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Need a big game from the D tonight possibly playing in front of Lalime. I say Butler in for Paetsch or Tallinder. Either is fine, they both give the puck away way too much and Lydman/Tallinder is a nightmare. Anyway, Butler gets his first NHL point with an assist, Max scores, Sabres win 4-2. Go Sabres!

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I guess all the recent layoffs have effected the population of Pominville. Maybe some sort of public works project to improve the infrastructure would help raise it. One goal in thirteen games. He needs to get it going again.

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Get a win on home ice!!! For the love of all things living, you're playing at home.

This team HAS to start picking it up at home...jeeziz, I was watching the Caps destroy the Blues at home last night, they're playing like a team SHOULD be in front of their fans, an Eastern Conference best 13-1-1.

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If it wasn't for Butler's NHL debut, I might have skipped watching the game.

It does seem that fan apathy is increasing -- it looks like there are a lot more empty seats at the games, and our GDTs are much shorter. I hope the Sabres' brass is paying attention and realizes that the fans are not happy.


How disappointed will you be when you turn on the game and find out that he is in the press box? I still haven't heard anything yet that suggests he will be playing tonight.

Why would they call him up and not play him? I'm assuming that he's going in for Paetsch, after his poor showing the other night.

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Why would they call him up and not play him? I'm assuming that he's going in for Paetsch, after his poor showing the other night.

Because they only have six healthy defensemen including Paetsch and there is a Holiday roster freeze that starts today and extends to the 27th. That's also why they called up Ellis. Now, they can handle an injury or two without having a short bench for a week. I'm not saying that he won't play, but it's definitely not a guarantee.

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Because they only have six healthy defensemen including Paetsch and there is a Holiday roster freeze that starts today and extends to the 27th. That's also why they called up Ellis. Now, they can handle an injury or two without having a short bench for a week. I'm not saying that he won't play, but it's definitely not a guarantee.

Good call. Thanks. I still think he's going in though based on Paetsch's and the entire team's showing the other night.

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Because they only have six healthy defensemen including Paetsch and there is a Holiday roster freeze that starts today and extends to the 27th. That's also why they called up Ellis. Now, they can handle an injury or two without having a short bench for a week. I'm not saying that he won't play, but it's definitely not a guarantee.

I thought the freeze was just in terms of trades? Seems pretty silly that if you have a bizarre rash of injuries that you wouldn't be able to call up anyone from your farm team?

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Ya know I watched the Montreal / Philly game last night and found it interesting between periods the broadcast team said that Guy told his team we've had a bit of losing streak but we got two more games before christmas break and I would like to give the team the whole week off so lets really earn that break boys and they did it last night at least... Thats how a team should respond....


As far as Sabres are concerned they haven't been playing much good hockey last 10 games so I say no breaky for you and Lindy depending how they play tonight and tomorrow should be the difference to whether you have them practicing on 12/25.... No go tell them we said that Lindy ! Got it :chris:


For the game tonight I just don't know what to expect from this team so no predictions for me other than somebody wins and somebody loses and if they play like they did Wednesday it's a Sabres loss.

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I thought the freeze was just in terms of trades? Seems pretty silly that if you have a bizarre rash of injuries that you wouldn't be able to call up anyone from your farm team?

According to ESPN.com:

Holiday roster freeze in effect. No waivers, trades and loans permitted.

I don't know about callups, though (the opposite of "loans".) I agree that it would be odd to be completely frozen. Perhaps, there is some mechanism for extreme cases.

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You're not going anywhere...


If it holds off just long enough there might be a chance. But then again, last time I checked, nothing has gone in or out of Buffalo all day. edit:Nevermind



As for the roster freeze, I was under the assumption that emergency callups are still allowed, but any team would be really stupid or incredibly unlucky to actually be in a situation where they'd have to do that.

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At least you have the option. I just know that Logan is going to find a way to screw over my flight tonight thanks to the snow.

I feel your pain... I'm heading up there this weekend too ... My kids are excited for the snow... Me, I left it behind a long time ago and don't miss it a bit. On the bright side, we can dust off the toboggan and head to Chestnut Ridge... Probably THE only part of winter I miss is the runner sleds, coasters and toboggans.


Go Sabres... Please...

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If it wasn't for Butler's NHL debut, I might have skipped watching the game.


Me too. And anyone care to share who the Chippewa frequent flyers are? Since I'm not in B-Lo anymore, just curious. I worked at Network when the Bills were trying to fly high (no pun intended) but got too busy spending time in the VIP room.

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