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Anyone see it when they had Rob Ray feature that guy who makes the ice? They made it sound

all high-tech and everything with those three hanging devices that "take care of everything." They said the guy was the Einstein of everything, a one man band, then they showed the guy calibrating something in the basement, it looked like the engine room of the Titanic, pretty impressive. Then in the third period, Ray says there's too much snow on the ice and it's helped with the horrible pace.


There's too many "geniuses" in this organization who put on a splendid dog and pony show and what we are left with at the end is crap. Unfortunately it starts at the top with Golisano and Quinn.


I would start with the ice guy, then I'd take on the fancy Euros on this team who have slick moves and the big

salaries and no guts. Winning the Cup doesn't matter to them as much as the North American boys.


I want a team of 90-95 percent North Americans. Americans, Canadians and Quebeckers with guts, smarts, speed and skill !


There should be noone who is safe.


BFLO always had crappy ice... Now Chicago always (what I heard) had great ice... Can't they leave the doors open in the winter and turn the place into a meat locker?


Really... I wonder if it is the moisture and BFLO being on the alee side of the lake... It really is colder in Chicago during the winter, just not that much snow.

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its lack of real playmakers, its lack of tough guys who can score (Lucic), and its absence of defensemen who can skate and hit.

Everything you are referencing is the most coveted asstes in the league. Every team would love a Phaneuf, Lucic and a Datsyuk. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of those guys in the league. The Sabres have assets, they just need to allocate them correctly. Here is what I'd do to fix them.


Trade Tallinder and call up Weber.

Trade Max and call up Gerbe.

Use whatever asstes necessary to get a #1/#2 center.

Get Connolly off the roster. I don't know or care how, just get it done.

Move Kotalik. His replacement is already here. His name is Mancari.


Here's what it might look like:










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BFLO always had crappy ice... Now Chicago always (what I heard) had great ice... Can't they leave the doors open in the winter and turn the place into a meat locker?


Really... I wonder if it is the moisture and BFLO being on the alee side of the lake... It really is colder in Chicago during the winter, just not that much snow.


It's probably an arena design thing, and while I know absolutely nothing of construction, I do know that fancy architechture is rarely very practical, and neither are those who approve of it.


So while the HSBC may be a relatively new building, that doesn't necessarily equal decent ice.

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Anyone see it when they had Rob Ray feature that guy who makes the ice? They made it sound

all high-tech and everything with those three hanging devices that "take care of everything." They said the guy was the Einstein of everything, a one man band, then they showed the guy calibrating something in the basement, it looked like the engine room of the Titanic, pretty impressive. Then in the third period, Ray says there's too much snow on the ice and it's helped with the horrible pace.


There's too many "geniuses" in this organization who put on a splendid dog and pony show and what we are left with at the end is crap. Unfortunately it starts at the top with Golisano and Quinn.


I would start with the ice guy, then I'd take on the fancy Euros on this team who have slick moves and the big

salaries and no guts. Winning the Cup doesn't matter to them as much as the North American boys.


I want a team of 90-95 percent North Americans. Americans, Canadians and Quebeckers with guts, smarts, speed and skill !


There should be noone who is safe.


Those North American big boys you speak of are doing a pretty bang-up job of stinking up the place as much as the euro's though.


I wouldn't mind the whole damn team moved, save two or three guys at this point.

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Everything you are referencing is the most coveted asstes in the league. Every team would love a Phaneuf, Lucic and a Datsyuk. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of those guys in the league. The Sabres have assets, they just need to allocate them correctly. Here is what I'd do to fix them.


Trade Tallinder and call up Weber.

Trade Max and call up Gerbe.

Use whatever asstes necessary to get a #1/#2 center.

Get Connolly off the roster. I don't know or care how, just get it done.

Move Kotalik. His replacement is already here. His name is Mancari.


Here's what it might look like:










I agree with just about everything that you said. Did you send MacArthur to Portland? While it may or may not be as good, I could see your lines with MacArthur instead of Gerbe.


That second-line (or first-line, depending on how you look at it) center hole is still one of the biggest problems that we've had for the past two years. Connolly hasn't been in consistently enough to ever get real chemistry in the lines. Without him, Hecht moves off the wing or Gaustad moves up from the third line. Both of these create a less dangerous second line, allowing other teams to focus on shutting down the first. It also means that somebody has to move up to fill Hecht's or Goose's position, making the lower lines weaker. It's a domino effect. Every team has to deal with injuries, but they are starting with what should be the third or fourth option at center. Even if they don't get rid of Connolly, he shouldn't be counted on as the first option. Bring in a second-line center and let Connolly play wing or center the third line when he's healthy.

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Those North American big boys you speak of are doing a pretty bang-up job of stinking up the place as much as the euro's though.


I wouldn't mind the whole damn team moved, save two or three guys at this point.


I agree. This team is really soft, whether euros or North Americans. It was built for the "New NHL." The New NHL is a hoax and

it lasted one year. It's back to goonism. A meek defensive crew is not going to cut it. They keep running our defense and the

offense is just shuffling along like zombies.


Something's got to give!

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Everything you are referencing is the most coveted asstes in the league. Every team would love a Phaneuf, Lucic and a Datsyuk. Unfortunately, there are only a handful of those guys in the league. The Sabres have assets, they just need to allocate them correctly. Here is what I'd do to fix them.


Trade Tallinder and call up Weber.

Trade Max and call up Gerbe.

Use whatever asstes necessary to get a #1/#2 center.

Get Connolly off the roster. I don't know or care how, just get it done.

Move Kotalik. His replacement is already here. His name is Mancari.


Here's what it might look like:












I agree with just about everything that you said. Did you send MacArthur to Portland? While it may or may not be as good, I could see your lines with MacArthur instead of Gerbe.


That second-line (or first-line, depending on how you look at it) center hole is still one of the biggest problems that we've had for the past two years. Connolly hasn't been in consistently enough to ever get real chemistry in the lines. Without him, Hecht moves off the wing or Gaustad moves up from the third line. Both of these create a less dangerous second line, allowing other teams to focus on shutting down the first. It also means that somebody has to move up to fill Hecht's or Goose's position, making the lower lines weaker. It's a domino effect. Every team has to deal with injuries, but they are starting with what should be the third or fourth option at center. Even if they don't get rid of Connolly, he shouldn't be counted on as the first option. Bring in a second-line center and let Connolly play wing or center the third line when he's healthy.


:thumbsup: Yep to what Ink and Carp said besides this team puts me at a loss for words. :sick: ..

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I agree. This team is really soft, whether euros or North Americans. It was built for the "New NHL." The New NHL is a hoax and

it lasted one year. It's back to goonism. A meek defensive crew is not going to cut it. They keep running our defense and the

offense is just shuffling along like zombies.


Something's got to give!


Not in this organisation.


Here, nobody is ever held accountable for anything, seeing as it's all due to the Sabres being "a small market team".


The FO are in love with their team AND their excuses, alike.

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As a top line does this really scare anyone? Just man up Vanek and let everyone else do whatever. Roy doesn't have the strength to out muscle top defensive pairs, and Stafford well...... I like pairing Roy with Vanek cause he creates chances, but they both need someone with a scoring touch that can fight for it in corners.


I really see no progression from Stafford. I though 2 years ago he would be light years from where he is now.

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This is not bad, but I still see a major lack of toughness, which seems to be a major problem with this bunch of skirts. Weber may be the toughest player in that lineup.

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This is not bad, but I still see a major lack of toughness, which seems to be a major problem with this bunch of skirts. Weber may be the toughest player in that lineup.

Am I the only one that still believes that you're not going to win cups without top-end talent. Vanek is the only player on that list that is a class A player. The rest belong on second or lower lines.

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As a top line does this really scare anyone? Just man up Vanek and let everyone else do whatever. Roy doesn't have the strength to out muscle top defensive pairs, and Stafford well...... I like pairing Roy with Vanek cause he creates chances, but they both need someone with a scoring touch that can fight for it in corners.


I really see no progression from Stafford. I though 2 years ago he would be light years from where he is now.


I understand Sabres are struggling, but come on. Does a line that has a 18 goal scorer and 17pt this season and had a 81pt season last year, NOT scare anyone? Please.



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My Xanax running out at a time like this worries me, but this article makes me feel better. Something has to be done and we know it won't come from the FO. The players need to pull out that "will inside them" and play some hockey. You gotta want IT gentlemen.


Now get'rdun. :chris:

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Am I the only one that still believes that you're not going to win cups without top-end talent. Vanek is the only player on that list that is a class A player. The rest belong on second or lower lines.

Who would've thunk, some toughness and some scoring talent might win you a cup. Apparently the Sabres didn't. I'm not so sure anymore that Miller is the goalie for that either.

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