace :wallbash:


Oh and last Buffalo, Washington just showed you thats how you close out a game when your leading..


Happy Freakin New year.. Time to watch the pens/Bruins and what passionate hockey looks like

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Harry, you can hear Gaustad's hits because the crowd thinks they're at church.


Lindy, I love you, I haven't called for your job yet, but isn't there something you can do here? I'm about ready to turn the TV off. One of the above posts may have said it best: The Sabres are the Bills on Ice tonight. Ughhhh.

EDIT: Mair! Does this mean the Sabres are alive?


The Goose and Mair played hard tonight and thats about it................. :wallbash:

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After listening to Goose after the game and watching him play, I'd say they need to give him a temporary "C". He sounded PISSED and said "they" (I'm pretty sure he meant "I") will start holding each other accountable. He said, without equivocation, that "it will change, it's going to start in practice and go through the game; no more shifts off." The way he said it, I really believed it. I could see Goose and maybe Mair tell Lindy that they need to have a player-only practice.

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Game thoughts...


-Glad to see Gaustad hitting. Would have been nicer if when he started hitting the score was 0-0 instead of 3-0. Also, I am glad to see Adam "Gretzky" Mair score a goal, because he isn't earning his money doing what the Sabres are paying him to do.


-Miller was a joke tonight. Horrible overplay on the first goal as his entire left goalie pad was behind the net(go watch the highlights) after making the first save prior to the goal. The good news is on a play like this, no one can slip one in under the back of the net. <_< Ridiculous rebounds on the 2nd and 3rd goals.


-Another loss at home with 40 minutes of uninspired play.


-Can Kotalik ever shoot the puck off the ic except for his backhand in the shootouts.


-Roy, Vanek & Pominville were all passengers tonight.


-When the PP is sucking why not mix it up? Throw Gerbe out there.


-Don't panic Darcy. Everything is okay.


-Good luck with the January gauntlet.


-Is Harry Neale drunk or in the early stages of senility? During a Washington PP, he inferred that the Sabres could get some momentum if they could could a shot on the PP. The only problem Harry...they were killing the penalty.

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Post-game Interviews:


Gaustad - Pissed off! "It will change!"


Vanek - kind of nonchalant, but at least he admitted that he hasn't been playing well


Miller - almost cried (literally); said he needs to play better


Lindy - Also pissed. Will be sitting stars. "Not an idle threat."

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Game thoughts...


-Glad to see Gaustad hitting. Would have been nicer if when he started hitting the score was 0-0 instead of 3-0.


Thank you.


-Is Harry Neale drunk or in the early stages of senility? During a Washington PP, he inferred that the Sabres could get some momentum if they could could a shot on the PP. The only problem Harry...they were killing the penalty.


Beat you to it.

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