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Why? They still suck. We didn't deserve to win that game. We stopped skating in the second and couldn't score with SIX MINUTES of POWERPLAY.


They still suck? Maybe we watched a different game. I'd definetly classify tonights game as no luck.


3rd period Toronto out played Buffalo. Sabres dominated the Leafs in the first 40.

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Yup, you could see the 2-1 loss coming down the pike when the Sabres couldn't go up 2-0. A shot from the point, a classic Ryan Miller Special, was foreseen by Nostradamus. By the way, did the lame Miller-Miller chant really get to him? In the midst of it, after a whistle, he tossed the puck all the way to the blue line. What a nimrod.


I don't say it often, but this one came down to who wanted it more. The Leafs won practically every battle for the last 25 minutes, right down to a loose puck off the final faceoff at center ice.

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The end of the second and the third period were just absolutely awful. The Sabres did absolutely nothing on 6 minutes of PP time. Absolutely nothing. They came out flat, listless, and didn't seem to put any effort in the third period. None. They were outworked, lost every battle, and their decided advantage in faceoffs was closed as they stopped winning faceoffs. The worst part is that they play tomorrow night and we all know their record on the second half of back-to-back games, so I'm expecting a loss in NJ after that dismal performance in the third period. Absolutely pathetic. I'm okay with a loss if the effort was there and nothing was going in, which seemed to be the case in the first two periods, but the Sabres lost this game in the third period because they chose not to come out and play and could not get anything done on 6 straight minutes of PP time.

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Stafford has had at least two chances tonight to win this game.... that last one is inexcusable... you can't miss a wide open net from four feet...

I thought the same thing, he is supposed to be an nhl player, that is unexcusable...


Why? They still suck. We didn't deserve to win that game. We stopped skating in the second and couldn't score with SIX MINUTES of POWERPLAY.

Score, Score we couldn;t even get it into the zone and set up any cycle, they looked way out of sync


Yup, you could see the 2-1 loss coming down the pike when the Sabres couldn't go up 2-0. A shot from the point, a classic Ryan Miller Special, was foreseen by Nostradamus. By the way, did the lame Miller-Miller chant really get to him? In the midst of it, after a whistle, he tossed the puck all the way to the blue line. What a nimrod.


I don't say it often, but this one came down to who wanted it more. The Leafs won practically every battle for the last 25 minutes, right down to a loose puck off the final faceoff at center ice.

I don't get it, how could this team not be ready again, what too much time at home again out on the town, what happened to the throw it on and drive the net... ?


This team is consistently in-consistent. I also thought that maybe just maybe Lindy would've sat miller tonight and played lalime and saved miller for NJ since he had a SO earlier now what does he do, play Miller again... man Jersey had 8 goals tonight against Lundquist not looking forward to tomorrow night in NJ if the team plays this way.

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I only saw the third, so I'm going to choke back the vomit and wait to comment until I watch the first two periods. Sounds like they actually played well during those.



4 shots on goal this period... Time for Pomers to earn that check..

For the record, Pominville is the eighth highest paid forward and 13th highest paid player on the Sabres' roster this year.

(Yes, I know what you mean, but he's actually cheap right now.)

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Just a few things I picked up on the game from listening to the radio feed.


1. Sekera gets knocked down. Heard this at least twice when I was listening.


2. You can't keep having turnovers like that in your own zone.


3. "How did Stafford miss that one". Then heard he missed another great chance near the end of the game.


4. Sounded like a Toronto home game. Kept hearing "Go Leafs Go". and then the "Mill-er Mill-er" chant. Never heard any chants for Buffalo when I was listening. So much for home ice.


Not impressive at all.

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I only saw the third, so I'm going to choke back the vomit and wait to comment until I watch the first two periods. Sounds like they actually played well during those.

OK, halfway through the first and I am already frustrated that they aren't winning 4-0. Knowing what happened to start the third, I can say that this was definitely a game of wasted opportunities ... ended by 20 minutes of CRAP!!

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I dont really think any line for us had any chemistry going tonight. Especially the Vanek-Hecht-Pominville line. Pominville desparetly needs a center and Jochen is NOT him. Hes a winger,i'm soo sick of him at center. Its time for new lines.





Paille-Mair-Mc Carthur


Why not give Gerbe at shot on that line? I dont think placing a young kid like Gerbe against the opposing teams top line is a good way for him to harness his skills. And i thought he was playing center in portland?

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Why not give Gerbe at shot on that line? I dont think placing a young kid like Gerbe against the opposing teams top line is a good way for him to harness his skills. And i thought he was playing center in portland?

We definitely need a sticky thread on this. Gerbe did not play center in Portland; Kennedy did (positions on roster are both incorrect.) Gerbe also played wing at BC, not center. That said, I wouldn't mind if Kennedy were next on the Portland rotation and then we could try him between Hecht and Pommer.

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One further thing that I'd like to add: I am sick and tired of hearing "when we get home we like to put on a show for the fans and try to make that cute pass ..." Guess what guys, you want to know what fans like?




We get cute and we miss golden opportunities. The league isn't about cute any more; it's about ugly, hard working goals!

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We definitely need a sticky thread on this. Gerbe did not play center in Portland; Kennedy did (positions on roster are both incorrect.) Gerbe also played wing at BC, not center. That said, I wouldn't mind if Kennedy were next on the Portland rotation and then we could try him between Hecht and Pommer.


Ohh,my mistake. I dont really have the time nor the sources to follow Portland.

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like i said....send Stafford back...(waviers, right? that's why we can't?)


Fear the reaper is right....he's missed waaaaay too many open nets....and i mean OPEN NETS!!!


I know! And its not as if a big body is on him,or someone has his stick tied. I think he gets into that position and he just flat out lacks the confidence in himself to bury it home. He needs to be sent down to the 3rd line for a game or too. That might build up his confidence.

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He needs to be sent down to the 3rd line for a game or too. That might build up his confidence.

Well sitting his ass in the press box for a few games obviously didn't help, so I don't think this will either. Something though needs to be done to cure this Staff infection the Sabres have and I don't think antibiotics will do the trick. The amount of yawning nets he has missed this year is ridiculous. They should try sending him to Portland and if he doesn't clear waivers, then so be it. Let another team have him and watch them get frustrated at all the slam dunks he misses.

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6 minutes of PP on a clean sheet of ice to start the 3rd, results, not a thing. Wide open nets missed several times, Teppo is slow also pulled a flamingo defensive move twice I remember, Hank & Toni WHY???, not playing a full 60, a PP that is non producing,Miller, again with the "wave". I am so frustrated I can't even use proper sentence structure. Oh well, but I'll watch yet again this evening hoping for the best.

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Teppo is slow also pulled a flamingo defensive move twice I remember, Hank & Toni WHY???,

Yet still, no one here thinks Kyle McLaren would be an upgrade to this team?!!! I know he most likely wouldn't be any worse than what we have now. And maybe, just maybe, after being sent to the minors, he would start hitting like he used too. He would definitely be more physical than what we got and he wouldn't be afraid to knock someone on their can in front of the net. I guess two games of toughness must be the monthly quota with this team.

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Game thoughts...


-Another pitiful effort at home against a bottom feeder.


-Miller didn't disappoint with a beautiful "WTF arm wave"


That's it. :angry:

If it makes you feel any better I dumped a leafs fans beer on his dome while they were chanting Go Leafs Go in our main concourse after the game.. I was chanting You got the HOE's...

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