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I like to nitpick and find goats as much as anyone, but Ovechkin just made them all look bad. I prefer to say it was just a brilliant play by him. The way he finagled that puck through Tallinder, what are you gonna do?


Absolutely. That was all Ovechkin. Bitch all you want, the rest of you, but there may be two or three defensemen in the entire league that would have stopped that. Or look at it this way: ESPN's Sportscenter, which doesn't really cover hockey, made that move the #1 of its top ten plays of the day. You really, really feel the need to blame a Sabre? Then take Lalime, who instead of following the puck, either assumed that his defenseman had the play covered, or was in such jaw-dropped awe that he forgot that he had an opportunity to save the goal.

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Absolutely. That was all Ovechkin. Bitch all you want, the rest of you, but there may be two or three defensemen in the entire league that would have stopped that. Or look at it this way: ESPN's Sportscenter, which doesn't really cover hockey, made that move the #1 of its top ten plays of the day. You really, really feel the need to blame a Sabre? Then take Lalime, who instead of following the puck, either assumed that his defenseman had the play covered, or was in such jaw-dropped awe that he forgot that he had an opportunity to save the goal.


Well, I don't see how he makes those moves if Hank plays the body and takes him out. I think that's what we're "bitching" about. Too many of our D -men try and play the puck as opposed to getting physical and playing the body. That's my take, FWIW......

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Well, I don't see how he makes those moves if Hank plays the body and takes him out. I think that's what we're "bitching" about. Too many of our D -men try and play the puck as opposed to getting physical and playing the body. That's my take, FWIW......


If Hank had put the brakes on and tried to take the body, Ovechkin would have sidestepped him easily and would have made it look even worse. I really think Tallinder did everything possible, and damn, Ovechkin really just is that freaking good.

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Trip him? Hook him? Chop him? Chop the stick out of his hand. I'm sick of our Euro- defense. Ridiculous. Bunch of pussies.


Lmmfao. I was yelling at my girlfriend tonight after the loss out of sheer anger. She knows nothing about hockey,but i make her watch every sabres game. I was trying to explain to her how are defenseman are a bunch of pussies. But i couldn't refrain from yelling after seeing Tallinder look liked a little girl on that goal.

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So Tallinders highlights from this season are 2 incredibly dumb-ass giveaways that lead to goals. Anyone remember the Boston game? I'm starting to wonder if Regier even watches us play. I fairly confident he just sits at home,toying with his ten thousand dollar gadgets. Then after an entire season rolls by,he gets bored. So he decides to make stupid decisions and further ruin this team.




One a more serious note:


* I'm pretty sure both Paestch an Tallinder are expendable by this point. Why keep Paestch when Butler is eager to make his presence felt up here? Hes played exceptionally well since being called up. I feel Paestch has the best probability of being traded,considering the way Regier does things.


* I'm soo happy that we resigned Pominville to a huge contract that he might never live up too. One goal in sixteen games? Is it the contract,or is it him? People might want to make comparisons to last year with Vanek. But last offseason,when Vanek got the huge deal,we were yet to his full potential. Even now,i still dont think we've seen his full potential. With Pommer,i feel we already have. He might be a solid two way forward who can put up 30 to 40 goals a year. But without a setup guy,(like Briere,Connolly) he might be just another dud. I'm not downing him entirly. I think its amazing that hes blossomed so well after being on waivers. But he is supposed to be one of are top 4 forwards. When is he going to prove it this year?

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Since more than half the teams in the NHL make the playoffs, I'm going to have to say this is incorrect. Mediocre teams make it to the playoffs all the time in this sport.


But bad teams don't, and right now this team has to work hard at being mediocre.


When you have to play well to lose in OT, you're a bad team.


Not saying this can't change, but as things stand now, this is what we're dealing with.

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Absolutely. That was all Ovechkin. Bitch all you want, the rest of you, but there may be two or three defensemen in the entire league that would have stopped that. Or look at it this way: ESPN's Sportscenter, which doesn't really cover hockey, made that move the #1 of its top ten plays of the day. You really, really feel the need to blame a Sabre? Then take Lalime, who instead of following the puck, either assumed that his defenseman had the play covered, or was in such jaw-dropped awe that he forgot that he had an opportunity to save the goal.

Sekera would have made that play.

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If Hank had put the brakes on and tried to take the body, Ovechkin would have sidestepped him easily and would have made it look even worse. I really think Tallinder did everything possible, and damn, Ovechkin really just is that freaking good.


I'm in complete agreement with you here. Apparently, no one else on this board watches Ovechkin on a regular basis. You can't just hit him and be done with it. You'll be laying on the ice. Case in point... Ovechkin cleared the puck sometime in the second period deep behind his net. Mair follows through with a check, OV pulls his shoulders up, absorbs the hit, Mair goes down. You just can't hit the guy. He has BY FAR the best balance of any player in the league.

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He has BY FAR the best balance of any player in the league.

Oh come on, he goes down all the time ...

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Oh come on, he goes down all the time ...

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He is by far the best player in the league IMO..Hank on his best day gets beat by OV 7 out of 10 times one on one..This team is on its way to another playoff less season..I would also add this.It is my opinion that Darcy will do nothing in bringing in any player that will help us..He wants to build this team all through the farm and a few freeagents who they will overpay for but arent gamechangers..The only way we see the Sabres getting a gamechanger is gonna be by accident.Like a Gratton for Brierre or a Gilmour and Dumont for Grosek, Warrrener for Drury...He wont deal any of his young prospects to get any vet leadership either..There are deals to be had Darcy just isnt willing to pay the price..I said it many times before you cant let your stars go for nothing and now you see why..You overpay for your own gamechangers if you have to at any cost and you let the mediocre talent walk(Teppo, Hank, Lydman,Hecht) and you let your younger players play or you sign players like Pratt to fill those spots....But you never under any circumstances let your gamechangers even get close to walking without moving them for equal talent....Now we are gonna be out of the playoffs 2 years in a row just 3 yrs removed from 2 ECF..

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He is by far the best player in the league IMO..Hank on his best day gets beat by OV 7 out of 10 times one on one..This team is on its way to another playoff less season..I would also add this.It is my opinion that Darcy will do nothing in bringing in any player that will help us..He wants to build this team all through the farm and a few freeagents who they will overpay for but arent gamechangers..The only way we see the Sabres getting a gamechanger is gonna be by accident.Like a Gratton for Brierre or a Gilmour and Dumont for Grosek, Warrrener for Drury...He wont deal any of his young prospects to get any vet leadership either..There are deals to be had Darcy just isnt willing to pay the price..I said it many times before you cant let your stars go for nothing and now you see why..You overpay for your own gamechangers if you have to at any cost and you let the mediocre talent walk(Teppo, Hank, Lydman,Hecht) and you let your younger players play or you sign players like Pratt to fill those spots....But you never under any circumstances let your gamechangers even get close to walking without moving them for equal talent....Now we are gonna be out of the playoffs 2 years in a row just 3 yrs removed from 2 ECF..


You would have traded Drury and Briere in the midst of 06-07?

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I'm in complete agreement with you here. Apparently, no one else on this board watches Ovechkin on a regular basis. You can't just hit him and be done with it. You'll be laying on the ice. Case in point... Ovechkin cleared the puck sometime in the second period deep behind his net. Mair follows through with a check, OV pulls his shoulders up, absorbs the hit, Mair goes down. You just can't hit the guy. He has BY FAR the best balance of any player in the league.


Dude, I live in DC for 3 more months. I've seen plenty. I'm not saying Tallinder should've knocked him down, which is nearly impossible. FOUL HIM. Actually, it would've been better for Lydman to trip him, since Tallinder was between OV and Lalime. That way, there would've been no penalty shot. Once it was all on Tallinder, I knew it was over. .

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He is by far the best player in the league IMO..Hank on his best day gets beat by OV 7 out of 10 times one on one..This team is on its way to another playoff less season..I would also add this.It is my opinion that Darcy will do nothing in bringing in any player that will help us..He wants to build this team all through the farm and a few freeagents who they will overpay for but arent gamechangers..The only way we see the Sabres getting a gamechanger is gonna be by accident.Like a Gratton for Brierre or a Gilmour and Dumont for Grosek, Warrrener for Drury...He wont deal any of his young prospects to get any vet leadership either..There are deals to be had Darcy just isnt willing to pay the price..I said it many times before you cant let your stars go for nothing and now you see why..You overpay for your own gamechangers if you have to at any cost and you let the mediocre talent walk(Teppo, Hank, Lydman,Hecht) and you let your younger players play or you sign players like Pratt to fill those spots....But you never under any circumstances let your gamechangers even get close to walking without moving them for equal talent....Now we are gonna be out of the playoffs 2 years in a row just 3 yrs removed from 2 ECF..


I couldn't agree more with your point.


What bothers me even more is that they did not trade Max that offseason to replace our departed co captains. Max had 23 goals and 38 assists for a total of 61 points,in only 56 games. Thats 1.08 points a game. He was also a +19. If Regier intended to let both Dru and Dan walk and not get anything in return,then you must do SOMETHING to fill the void. Now Max has no value what so ever. There not going to get anything for him,and he will undoubtably walk this offseason. Its unbelivable to think that we might of been able to get a player like Alexander Frolov for Max 2 years ago and now we will get nothing. The same thing goes with Zubrus. Why on earth did they let him go as well? Hes not making an insane salary by any means. Imagine a Vanek-Roy-Zubrus line.

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It takes two to sign.


I didn't know what "moving them for equal talent" meant.


Even that is a figurative statement. 1/2 of that "two" is at least an owner and a GM. Darcy is not king and no one here knows what constraints anyone operated under back then or now.

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Even that is a figurative statement. 1/2 of that "two" is at least an owner and a GM. Darcy is not king and no one here knows what constraints anyone operated under back then or now.


True dat. Golisano admitted over the summer he had to have this arm twisted pretty good -- OK, broken in three places -- to agree to signing Miller long term. Old dude should have listened to that voice in the back of his head. This old dude's is saying, "Bowel movement. Finally!"

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True dat. Golisano admitted over the summer he had to have this arm twisted pretty good -- OK, broken in three places -- to agree to signing Miller long term. Old dude should have listened to that voice in the back of his head. This old dude's is saying, "Bowel movement. Finally!"

If it turned out that Golisano just didnt want to pay the salary they wouldve signed for the year before their contracts were up then thats his choice and pretty much ends all arguments..If its true I would like to hear it from the horses mouth just to satisfy my curiosity....Cant blame a man for saying I dont want to pay that..It just irks me that they said they wouldve matched the offers had they been given the chance when they had 2 years to extend these guys...

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It takes two to sign.


I didn't know what "moving them for equal talent" meant.

What I meant by that was if they they werent going to sign them they as hard as it is to do you have to move them and get back something...At the very least they shouldve signed them then traded them after the season...

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