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these are two thoroughly mediocre teams. I'd be suprised if anybody scores in this game.

someone has to. Unless they go all the way through every player in the shoot out and no one scores but come on, we know miller is good for that 5 hole wrister. Ask crosby. :P

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As always, it seems with the Sabres, whenever they make a defensive mistake it winds up in our net, while if the opponent does the same thing, their goalie seems to make the big save. I'm sure it's just that Buffalo sports pessimism taking over.

nope. it's real.

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Another depressing loss where the team played well enough to win, but didn't.


I'll be at the game in Tampa on Saturday and the 'Bolts aren't very good this year. Usually the place is about 1/4 to 1/3 full of Sabres fans, so I'm hoping to see them win. Maybe a road trip will help!

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