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Excellent win. Yet again they prove that they can beat anyone -- after last night's loss proved yet again that they can lose to anyone. Team Schizo is back and better than ever.


A few notes:


- very glad to see Lalime play well, get good offensive support and get a W. It'll help everyone, including Miller.


- continued strong play from Goose and Mair


- Vanek was a force -- great backcheck to break up Elias (or was it Gionta) on a point blank opportunity


- Lydman and Tallinder were the top D pairing with 24 minutes each


- Stafford also keeping it going


- MacArthur was healthy-scratched in favor of Petey. Fine with me -- he's been invisible for about a month.


- I didn't see Max at all in the 3rd and not much if at all in the 2nd -- he only had about 5 minutes of ice time. So he could be next when Kaleta is ready.


- I kinda like Goose-Paile-Kotalik as the 3rd line.


- If we want to make the playoffs, we need an 8-wins-in-10-games stretch to put some points in the bank.


- what's up with only 3 pages on the GDT, especially for a rousing win against a good team?

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Just started my vacation, so I missed the game. Currently at the airport in Frankfurt, Germany and caught the highlights. Looks like Vanek's hot streak continues as does Roy's with two points tonight. Nice to see Lalime get a win. And what is this? Did the Sabres win the second game of a back-to-back? No way!!! Unbelievable that they could play so badly last night and come out and win a solid road game against a very good team. Leads me to believe that this team would have 150 points if they played 82 games on the road. Too bad they have to play home games, apparently.

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I was at the game and there were a large contingent of Sabres fans. We were louder than the Devils fans at times. We sang the "Shout" song on the way out. Maybe the fan enthusiasm helped the players. Anyways it was a great effort by the team and I hope they keep it up.

Welcome to the board.

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I was at the game and there were a large contingent of Sabres fans. We were louder than the Devils fans at times. We sang the "Shout" song on the way out. Maybe the fan enthusiasm helped the players. Anyways it was a great effort by the team and I hope they keep it up.

Welcome to the board. I would have been there as well, but for some reason I chose to go to the Bills/Jets game instead. Was it as empty in person as it looked on TV?


Great win.

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- If we want to make the playoffs, we need an 8-wins-in-10-games stretch to put some points in the bank.

Looking at the standings we really look like we are between a rock and a hard place. 8th spot, Devils are next but have 3 games in hand, next is Pittsburgh, and I really don't think the Pens will play like this all year. Who else can we pass? Right behind us in Florida and from what I understand they are on a tear with this new goalie they have, 7-1-2 in last ten. Can we hope to finish above 8th spot?


So yes, keep winning and games like that Toronto one really hurt, we should have won it.


Also, Mair looks great out there. I'm glad we have him.

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What the heck got into the normally stoic Thomas Vanek after the goal. He let loose a lion's roar, then on the bench, he looked totally pissed off. I think he even mouthed "F*ck me!" about three times.

I thought he got slashed because he was holding his wrist on the bench afterwards and the Devils were being punks all night, if you ask me.

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I thought he got slashed because he was holding his wrist on the bench afterwards and the Devils were being punks all night, if you ask me.


Yeah, I saw a crosscheck on Vanek right next to the goal, that went unpunished, just before the horn blew at the end of the first; an elbow to Gerbe's head that the refs shrugged off; and a boarding noncall in the first, which Harry Neale said the ref was looking right at. When the Sabres have a "let them play" officiating crew, they're at a disadvantage, 'cause the Sabres are into all that newfangled skatin' and shootin' stuff, so I'm really glad they pulled it out last night despite the questionable attitude of the refs.

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Spoken like a true Buffalo fan .... and like they say "why they play the game anything can happen"..


Lets Go Buffalo, show some stones on the road after a the ice capades 3rd period yesterday... and make your fans proud.


As for me I will be at a christmas party w/family counting my blessings and like that 5 year old on xmas morn hoping to to find one more present at the end of day.


Nice, a little hurting this morning but I love when they prove me wrong as I was not expecting a win. From what I read, they played a strong road game.


A great road win against a really hot team. Unfortunately, this win makes last nights performance at home even more baffling! :wallbash:


Yeah with the next 2 at home have to wonder what team will show up. Never quite know with this group.


Still TV leading the way and league in goals scored and some of the other team chipping in and responding is a good way to get this going in the right direction.


Now Santa, I only want a couple things for X-mas.

1.)Miller could just play with some more reliable consistency game in and out

2.)Little Timmy make it back off his crutches

3.)The trade of Max for a FO specialist.

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What the heck got into the normally stoic Thomas Vanek after the goal. He let loose a lion's roar, then on the bench, he looked totally pissed off. I think he even mouthed "F*ck me!" about three times.
I thought he got slashed because he was holding his wrist on the bench afterwards and the Devils were being punks all night, if you ask me.

There was definitely something extra going on -- maybe cheap shots as well as trash-talking. Stafford, after his goal, gave the Devils a mocking look, held up his hand, and made the "yap yap yap" sign towards them. This actually bodes well for the rematch on Wednesday -- I assume there is a good amount of ill will built up, and the Sabres will come out playing hard.


Now Santa, I only want a couple things for X-mas.

1.)Miller could just play with some more reliable consistency game in and out

2.)Little Timmy make it back off his crutches

3.)The trade of Max for a FO specialist.

be careful what you wish for. We can't keep replaying the same TC psychodrama. It takes too much out of the team when the next injury pops up and keeps him out of the lineup. His body isn't built for the NHL. We just have to move on.

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Yeah, I saw a crosscheck on Vanek right next to the goal, that went unpunished, just before the horn blew at the end of the first; an elbow to Gerbe's head that the refs shrugged off; and a boarding noncall in the first, which Harry Neale said the ref was looking right at. When the Sabres have a "let them play" officiating crew, they're at a disadvantage, 'cause the Sabres are into all that newfangled skatin' and shootin' stuff, so I'm really glad they pulled it out last night despite the questionable attitude of the refs.

Don't forget the high stick on Paetsch that the ref looked right at and away. Paetsch had blood on his jersey.. Should have been 4 minutes.

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Looking at the standings we really look like we are between a rock and a hard place. 8th spot, Devils are next but have 3 games in hand, next is Pittsburgh, and I really don't think the Pens will play like this all year. Who else can we pass? Right behind us in Florida and from what I understand they are on a tear with this new goalie they have, 7-1-2 in last ten. Can we hope to finish above 8th spot?


So yes, keep winning and games like that Toronto one really hurt, we should have won it.


Also, Mair looks great out there. I'm glad we have him.


There are 52 games left to play. It's more than a bit too early to say they'll have a hard time jumping over any team.

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That's three wins in three fights over the last five games.

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There was definitely something extra going on -- maybe cheap shots as well as trash-talking. Stafford, after his goal, gave the Devils a mocking look, held up his hand, and made the "yap yap yap" sign towards them. This actually bodes well for the rematch on Wednesday -- I assume there is a good amount of ill will built up, and the Sabres will come out playing hard.


Well lets hope that motivates them to come out flying rather than some of the slow starts we have seen at home. Good thing for us will be the Fact NJ plays the night before(tuesday) in Montreal I believe so their is no reason we should be outworked.


be careful what you wish for. We can't keep replaying the same TC psychodrama. It takes too much out of the team when the next injury pops up and keeps him out of the lineup. His body isn't built for the NHL. We just have to move on.


I know but with no hope of this FO doing anything trade wise at least he gives us another FO option, a center and we all know he does help the power play, besides you know they are not going to let him sit no matter what we say..


So I say use him as a spare part and not a main cog that you rely on.

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I know but with no hope of this FO doing anything trade wise at least he gives us another FO option, a center and we all know he does help the power play, besides you know they are not going to let him sit no matter what we say..

So I say use him as a spare part and not a main cog that you rely on.

You are absolutely right about this. It's just that we all KNOW what's going to happen, as sure as night follows day.

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