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"And the Buffalo Sabres have won two in a row!"


Wow. That's where we are now? (Sigh)

No sigh needed. What you meant to say was,"two in a row against Eastern Conference leading teams." Don't forget, they are 4 point games in November as well as March.

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It's been a while since I've been able to say this, but I have zero complaints tonight. I thought they played very well and made VERY few mistakes... maybe Tallinder's pinch that led to a goal, but imo Vanek should have covered for him but was slow getting back.


I was more angry at the refs than any Sabre tonight. Good news! :worthy:

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if anyone recorded the game on their PC, you've GOT to send me the clip of Crosby swinging his stick like a mad man at the goal post. Soooooo funny


He was lucky he did that when he did, and I guess against who he did. If the situation were ANY different, he'd have been dealt with. Miller and Rivet looked pissed. Good idea not to take a stupid penalty there, but I don't care if you're playing a pick up game at Ives Pond, that's a BIG no no......


Overall great effort by everyone tonight. Good to see Stafford bang a couple home. God knows he's had his chances thus far. Great job by Goose getting to the net all night. Looks like they were listening during the morning skate when Lindy reminded them of their game plan. We crashed pretty hard the whole game. Worst officiated game I've ever taken the pleasure of watching. You never like to blame the refs for a lost game, but this could have ended that way. I still say the goal that was reviewed went in. Looked like it crossed the line under his pad, then he brought it back out under said pad. Whatever, good win and great effort. Let's hope it carries over to the Montreal game......

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I still say the goal that was reviewed went in. Looked like it crossed the line under his pad, then he brought it back out under said pad.

Actually, the ice-level (high zoom from far end) view showed that it was sitting on the line and that Vanek's blade went over the top of it, pushing the pad up and back, but the puck never crossed.

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Actually, the ice-level (high zoom from far end) view showed that it was sitting on the line and that Vanek's blade went over the top of it, pushing the pad up and back, but the puck never crossed.


Yeah, where's that damn camera when you need it? (*cough series vs NYI/R that year we made playoffs)

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Actually, the ice-level (high zoom from far end) view showed that it was sitting on the line and that Vanek's blade went over the top of it, pushing the pad up and back, but the puck never crossed.


Actually, now that I think of it, I may have missed a couple of the replays. My youngest daughter thought it would be a good idea to take a full tube of chapstick and make a body cast out of it, so I was dealing with that while watching the game. Ask my wife how she got it. Apparantly, I'm not much help when the games are on, and she was trying to do laundry, so she thought the chapstick would keep her attention. It certainly did <_< . Try giving a 3 year old a bath when they're covered from head to toe in Strawberry Chapstick. Water just beads up and runs off. The bath water smelled good, though :wallbash:


I'll take your word for it on the replay :thumbsup:

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I like THIS Sabres team.


This is the first time in a very long time that I was actually excited to see Max on the ice. He looks like he is much more focused on his crazy moves than he has been, and it's paying off. If Lindy can find a way to keep him playing like that, I can live with him sticking around till season end.


The problem is keeping max and the rest of the team playing with this intensity. They look like cup contenders compared to the trash of the last few weeks. This team needs to stick around and keep fighting hard.


Onward to the next game!

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Actually, now that I think of it, I may have missed a couple of the replays. My youngest daughter thought it would be a good idea to take a full tube of chapstick and make a body cast out of it, so I was dealing with that while watching the game. Ask my wife how she got it. Apparantly, I'm not much help when the games are on, and she was trying to do laundry, so she thought the chapstick would keep her attention. It certainly did <_< . Try giving a 3 year old a bath when they're covered from head to toe in Strawberry Chapstick. Water just beads up and runs off. The bath water smelled good, though :wallbash:


I'll take your word for it on the replay :thumbsup:

That's pretty funny...

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Game thoughts...


-Expect the unexpected. Gaustad and Stafford score two goals each.


-Very nice 3rd period comeback.


-The officiating has become wildly inconsistent since the "call everything" post lockout days.


-I don't know what to read into it, but I noticed the a lot more enthusiasm around Miller after the final buzzer of the last couple of wins.


-Someone tell Darcy that it is okay to cut Teppo loose. He was never physical, but he now appears to be a step slow to the play. Dump him and play Paetsch or find another dman.


-The Sabres are still watching the puck(Rivet and Hecht on the first goal :sick: ) instead of looking to cover the players on the ice especially close to their net.


-Kaleta was a machine last night.


-How can the Penguins PP be so bad on the road?


-I didn't see too many passengers last night.


-Roy seems to be coming around!

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Like I said, forgive me for trying to let you in on what kind of goalie he is. I know that kind of thing isn't allowed around here.

I have no problem with your information on him. It was the "I can't resist commenting.." reply to my "he is a no name goalie" that made it seem like I should know something about him. :rolleyes:

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What a great win. That was up there with beating the rangers in MSG when they were 5 and 0.


A few observations:


1. Labatt is absolutely right about no passengers.


2. Particularly good performances from Rivet, Lydman, Sekera, Kaleta, Mancari, Hecht, Max (although he got a bit sloppy later in the game) and MacArthur.


3. Very good game from Miller.


4. It would be great if Gaustad and Stafford could play like that more often.


5. Vanek is not 100% -- neither physically nor mentally. He has failed to convert on a lot of chances in the last 4-5 games. Still, that was a very sweet pass he made to Stafford.


6. I want to see Lalime vs the Habs. (BTW the Habs lost 3-0 last night to the Capitals).


7. No excuses tonight vs the Habs. They played last night and had to travel too.


8. I think Mair might be next on the healthy scratch list. He was down to 3 minutes of ice time last night.


Go Sabres.

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