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No. Last nights game was a poor one for the broadcast team. Harry was his usual senile grandpappy while Rick seemed to miss a lot more than usual. The whistle blew because a TB player had put the puck over the glass in the defensive zone right before Goose hit him. It took them 20 minutes to figure that out.


Haha yeah true... Though atleast they DID eventually figure it out and inform the viewers. Unlike those morons that work for the Versus network who often fail to mention a penalty happened at all or say they will tell you after the break and never do. Watching those games you'd think powerplays happen by magic or fall out of the sky. So atleast you know it could be a lot worse.

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I thought Neale was going to be great, but he SUCKS! Bring back Barnaby to be the analyst and send Neale packing.

i'm one of the posters who'd always said that neale would always get a free pass from me because he makes me think of watching hnic as a 10 year-old. the value of that novelty has started to fade, and now even i think it's time for quinn to put that guy out to pasture. i would love to see barnaby doing color.


apropos of the above, after watching our local broadcast's variation of the cbc's hot stove, i've come to the conclusion that rayzer has shown as much determination, hard work and diligence in developing as a hockey broadcaster as he did as an nhl role player. if he continues to develop, i could see him doing some "hot stove" type stuff for a national audience (in canada). there may be others here who find this laughable, but robbie, to me, has made great strides in hitting his points in a quick, punchy and fairly entertaining way.

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i'm one of the posters who'd always said that neale would always get a free pass from me because he makes me think of watching hnic as a 10 year-old. the value of that novelty has started to fade, and now even i think it's time for quinn to put that guy out to pasture. i would love to see barnaby doing color.


apropos of the above, after watching our local broadcast's variation of the cbc's hot stove, i've come to the conclusion that rayzer has shown as much determination, hard work and diligence in developing as a hockey broadcaster as he did as an nhl role player. if he continues to develop, i could see him doing some "hot stove" type stuff for a national audience (in canada). there may be others here who find this laughable, but robbie, to me, has made great strides in hitting his points in a quick, punchy and fairly entertaining way.

Sounds about right...


I did find it hiliarious that Ray asked Mike Smith when he was getting his skate sharpened "Do you need help with anything?" .


Barnaby doing color wasn't very good during tryouts last preseason, but he does have room to improve. Why not more Rayzor in the color role, and Barnaby between the benches?

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One thing that I've noticed about the crew (Sylvester, Robie and Rayzer) is that last year they seemed to ride the party line. The would point our small things, but never really questioned the team. This year, they (especially Robie) have been far more openly critical of the team. Good to see. Don't pull your punches; call it like you see it.

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I'll be the contrarian on the broadcast team: I like Harry Neale. He misses some things, but so does everyone. I think that coaches generally understand the game better than players, and that Neale does a good job of conveying that knowledge. I also think he has very good chemistry with RJ, who is still great.


As for Razor, he's gotten better but is still nowhere near ready for prime time. He's got a good sense of humor and is pretty likable, but he's just not articulate and I don't think he makes logical, coherent points in a crisp way. If he has 20 seconds to speak, he'll make a point in the first 12 seconds but then spend the last 8 seconds babbling and the net effect is that there are too many useless words and very little value added.

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I'll be the contrarian on the broadcast team: I like Harry Neale. He misses some things, but so does everyone. I think that coaches generally understand the game better than players, and that Neale does a good job of conveying that knowledge. I also think he has very good chemistry with RJ, who is still great.


As for Razor, he's gotten better but is still nowhere near ready for prime time. He's got a good sense of humor and is pretty likable, but he's just not articulate and I don't think he makes logical, coherent points in a crisp way. If he has 20 seconds to speak, he'll make a point in the first 12 seconds but then spend the last 8 seconds babbling and the net effect is that there are too many useless words and very little value added.

I'm not totally against Neale, but I do sometimes feel the need to correct him outloud while watching the games. It gets frustrating sometimes, that's all.

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Yes, but he had a horrible accent - I don't :D

Hm, how many games, I really don't know, I've been watching hockey since I was 13-14, but I didn't get a chance to truly watch the NHL until my family got a satellite dish when I was

about 16, now I'm 23 and these last couple of years via the internet (let's say the last 3 years) I've been watching a whole heap of games... So you can say I know my hockey, at least

for a Croatian :D I use these sites to watch games live: http://atdhe.net/, http://www.justin.tv - I try to use the first one because it has an extremely good feed, it's like watching TV,

the games that I don't watch live I download from http://www.nhltorrents.co.uk/ - they cap all the games and then the next day post them online. I used to watch the 2006-2007 season

on googlevideo/nhl but then it got shut down, now it's only an archive for some of the old games... I manage since Croatian TV isn't big on hockey... morons. My fav player was Steve

Yzerman, and now I like Ryan Miller, Ilya Kovalchuk, Thomas Vanek, Afinogenov, Kovalev, Koivu, Markov and Price. I like guys who can skate well, but also team players and scorers

(that would put Kovalchuk as my fav player now, but I think it's Vanek - he'll become our leader in many more ways then just goalscoring). Lindy Ruff is my fav coach. PS the reason I like

Buffalo so much is the fact that I'm a big supporter of my hometown football team (soccer) and us fans are sooo passionate about it, the chanting is a tradition here, when we played FC

Arsenal 30 000 fans stayed at the stadium 30 mins after the game chanting and singing even though we lost 0-3. So I enjoy clubs with passionate fans cause I am one, and I'll bring mine



Awesome. The other players, besides Kovalchuk, all have great fan bases as well. I grew up in Poland and my other passion is soccer, so i know exactly what you mean, about singing/chanting. But since i moved here and as time went on, it was obvious that hockey and the Sabres is my true love. Nothing beats the Sabres in my books. And hockey is the best sport in the world. It's great to see people around the world use some of those web sites to watch hockey, i used those same sites to watch soccer and the Olympics. haha. Anyways, you picked a good team to root for. Great fans we have here. Hope to see ya on the forums. And if you have any questions, don't be shy to shoot me a private message or just post anywhere.

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Awesome. The other players, besides Kovalchuk, all have great fan bases as well. I grew up in Poland and my other passion is soccer, so i know exactly what you mean, about singing/chanting. But since i moved here and as time went on, it was obvious that hockey and the Sabres is my true love. Nothing beats the Sabres in my books. And hockey is the best sport in the world. It's great to see people around the world use some of those web sites to watch hockey, i used those same sites to watch soccer and the Olympics. haha. Anyways, you picked a good team to root for. Great fans we have here. Hope to see ya on the forums. And if you have any questions, don't be shy to shoot me a private message or just post anywhere.


Thnx for making me feel welcome, I'll be sure to take you up on that offer sometimes :thumbsup:

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I'll be the contrarian on the broadcast team: I like Harry Neale. He misses some things, but so does everyone. I think that coaches generally understand the game better than players, and that Neale does a good job of conveying that knowledge. I also think he has very good chemistry with RJ, who is still great.


As for Razor, he's gotten better but is still nowhere near ready for prime time. He's got a good sense of humor and is pretty likable, but he's just not articulate and I don't think he makes logical, coherent points in a crisp way. If he has 20 seconds to speak, he'll make a point in the first 12 seconds but then spend the last 8 seconds babbling and the net effect is that there are too many useless words and very little value added.

:unsure: You mean there's a diagnosis for my problem ? "Razers syndrome"


I'm not totally against Neale, but I do sometimes feel the need to correct him outloud while watching the games. It gets frustrating sometimes, that's all.


Yeah that and the other things I yell at the TV.


My other family members often think or wonder if I'm talking to them, but I do have to watch what I say in front of the 6yr old, my wife is already mad at me for some things he's picked up... :rolleyes:

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I think it's good that the refs have it in for us, that works best with a team like ours... It creates a positive spite in our team, and as somebody said in the post before, could really spark this team.

It could also be the difference between the playoffs and bust. So I say, keep those calls coming, we can take it, we'll beat you anyway.

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I'm not totally against Neale, but I do sometimes feel the need to correct him outloud while watching the games. It gets frustrating sometimes, that's all.


The thing that makes that duo completely worth it to miss is Rick and Harry's old man jokes that only the two of them and PASabreFan would understand. It feels like Abe Simpson telling one of his stories... then Rob Ray chimes in and picks on them for being old. Hilarious.

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The thing that makes that duo completely worth it to miss is Rick and Harry's old man jokes that only the two of them and PASabreFan would understand. It feels like Abe Simpson telling one of his stories... then Rob Ray chimes in and picks on them for being old. Hilarious.


OK, didn't we establish a good percentage (I think approaching two-thirds) of the board is in its 30s and 40s? How old do you think I am?! Just because dreams of Betty White give me morning wood doesn't make me ancient.

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OK, didn't we establish a good percentage (I think approaching two-thirds) of the board is in its 30s and 40s? How old do you think I am?! Just because dreams of Betty White give me morning wood doesn't make me ancient.

:lol: Wait a minute! What am I laughing at says the guy will be 50 next year. :doh:

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If I'm lucky, I'll be collecting social security in 2025 and my fourth child will be graduating college....Social Security....College Fund....Boy am I in trouble. May have to sell you those seats Carp!

With any luck, it won't be long before I'll be in a position to take them off your hands. :thumbsup:

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