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As always, it seems with the Sabres, whenever they make a defensive mistake it winds up in our net, while if the opponent does the same thing, their goalie seems to make the big save. I'm sure it's just that Buffalo sports pessimism taking over.

Probably, but that's us for ya. Miller didn't give up bad goals, they were just lucky bounces, the first that went over him and barely into the net and the second that hit tallinder and sat right in the crease. On the other side, their goalie did get a bunch of good/lucky saves like roy's wack in the first and then the bouncer near the end of the third which was also bouncing.


Oh well, typical game.

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Another depressing loss where the team played well enough to win, but didn't.


I'll be at the game in Tampa on Saturday and the 'Bolts aren't very good this year. Usually the place is about 1/4 to 1/3 full of Sabres fans, so I'm hoping to see them win. Maybe a road trip will help!

Unfortunately, I don't think they DID play well enough to win. They couldn't catch a pass to save there life. I'm really getting tired of Lindy's line juggling. Noone knows where the others are on the ice cuz they don't play with them.

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The Sabres are not even as good as a .500 team. If Buffalo didn't get off to hot start, their record would have them at the VERY BOTTOM of the NHL. This season doesn't even look like it's going to be a long, nail biting season. If they continue this TERRIBLE play, they'll be out of realistic playoff contention by January.

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Three comments and I'm done for the night:


1) Worst combined game by two teams that I've watched all season, including preseason. Terrible passing, slow skating, ugly shots, ...


2) Knew the game would be won by an ugly goal (or two.)


3) Sabres needed to come out strong to start the third ... or right after Nashville scored ... or after Miller made the big save right after Nashville scored ... or, I guess <_< , after Nashville scored AGAIN. Oh good, that woke them up. Aw, too late.

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Apparently the only key to shutting out the sabres is to start a goalie that nobody has heard of before. Fukka Rinne? Are you kidding me? Someone wake up darcy and tell him to make a trade. Max is worth more as a future 5th round pick than a current healthy scratch. Jesus H. Christ!

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Apparently the only key to shutting out the sabres is to start a goalie that nobody has heard of before. Fukka Rinne? Are you kidding me? Someone wake up darcy and tell him to make a trade. Max is worth more as a future 5th round pick than a current healthy scratch. Jesus H. Christ!

A-freakin-MEN. Unless he moves him then I still effin say bring back the RAV line.

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No matter what they say, there just don't seem to be any true leaders on this club. I don't think there's any friction at all, they seem like they have decent team chemistry, but the lack of a take-charge leader is noticeable. I think the telltale sign was the team electing Rivet as captain. I think he's a great guy and probably a good leader, but for the team to vote the new arrival captain seems to indicate they basically punted the leadership on the team.

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Its now been 106 games of this stuff. Same excuses, same explanations. They are just an average team with a front office unable or incapable to improve them.


Sabres are headed, if not already there, for the dark days before the lockout. Buffalo has a losing record over the last 106 games. What they've gone through in the past 10 games or so is not a slump. It's simply the real Buffalo Sabres. Management needs to grow a pair and do some thing bold to improve and re-energize this team.

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No matter what they say, there just don't seem to be any true leaders on this club. I don't think there's any friction at all, they seem like they have decent team chemistry, but the lack of a take-charge leader is noticeable. I think the telltale sign was the team electing Rivet as captain. I think he's a great guy and probably a good leader, but for the team to vote the new arrival captain seems to indicate they basically punted the leadership on the team.


Do you know who this team needs? A true leader. A real American! Yes!! HULK HOGAN!!!!


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Sabres are headed, if not already there, for the dark days before the lockout. Buffalo has a losing record over the last 106 games. What they've gone through in the past 10 games or so is not a slump. It's simply the real Buffalo Sabres. Management needs to grow a pair and do some thing bold to improve and re-energize this team.



hear, hear well said. :thumbsup:

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Apparently the only key to shutting out the sabres is to start a goalie that nobody has heard of before. Fukka Rinne? Are you kidding me? Someone wake up darcy and tell him to make a trade. Max is worth more as a future 5th round pick than a current healthy scratch. Jesus H. Christ!

The Max bashing is never ending - the dude didn't even play and he is still gets blamed for the team's poor play. The reality is that Max is a boom or bust player (usually bust), but at least he's a threat and the opposing team must respect his speed. The team scored 0 goals with him out of the lineup, so how could his absence be an improvement over what was out there tonight? Without him, the lineup is loaded with muckers and grinders such as Gaustad (a 4th liner on any other team), Kotalik (useless unless in a shootout - the guy does nothing down low except feed it to the point), Hecht (one goal so far), MacArthur (hasn't scored since the first 2 weeks of the season) and Mair (another 4th line guy who won't get more than 5 to 10 goals in a season - hopefully). I don't care if Max turns the puck over with alarming consistency - at least he's someone the opposing team must account for because of his speed. He should be playing. Vladimir Afinogenov

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The Max bashing is never ending - the dude didn't even play and he is still gets blamed for the team's poor play. The reality is that Max is a boom or bust player (usually bust), but at least he's a threat and the opposing team must respect his speed. The team scored 0 goals with him out of the lineup, so how could his absence be an improvement over what was out there tonight? Without him, the lineup is loaded with muckers and grinders such as Gaustad (a 4th liner on any other team), Kotalik (useless unless in a shootout - the guy does nothing down low except feed it to the point), Hecht (one goal so far), MacArthur (hasn't scored since the first 2 weeks of the season) and Mair (another 4th line guy who won't get more than 5 to 10 goals in a season - hopefully). I don't care if Max turns the puck over with alarming consistency - at least he's someone the opposing team must account for because of his speed. He should be playing. Vladimir Afinogenov

Do they? It seems that most defensemen just wait for him to spin out and turn over the puck.

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The best thing about tonight's game was that my DirecTV was out do to cloud cover. Good thing, I couldn't take another crap sporting event this week.

Similar story here. Comcast listed the game on one channel, which I recorded. Attempting to watch the game this evening I was treated to three hours of todays game schedule and that crappy music they play. I was pissed, but after reading the GDT I'm glad I didn't sit thru it.

At least I got to go to the Pens game last Friday!

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This team lacks speed. When Max was playing well years ago, he did keep defenses on their toes each time he was on the time. When Vanek/Roy were not on the ice, Nashville has no worries. Seems to be the problem each time. It goes with the thread of no balance on offense. Besides Vanek, Pommer or Roy, when anyone else has the puck, does anyone feel a rush that something might happen? I don't. This team needs speed. And no, it's not Max, that game is long gone. They must make a deal and send Stafford or Kotalik out and bring in speed, or call up Nathan Gerbe.


Until this team regains some speed, we'll be seeing many of games like tonight. Slow paced, little hope on the offense, attackers seem dead.... same old story....

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Game thoughts(I'll keep it brief)


-On top of one of the most boring games I've EVER seen in person with little hitting on the Sabres part and no ability to complete the shortest of passes, I had to drive home in white-out conditions on Rte. 400.


Last 4 homes games I've been to...


Atlanta 5 Buffalo 2

Columbus 6 Buffalo 1

Philly 3 Buffalo 0

Nashville 2 Buffalo 0



The time for a major shakeup is NOW! I've got nothing else to say. :sick:

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Do they? It seems that most defensemen just wait for him to spin out and turn over the puck.

He does turn the puck over, he loses the puck, and he doesn't even have a good shot. But he's better than the muckers and grinders that were out there tonight. At least he tries to make plays, which most players don't even do (other than Roy, Vanek, Connolly - if ever healthy, and Pominville.) The rest of the team is just dump and chase, cycle the puck, and hope that some hapless defenseman will leave someone open in the slot. Not a good strategy.

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I still say bring back the RAV line.



A-freakin-MEN. Unless he moves him then I still effin say bring back the RAV line.

Not singling you out, Swamp, but I cannot wait until the Sabres deal Max or he walks as a UFA, if for no other reason than to finally bury the most overrated line in Sabres history.


Do they? It seems that most defensemen just wait for him to spin out and turn over the puck.

Max is a threat, all right - a threat to his own team's defense. Other teams sit back and wait for the turnover while their forwards start churning up ice, waiting for the breakout pass.

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