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I wonder what all the boos were for. Seems like the Sabres are pushing hard all game...maybe the refereeing.


definitely the referees... seriously, I know not everybody is out to get us but what the hell is going on here? Two nights ago Roy gets tripped up on a breakaway and doesn't even get a powerplay, then Dupuis gets a love tap from Numminen (STILL gets a shot away... i know that has no bearing on the penalty, but its more than can be said for Roy's) and Buffalo gets a penalty.


Kaleta laid a finger on somebody! Penalty.


Rivet gets tripped... Roy gets tripped... no calls all around.


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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definitely the referees... seriously, I know not everybody is out to get us but what the hell is going on here? Two nights ago Roy gets tripped up on a breakaway and doesn't even get a powerplay, then Dupuis gets a love tap from Numminen (STILL gets a shot away... i know that has no bearing on the penalty, but its more than can be said for Roy's) and Buffalo gets a penalty.


Kaleta laid a finger on somebody! Penalty.


Rivet gets tripped... Roy gets tripped... no calls all around.


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

Wow...the Penguins and the NHL assboy, Sidney Crosby are getting the benefit of the calls...what a shocker.


How about we stop taking stupid penalties and giving the refs an excuse to call them on us. Vanek's penalty was just dumb.

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That was great defenisve coverage by Sekera on Crosbys second goal. :wallbash:


These refs are #%^$#!ing blind.

Well if Spacek hadn't served it up to Crosby, Sekera might have had a chance....


This game started to change when Malkin and Crosby started playing on the same line tonight...

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Wow...the Penguins and the NHL assboy, Sidney Crosby are getting the benefit of the calls...what a shocker.


How about we stop taking stupid penalties and giving the refs an excuse to call them on us. Vanek's penalty was just dumb.


Vanek's was, yes. Was Kaleta's (x2)? Not in my book. Youre taught your whole life to play physical and hit people, only to get called everytime you breath on somebody. Not cool, stripes.

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No call after puckin' no call for the Penguins. How did they not get called for too many men on ice w/ 5 minutes plus to go?

Not to mention two or three of hooks and trippings through out the game...

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Gaustad gets his second.. his SECOND!!!!


3:24 left.. no excuses!!!!


Buffalo: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: Pittsburgh: :censored: :censored: :censored:

Gotta love Yahoo Sports...currently shows the game as 4-4 not 4-3. :wallbash:

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LOL Big Boy Crosby starts banging his stick around hahahaha what a GIANT #%^$#!ing

I already know the answer to this, but why the heck is that not an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty? I'd love to hear the refs explain that.

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