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Ignoring the obvious fact that Lindy is the only guy that can bench the league leading (goal) scorer ... ;)


Don't think I ever anticipated him being able to, in Buffalo at least :thumbsup:


That said, regardless of whether TV had a bad night, which he did, you could've benched pretty much everyone last night.


Hell, he should've benched himself, as clearly he's doing something wrong when it comes to getting his team ready on home ice.


Something stinks at the HSBC, and I'm not sure it's just the players.

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Play "ugly" not "pretty". Fans would rather see an ugly, hard-nosed win than another home loss followed by "I think we try to put on a show for the fans and make one more pretty pass." F**K that S**T!!! Hit harder, battle harder, PLAY HARDER!!
When we come home, we try to do a little too much and that's when you turn the puck over. When we go on the road, we keep it simple.


During his TV interview, Spacek said something along the same lines, but it's not in the part shown on SabresTV. I'm really starting to believe that they have been fed this line so many times that they are starting to rely on it as an excuse.

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I respect your opinion but on this one vehemently disagree. Living in Pittsburgh I watch a ton of Pens game and even on his worst nights Crosby doesn't get nailed to the bench. The times he loses his composure or he takes a shot and needs to sit for a little bit yes Therian will sit him but when he is not going well what Therian does do is move him around in all the combinations or puts Malkin back with him to get him going, he does not NAIL him to the bench.... and I disagree with Lindy doing that to best player on the team when half the other team deserves it as much or more, you can lose a player or team that way.

I admit that I don't watch them often, but in one of their games that I watched this year (early on when he wasn't producing), Crosby was demoted to the third line (basically what Ruff did to Vanek) during the game. I remember the commentators talking about the line combinations coming out onto the ice in the third period and that they focused the camera on Crosby, who didn't look happy. They said something along the lines of "it doesn't matter who you are, if you're not getting it done, you sit."


I agree that it's a risky game, but he's gotten Vanek to respond so far, so I'm willing to give him some slack on it. Also, sometimes you make that move to get a rise out of the rest of the team (like pulling a goalie who is playing well, but completely hung out to dry, to get a response from the team.) Who knows what he said to Vanek during or after the game. He might have said "you know you weren't having your best game, but mostly I was trying to send a message to the rest of the guys." Also, as long as he keeps saying things like "I know Thomas can be one of the best two-way players in the league and I want to help him get there", I can't imagine Vanek gets too upset (with anyone other than himself) when Lindy sits him for not playing up to that potential.

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I don't know what all of you are talking about. I really enjoyed that game last night. I'm sure that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I had a mini-holiday party at my apartment last night and was trashed before the 10 minute mark of the first.

I totally agree. It was a pretty good game that we lost. That's it.


And as far as TV, if it was a benching, he has responded well to those in the past so I am really looking forward to see what he does in the next game.

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I totally agree. It was a pretty good game that we lost. That's it.


There was a game? The only thing I really remember is that New Jersey scored their first goal right after a friend walked in. Of course I had to blame her. After that I really didn't have the chance to pay too much attention to the game.

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Sure, Vanek may have earned a night off here or there, but when he takes one off, shouldn't Lindy put someone who isn't taking it off in his place? I seriously doubt Lindy "has it in for Vanek" (whatever that means.) If anything, I'd guess that Lindy realizes that he is the only guy on the team who could be a true superstar and doesn't want him wasting that potential. He pushed Vanek this summer to round out his game, which has made him into a far more complete player. I believe that he just wants to keep pushing him further because he knows that Thomas still hasn't reached his full potential.

But on the other hand, by benching Vanek and letting him sit there and watch how crappy others are playing will make him wonder why they aren't getting benched as well. I don't want to see TV get discouraged or worse off, want out of Buffalo. Lindy just better be careful of how he handles the situation. If he was really getting through to TV why does he have to keep benching him when he doesn't score for 2 or 3 games?

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If he was really getting through to TV why does he have to keep benching him when he doesn't score for 2 or 3 games?

I'd say that he is getting through, but that TV isn't there yet. Certainly, we have seen him play harder in several games already this year than he ever did last season. He is also taking less games off. However, he does still continue to take the occasional one off, something that he has had a reputation for since college (listen to the

), so he needs the occasional reminder. I'm sure Lindy has told him that he shouldn't worry about what everyone else is doing; he's the one who can be a star and Lindy will help him get there. So far, Thomas has responded and until they stops, I'll assume that he is getting the message.
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Good times oh, good times.


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Good times oh, good times.


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Just that one play early in the clip makes me really miss Brian Campbell.

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